Chapter 53

"High-speed rotation!" The power of high-speed rotation is not great, but it is a very good defensive skill for a Pokémon with a thick turtle shell like Blastoise.

Because of the high-speed rotation, the dragon's claws hit the tortoise's shell without the expected power, but Lin Xiu and the fire-breathing dragon didn't care.

"Purgatory!" The increase in the power of melee combat does not mean that he is only proficient in melee combat. The strength of the fire-breathing dragon is quite powerful.

Except for Mewtwo and Geng Ghost, compared to Lin Xiu’s Pokémon, Charizard, Fast-Swimming Frog, and Boss Cordora have always occupied the top three positions. It was not until Super Evolution that Fast-Swimming Frog was replaced by Bangira, Xanadu was even compared to Diao.

The fire-breathing dragon firmly occupies Lin Xiu's position as the trump card in the current Pokémon because of its attribute advantages. Except for Xanadu, it has nothing to fear.

The power of purgatory is not weak, and more importantly, it can burn the opponent!The water arrow turtle turned into a roasted tortoise immediately, and because of the high-speed rotation, it was necessary to retract into the turtle shell. Under the high temperature, the skin and flesh of the water arrow tortoise were glued together due to shrinkage.

The injury was far worse than ordinary burns!

Seeing the painful expression of the water arrow turtle, Xiaomao also felt distressed, forced himself to calm down, and gave instructions to the water arrow turtle: "Water wave!"

When this skill was cast, it wasn't the jet wave that Lin Xiu thought, but a circular wave. The water wave also hit the water arrow turtle, cooling down the burn on the water arrow turtle.

This made Lin Xiu look at Xiaomao even more, but he didn't stop his instructions. At this time, the distance between the two Pokmon is very close, which is a rare opportunity for the fire-breathing dragon: "Explosive lightning strike!"

Although this skill will make the fire-breathing dragon suffer damage, he is confident that he can use this move to deal with the Blastoise!

However, the plan always fails to keep up with the changes and accidents always come so suddenly!
"Xiaomao is in danger! Pikachu uses lightning flash!" The familiar voice came to the ears of the three people present, and Lin Xiu was stunned. The next moment, a yellow figure hit the fire-breathing dragon face to face, and was killed The fire-breathing dragon flew out and hit the video recorder that Dr. Oki used to collect data.

The fighting stopped immediately, Dr. Oki's eyes widened, and a look of astonishment on his face told everyone that his video recorder should have been smashed.

"Crack!" The yellow-skinned mouse shook its dizzy head, then kicked forward with one foot, um, it seemed to crush something.

"Pika?" Pikachu looked down, it seemed to be a cracked video recorder, and then looked back, why is Dr. Oki so angry?

"Not enough successes, more than failures, it really is a fool!" Lin Xiu sighed, and released the lucky egg. Today's game may not be able to continue, so let's treat the water arrow turtle first.

Xiaozhi, who came in a hurry, ran up to Dr. Damu, and asked with concern: "Doctor, are you all right? This guy is the dangerous monster I mentioned! Unexpectedly, the new town of Rundaozhen is here!"

Xiaomao on the side looked at Xiaozhi with some headaches, said "Thanks for your hard work" to Water Arrow Turtle, and thankfully said "I'm sorry for you" to Lucky Egg, then walked to Xiaozhi with some headaches around.

For the first time, he felt that the competitor he recognized was so stupid!Is it interesting that he has been competing with an idiot all these years?

Although he has only known Lin Xiu for less than a day, Xiaomao feels that someone as strong as Lin Xiu is a real opponent worthy of his pursuit. Xiaozhi has nothing to say.

Look at this idiot and his idiot mouse, continuously stepping on the video recorder where grandpa stored precious data. The video recorder that was originally hopeful should be hopeless now.

If it weren't for the fact that Dr. Oki backed up the data in the video recorder after recording the video of the evolution of fairies and elves today, he probably has the heart to kill Xiaozhi now.

This video recorder is much more valuable than Xiaoxia's broken bicycle. A pseudo-poor ghost like Xiaozhi who has been ordered to die of pocket money and can't make money himself has no way to compensate this video recorder.

"Doctor, this incident is caused by me, so I will be responsible for the compensation." Lin Xiu said this on purpose, he just wanted to kill the stupid thing, look behind him, Xiaogang and Xiaoxia are all there, There is an extra Xiaojian, a typical gang of four with three men and one woman.

Although Xiaozhi is a fool, the three he brought are obviously not fools. Although Xiaogang's eyes are narrow, his vision is quite broad, especially when he sees girls, it's a pity that all the people present are men.

After seeing Dr. Oki, Xiaojian almost entered the state of idol worship, and immediately after seeing the sparkling fire-breathing dragon that he had never seen before, he even took out a pen and paper, and kept chanting about observing observe.

Xiaoxia was better, just hugged Pokobi and thought about how to clean up the mess next.

"Predict danger!" This passive skill is one of Lin Xiu's accidental passive skills. It has a very low chance of predicting danger. Because it is a passive skill, it also conflicts with his other skills, so Lin Xiu did not delete it.

Now, this passive skill was activated for the first time after Lin Xiu's arrival.

For a moment, Lin Xiu seemed to see the Rocket trio capture Pikachu and his Charizard.

"Damn, stupid things are really disasters. Absol can only predict geniuses, but stupid things can create disasters!" Lin Xiu muttered angrily, and then ordered to the fire-breathing dragon: "Charizard, be careful! The three idiots from the Rockets are following in the direction that things are coming from, and you can vent your dissatisfaction on them."

The fire-breathing dragon nodded, and gave Xiaozhi and Pikachu a vicious look before leaving.

But Xiaozhi, who didn't know what was good or bad, said unconsciously: "Doctor, don't be afraid, I won't let him hurt you! Ditto, fight with me, this time I must subdue you!"

"Xiaozhi, this is a guest I brought here, and he is also my grandma, cough, Grandma Juzi's disciple, can you respect him? Also, his name is Lin Xiu, he is a friend from abroad, and he is also a scholar with profound knowledge. , can you stop being ashamed.

By the way, what you're stepping on is my grandpa's beloved VCR. "

Immediately, the scene froze, Xiaozhi and Pikachu looked unbelievable, this embarrassment was only broken when a "very annoying feeling" came from the sky.

"Hey, Xiaomao, let's continue our game tomorrow, doctor, what do you think?"

"Oh, let's leave it at that, Axiu, I'm sorry to make you laugh. Xiaozhi, come with me!"

Dr. Oki adjusted his emotions, showed a reluctant smile and said to Lin Xiu, and then called Xiaozhi away with a cold face, which was probably a profound education.

Lin Xiu and Xiao Mao looked at each other, and Qi Qi showed a helpless smile. Xiao Zhi, an idiot, caused trouble, but he asked them to help him entertain guests.

"Hello, my name is Lin Xiu, and I'm Xiaomao's friend. Well, you are Xiaogang and Xiaoxia, right? Last time we met, there was some misunderstanding." When Lin Xiu said the misunderstanding, Lin Xiu raised his eyebrows subconsciously. The volume was raised, making Xiaomao laugh for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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