Chapter 287 Second Night (Eleventh)

"Rider is dead." Aoko Aozaki curled her lips in dissatisfaction. She hasn't hugged her enough, so it's too wasteful for such a lovely Masahiro to die.

It's a pity that Aozaki Aoko has never seen the manly side of Iskandar after all. If she saw Iskandar with a bearded face and muscles all over, holding a machete and shouting alalala and rushing towards the enemy, maybe she would directly Use the command spell to order the rider to commit suicide.

But now is not the time to be entangled. Compared with Iskandar who died, Tohsaka Rin, who was crazily absorbed by Gilgamesh's magic power, is the one who needs to be taken care of.

To be honest, there is no other servant like Gilgamesh, who is obviously not a berserker, but crazier than a berserker.Tohsaka Rin is indeed an excellent master, perhaps not as good as Tohsaka Tokiomi, who was in his prime of life in the fourth Holy Grail War, and his magic power and physical strength were at his peak, but it is necessary to support a heroic spirit. It is barely enough to release the treasure five or six times.

But I never thought that there are almost astronomical numbers of Gilgamesh's Noble Phantasms, and there are hundreds of them who can be liberated with their real names.In addition, when they met Qin Shihuang, the two met their opponents, compared each other and threw money, and squandered their magic power unrestrainedly, which made Rin Tohsaka urgently need to be replenished.

Looking at Rin Tohsaka who was feeling extremely uncomfortable, Aoko Aozaki scratched her scalp in distress. She is just a magician with poor magic skills, and she is very good at destroying her, but saving people is...

"Well, use time magic to restore the magic power in her body, or find someone to replenish her magic power?"

But now who is free to repair Rin Tohsaka's magic, the masters present are all bringing their followers to fight, and the only one who is free is herself.

Although replenishing the magic can be done only by exchanging bodily fluids, she never thought about kissing each other and exchanging saliva between girls!
Using time magic to restore Tohsaka Rin's magic power is also a way, but it is the most stupid way. If it is said that two units of magic power are needed to exchange for one unit of magic power to replenish the magic power, then using time magic is tantamount to using one unit of magic power. Ten thousand units of mana to replenish one unit of mana.

"You are so sick! You can't feed her some of your blood." At some point, Lin Xiu came to them, and the servants of Wei Gong's family on the opposite side had disappeared.

It wasn't that Lin Xiu killed the servants on the opposite side, but he let Long Niang and Attila hold each other back, and then opened the black cavity, one by one into the mirror world.

"Huh? Oh, I forgot the option of blood in body fluids, it's really..." Qingzi Cangzaki said annoyedly, but was interrupted by Lin Xiu: "It's really nasty, except for saliva and beep, you magicians Don’t envoys and magicians have any other bodily fluids in their minds that can replenish demons? They are obviously Japanese magic envoys, who are just a strip away from China, but they don’t even know the magical effect of boy’s urine.”

"Hey! The boy's urine you mentioned is much heavier than saliva and beep, okay?"

"That's why it's terrible to be uneducated. Don't tell me that you, the student council president of a private high school, don't know that the composition of sweat and urine is almost the same."

After listening to Lin Xiu's words, Tohsaka Rin, who was a little drowsy, couldn't help breaking out in a cold sweat. Is this guy a demon?To actually want to feed her a... boy... no, I can't go on, it's too shameful!

"I said, Miss Tohsaka's family, you should be more or less interested. You still have a command spell. You can ask your archer not to forcibly squeeze your magic power, or you can just let him He committed suicide. The Holy Grail War ended at the third time."

"What? How is this possible!" Tohsaka Rin resisted the pain in his body, and insisted: "Then how do you explain this Holy Grail War, and the last one!"

Aoko Aozaki scratched her hair in distress, and she also told Rin Tosaka about it, but she, who was used to using violence but not using her brain, couldn't persuade Rin Tosaka to understand this matter.

It's not that Aozaki Aoko is stupid, but she is admired by her peers, an excellent student council president, and a genius magician.There are two reasons for her inability to convince Tohsaka Rin. One is that she has little knowledge of the history of the Holy Grail War, and the other is that she has no good impression of Tohsaka Rin, who is very similar to herself in all aspects, and is unwilling to communicate in depth.

