Chapter 40
Viking City, a town with the strongest Pokémon Gym in Kanto, the famous Silver Mountain to the west, the equally famous Viking Forest to the north, and direct access to the sea to the south.

This is a town extending in all directions. Lin Xiu even guessed that there are tunnels specially opened by the Rockets at the bottom, and there are a lot of hot air balloons at the top.

"Grandma, please ask me, how can I get to the Taoist Hall in Changpan City?" On the street, Lin Xiu, who came to Changpan City for the first time, caught an old lady and asked for directions. Although the old lady looked familiar, Lin Xiu I'm sure I've never seen this one before.

The reason why I asked her was because I thought she looked familiar. She seemed to have seen it on some posters or TV programs. There was no way, the TV signal of Baiyin Mountain was not good, and I could only receive certain programs for the elderly.

"Maybe I've seen it in some old-age programs. She should be warm-hearted." Lin Xiu thought, but what he didn't expect was that when Lin Xiu thought so, suddenly there was a wet feeling on the left side of his face. It's a cool feeling, and it's just a little bit.

At the same time, there was also a slight sense of numbness in his body. Looking to the left, an exaggerated smiling face greeted him with a black ghostly aura.

Subconsciously, Lin Xiu raised his right hand, and unceremoniously threw a shadow ball at this face, making zero-distance contact, and instantly KO'd this ghost.

The old lady on the side was stunned. What's going on?Although my own ghost likes to play pranks, but this time it hasn't been counterattacked like today.

Also, what did the little boy in front of her do just now?The one just now was a shadow ball, right?Why can humans use ghost skills?
As the king of ghosts, sister Juping, no, Granny Juzi felt that she really saw a ghost today.

As a master who competed with Dr. Oki when she was young and set the record for the oldest four heavenly kings, Granny Juzi said that she has never been so surprised as she is today.

Now she really wants to call Dr. Oki, an old opponent, and ask him if fallen humans can use Pokémon, especially ghost skills.

If it's fighting and super power skills, she just pretends she didn't see them, but for ghost skills, it seems that there is a big stone stuck in the mouth of the well, and she doesn't know when it will fall, and she is The frog at the bottom of the well is worried about being crushed to death, but also hopes that the splash of water will wash her out of this narrow world.

"For the Viridian Gym, turn right at the intersection on the left, the building in front of a small park is there, but the park is being rebuilt, you have to pay attention to safety. Well, my ghost is a little used to mischief, sorry, boy. "Grandma Juzi forced a smile and said with some embarrassment.

"Oh, it's okay, I'm just a little surprised, my Geng Gui is not very obedient, and I don't know where to go to play now. It's your ghost, it doesn't matter, I seem to be a bit heavy just now." Speaking of this, On the contrary, Lin Xiu felt embarrassed. His pet was just playing a prank, and he seemed to have overreacted.

After hearing Lin Xiu's words, Grandma Juzi's smile became even more embarrassing. She silently took out the Pokémon ball and took Gui Si back, and said, "It's okay, but, that, it's just that I lost my fighting ability."

The Pokémon ranked third among the four heavenly kings of Kanto, although not the main force, was instantly killed by a human with a shadow ball. It was too embarrassing to say it, and she had to feel embarrassed.

"Well, young man, did you use a shadow ball just now?" Immediately afterwards, Granny Juzi asked this question. After all, it is not her style to get entangled.

When Lin Xiu heard Granny Juzi's question, he also realized what he had done just now, but what else could he say? He lied and covered it up: "Well, I was blessed by Dreams when I was young, and I was able to learn the skills of using Pokémon .”


"Is that so? You are really lucky. My name is Juzi. You can call me Grandma Juzi. Young man, what's your name? Can you tell the old woman?"

"Grandma Chrysanthemum? The Four Heavenly Kings of the Kanto Region? No wonder you look so familiar. It turns out to be you. I have known you for a long time."

"Oh, old lady, I'm still quite famous among the young people. I thought it was Du, Kona and these young people's world now." Although I was surprised by Lin Xiu's dreamy blessing, but compared to Lin Xiu Xiu can use ghost-type skills for no reason, which is somewhat of an excuse, no, at least it's not that damned.

"Where is it, you, Grandma Juye, and Mr. Adek are the three evergreen trees in the Pokémon world."

"That scumbag of Juye... Cough, young man, you are going to challenge the Viking Gym, dare to challenge this Gym, your strength is better than yours, are you interested in a match with the old woman and me? "

"It's not suitable here, why don't you find an open place, such as the public square in Tokiwa City, where there are public battle facilities, and I have never played Pokmon battles with people, usually I always Fight them yourself."

Lin Xiu thought about it, and felt that it would not be a bad idea to fight Granny Juzi. After all, Granny Juzi is good at ghost and poison. It's different, it's okay to fight in this case.

After listening to Lin Xiu's words, Grandma Juzi's face twitched suddenly. Now the child is too scary, and she can fight with Pokémon with bare hands. Challenge, probably not too weak.

"There may be a queue for the public battle facilities. If you don't mind, young man, come and sit with the old lady at my house. I have a private battle facility at home. It's good to use. My housekeeper can also be used as a referee."

"Is it possible? Then I won't refuse. I am really honored to be invited by the Four Heavenly Kings."

"Haha, young man, if you really feel honored, tell the old woman your name. You haven't answered me what your name is. Let's go while talking. I just plan to go home."

"Uh, I'm really sorry. I was a little excited just now. My name is Lin Xiu. I'm Chinese. I'm traveling all over the world with the goal of mastering Pokémon."

After returning to Juzi's mother-in-law's house, under the arrangement of the housekeeper, the two started a six-on-six battle almost non-stop.

"My first Pokémon is this." Grandma Juzi, as the powerful Four Heavenly Kings, unceremoniously sent out her first Pokémon. It was a ghost, but it wasn't the one that was knocked out by Lin Xiu before. that.

"Ghost? Then, let's go to 3D Dragon Z." Because it is a normal-type Pokémon, it has a certain advantage in dealing with ghost-type Pokémon. Although the skills of this attribute will also be invalid because of this, 3D Dragon Z also has its own. It has the advantages of evil and super power skills, and even ghost skills will have a shadow ball.

"3D Dragon Z?" Even the Four Heavenly Kings may not know the man-made Pokémon 3D Dragon Z, not only because it is rare, but also because the data is unknown.

"Ah, the only man-made Pokémon so far, and the only man-made Pokémon that can evolve, can be said to be the ultimate form now. If you don't mind, leave it to us first."

"Artificial Pokémon? Then come over and have a look." Because of the term "artificial Pokémon", Grandma Juzi suddenly became suspicious of Lin Xiu's previous words. Is it really just a dreamy blessing?

(End of this chapter)

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