So when Lin Xiu mentioned this matter again, she really had a headache.

"Angola Newman, one of the servants of the third Holy Grail War, the first heroic spirit to be illegally summoned, although he is a scum with only five combat powers, he is a collection of evils in this world. Although this world evil, but it is a bit exaggerated to destroy the whole world, but now he has 130 years of magic power storage in Fuyuki City, which is more than enough to destroy 100 cities by then. In other words, there are [-] Fuyuki cities in Japan with magic power of this specification Is it a city? If not, then wait for the country to be destroyed.”

This is almost saying that Japan must die.A city that can attract humans to live in is naturally impossible to be some kind of ghost place, and it is certain that there is sufficient spiritual power.But Japan is only an island country after all, and places like Fuyuki City that can be selected by the third method as the battlefield of the Holy Grail War can be counted with one hand.

You must know that among the so-called three royal families, only the Tohsaka family is native to Japan, while the Einzbern family and the Matou family are both from Europe.There are so many cities in the world, but they ran all the way from Europe and came to Japan, which is called the Far East by Europe, to place the third law, the cup of heaven.

Obviously there are countless magicians rushing for magic, but in the end they only chose a small town in the far east. A registered disciple, but comparatively speaking, it is too easy to bully. It can be regarded as an enhanced version of the combination of Weber and the mayor of Fuyuki City.

Such a bully guy provides suitable land for free, don’t want it for nothing. Although it is said to be the Yusan family, the situation at the time was: the Matou family was close to the Einzbern family, and the fighting power of the Tohsaka family was in the Einzbern family. The combination of the Lun family and the Matou family can be ignored. The other magicians are not yet familiar with the rules of the Holy Grail War. At the beginning of the war, it was completely three-on-four-one.

(It is worth mentioning here that there is a loophole. Lord Chong became one of the three imperial families for the Holy Maiden of Winter. Among the three royal families, the Zhongtong family is responsible for the command spell system, but the command spell system failed in the first Holy Grail War In other words, before that, the Matou family was dispensable, and the name of the Yusan family was precisely proposed after the end of the first Holy Grail War. And from a certain point of view, the insects Lord shouldn’t know the Holy Maiden of Winter, after all, he chose to prolong his life for the Holy Maiden of Winter. Except for the fifth Holy Grail War, each time it takes 60 years to absorb the magic power in the leylines. If Lord Chong is 20 years old Knowing the Holy Maiden of Winter and falling in love with her before she was made into the Great Holy Grail, then Lord Zong must be at least 80 years old when he participated in the first Holy Grail War, and then he can research the command spell system and life extension technology... ...It's a pity that this talent is wasted on the third method. It is entirely possible to work together with Kiritsugu and his father to develop the sixth method. The Emiya family has everything they need, except the technology that can live for hundreds of years)
Due to the combination of various reasons, Fuyuki City became the venue for the Holy Grail War, but the fact is that Fuyuki City is not the best place to host it. There are many better places than it, but in the end due to various reasons (such as dense population, terrain, etc.) Bad, the landlord is unwilling, etc.) was rejected.

Fuyuki City is undoubtedly excellent as the venue for the Holy Grail War. Even if it doesn't rank in the top ten in Japan, the top fifty is definitely not a problem.This also created that after the Holy Grail was polluted, the evil in this world that absorbed a lot of magic power could easily destroy a city.

"Evidence, how do you prove that the Holy Grail is contaminated! If not..."

"Evidence? Of course there is!" Lin Xiu opened the black cavity again, and then pulled Tohsaka Rin, who had no strength, into it.

"Is it the caster here? The vixen with five tails, she killed Baget and Cu Chulainn?"

"Cu Chulainn? Cu Chulainn's words were knocked down by us. This time the berserker is him." Tohsaka Rin retorted: "What a tricky guy."

"Berserker? That's impossible, right? Cu Chulainn is a lancer servant, and Hercules from the Einzbern family is the berserker. If you really meet the berserk Ku Chulainn Qiu Lin's words, then, should be the best evidence."

Speaking of this, Lin Xiu paused: "Wait, if Cu Chulainn was killed by you, it means that they killed the servants inside in the mirror world, and then they didn't have time to come out and be blackened by the Holy Grail. But why? , there is also the Mirror Realm here!"

"Because there is a pervert who is so powerful that he has no friends!" Saver gasped heavily. He had consumed a lot of magic power when fighting Lin Xiu before, and now the master's magic power supply has been somewhat unable to keep up.

"This guy only had three tails when we met, but in just a few minutes, she gained two more tails. At the same time, with each additional tail, her strength will skyrocket, which is about nine times. If the magic power If it is enough, it will not be a problem to abuse her 100 times..."

"Ah, caster Tamamomae, if a follower with an average attribute value of A does not count the Noble Phantasm, and the ability value is counted as 100, then the power of Tamamomae in the state of one tail can be regarded as 9. If there are five tails, It can be regarded as the fifth power of nine, which is about 60! The fox in front of us, in this situation, even an ordinary claw attack can be regarded as the liberation bombing of an EX-rank treasure! "

Lin Xiu gritted his teeth and told the information about the pink fox in front of him: "The sun treasure, the dragon treasure, the god treasure, the archer class, etc. all have damage bonuses to this follower! I didn't expect it, you guys There are actually two class cards in this crappy school!"

"Class card, what is that?" Emiya Kiritsugu asked curiously, while the others also looked at Lin Xiu, hoping that he could answer their doubts.

"The class cards corresponding to the seven regular job agencies are made by the Eindsworth family. They can be called the new third method or simply the sixth method. You have also seen its usefulness. Among them One is to summon servants to fight for themselves, provided they provide enough magic power. The other is... Isha!"

"Good master, use the archer rank card, possess the body of Yi, acquire the archer rank, complete the equipment of the sun-shooting bow, acquire the attribute of the sun, look at me: the idol that makes the sun fall!"

Long Niang happily took out Dayi's class card, and then read out the name of the move that made people feel ashamed.

At the same time, on the other side, Zhao Zheng, who was fighting Gilgamesh whose mana was exhausted, felt a sense of emptiness in his body. For a while, he couldn't even maintain the mana supply of the inherent barrier, and the whole world began to collapse.

"What's going on? Why is the magic power reserve in the Holy Grail completely consumed! Moreover, even the rank card of the assassin rank has been absorbed! That caster...what the hell is it, how can it hold such a huge Magic power, obviously just a follower!"

He is obviously just a follower, and there is no way to accommodate a city's hundreds of years of magic power storage. Zhao Zheng is very aware of this, and it is for this reason that he squanders magic power.But even so, in the face of the cooperation of two powerful kings, he activated several inherent barriers and liberated the real names of dozens of treasures, but it only consumed about half a year's magic power storage.

You must know that one day's magic power storage in Fuyuki City is enough for Gilgamesh to use two EA shots, which shows how unscrupulous Zhao Zheng is when using magic power.

However, such a large storage of magic power has been completely consumed now!This simply made him unbelievable!
"It seems that I have played too much. It seems that something terrible has happened in this Holy Grail War. It is going to be a tragedy."

"Ah, that's right, you have successfully aroused the anger of this king! Qin Shihuang! Although I don't know what happened, but this king's EA can be used! The world is deviated, the star of pioneering!"

"Heh, swiping the sword to break the floating clouds, all the princes come to the west, and set Qin's sword: Afang, Guantai!"

The three EX-rank Noble Phantasms collided with each other, and the moment before the inherent barrier disappeared, the two kings had a tragic collision, and both were injured.

When the two of them came out of the inherent barrier, their faces were ashen-green—they were obviously using EX-rank treasures, but due to insufficient magic power, they only displayed the power of D-rank, no, E++-rank treasure , It's too embarrassing!
The two looked at each other, Qiqi snorted coldly, and left the scene without looking back.

 In the past few days, the update has been resumed, probably starting from New Year's Day, and it can be officially resumed. The reason for the interruption will not be explained. When I was in junior high school, the Chinese teacher told me: There is no reason, don't explain, I don't listen, I don't listen, fairy tales and novels it's all a lie
(End of this chapter)

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