Mysterious treasure chest

Chapter 21 The Young Hero in White

Chapter 21 The Young Hero in White

The day before the college entrance examination.

In the rental house, Yang Hao was lying on the bed, skillfully opening today's treasure chest.

Glittering gold!
A silver-white ring icon appeared on the screen.

"Something happened!"

Yang Hao cheered up a little, but he was far less excited than at the beginning.

This is also normal, there are still a row of things lying in the inventory, but they are not needed for the time being.

Yang Hao poked his finger and began to check the information of the new item that had just been released.

Gravity Ring: After wearing it, you can adjust your own gravity. (Come on, let's start the space walk)
"Adjusting gravity? Spacewalking?"

Yang Hao was a little curious, thought for a while, and poked his finger.

Extract items!

A moment later, a slender silver-white ring fell into Yang Hao's hand. The style was so simple that those who didn't know it thought it was a paper clip rounded.

Yang Hao put it on the little finger of his left hand, the ring automatically shrunk a little, and it fit tightly on the end of the finger, inconspicuous.

At the same time, a cold feeling, from the ring as the source, went straight to Yang Hao's brain.

"Now let's try the effect, let's reduce the gravity first."

Yang Hao took off from the spot and almost hit the ceiling!

He quickly increased the gravity, and the whole person fell instantly, hitting the floor with a bang.

Yang Hao retched a few times, blood was rushing in his body, dizzy and nauseated.

"Fuck, the side effects are so big? But yes, astronauts are specially trained."

Yang Hao simply went to the top of the building, it was midnight and it was cloudy, the surroundings were pitch black, and he couldn't see his fingers.

"Come again, this time step by step, slowly groping!"

Half an hour later, Yang Hao stared at the stars, and finally figured out the purpose of the gravity ring.

To put it simply, it is light work and the heavy pendant.

But the actual effect is far less exaggerated than in martial arts novels.

When the gravity is reduced, I am indeed as light as a swallow, but the leg muscles cannot fully exert their strength, and often the whole person floats up as soon as I kick the ground.

When the gravity is increased, although there is no such distress, the body will not be able to bear it if the time is longer.

Moreover, the range of gravity adjustment is limited. According to the results of the current test, the limit of reduction is probably a little more than one-fifth, and if it is increased, it is less than three times.

"Maybe I can change my thinking, such as kicking the ground hard first, and then reduce the gravity at the moment of take-off, try!"

two hours later.

As soon as Yang Hao soared into the sky, he jumped up to a height of more than four meters on the spot. Coupled with the fine-tuning of gravity, flying over eaves and walls is just like playing.

When he landed, Yang Hao retched for a long time again, his eyes were full of stars, and his head was buzzing.

"It feels... as if the body has been hollowed out. It seems that before the body strength catches up, this thing can't be used indiscriminately."

Yang Hao supported the wall and went downstairs.



On the first day of the college entrance examination, Yang Hao got up early.

There are two WeChat messages on the phone.

Little sister: brother, come on! (kiss emoji)
Zhang Lei: Don't forget the admission ticket, come on, you will win! (struggle expression)

Yang Hao replied briefly and walked to the window.

It had just rained and there was still a lot of water on the ground.

The cool breeze is blowing, which is a good weather for the exam.

After taking a cold shower, Yang Hao put on a set of loose white casual clothes, took out a transparent handbag, packed the test supplies carefully, and rushed to the test room on foot.

On the way, Yang Hao just finished eating the pancakes in his hand and was about to cross the road.

Across the road, a stylishly dressed sister-in-law walked towards her, leading a little girl by the hand.

The little sister-in-law lowered her head and played with her mobile phone intently, while the little girl held a Pleasant Goat balloon in her hand.

Suddenly, the little girl slipped her hand, and the balloon flew towards the intersection.

The little girl's eyes widened, she struggled to break free from her mother's hand, and bounced towards the balloon.

A big truck is coming!

Time seemed to have stood still, the little sister-in-law just raised her head, her eyes were full of horror.

Yang Hao gritted his teeth, dropped the handbag, and rushed towards the little girl like flying.

Gravity Ring, activate!
The little sister-in-law only saw a white shadow fly by, and then the big truck roared past, and her daughter disappeared!
"Do not--"

She instantly softened, knelt down on the zebra crossing, and covered her face.

After a while.

"Mom, what's wrong with you?"

An ignorant child's voice sounded in front of her.

The little sister-in-law suddenly looked up and saw her daughter standing in front of her smiling, still holding the Pleasant Goat balloon in her hand.


The little sister-in-law hugged her daughter tightly, as if she was in a dream.


"Hey, beauty, don't stand in the middle of the road."

It wasn't until the horn of a car sounded next to her that she woke up like a dream, and hurried to the opposite side of the road with her daughter in her arms.

Putting down her daughter, she knelt down and asked, "Beibei, did you run into the middle of the road just now to chase the balloon?"

The little girl was still young, and she nodded in a ignorant way: "Yes, the sheep ran away, and I will catch it."

"What then?"

"Later? I seemed to fly up. Yes, it was a big white brother. He hugged me and flew up. It was so fun!"

"Big white brother?"

The little sister-in-law quickly raised her head and looked around.

At this time, Yang Hao had already gone far away.

The little sister-in-law had no choice but to say "thank you" silently in her heart, and then took her daughter away, never daring to play with her mobile phone on the road again.

But what happened was recorded by the surveillance camera at the intersection.

That night, a Weibo and a video were posted on the Internet with the title: Brother Qinggong acts bravely in righteousness, the real version of the young hero in white!

Although the video was not clear and did not capture Yang Hao's face, it still caused a sensation on the Internet.

In the picture, seeing that the little girl was about to die under the wheel, the boy in white on the side of the road started the car.

He rushed over at an astonishing speed, hugged the little girl, and then soared into the sky, almost brushing against the edge of the big truck, saving the little girl's life.

The most astonishing thing was not here, but that he was holding the little girl and slowly falling in the air.

And the rolling traffic below has not reacted at all, and it is still flowing.

How to do?
I saw him stepping on the roof of the passing car like a dragonfly touching water, flying across the air like a dragonfly, and finally returned to the side of the road smoothly. On the way, he even grabbed the balloon flying in mid-air.

Everyone who watched this video was stunned by this paragraph, and a word flashed in their minds——

Absolutely elegant!
Everyone forwarded and commented one after another. Many people accused the sister-in-law of playing with her mobile phone for almost killing her daughter, and extended to the dangers of being addicted to mobile phones.

But more people are praising Brother Qinggong who has acted bravely.

In just one night, brother Qinggong became popular on the Internet, and the title of young hero in white also spread like wildfire.

Yang Hao didn't know all this at all, and devoted himself wholeheartedly to the college entrance examination.

In the afternoon of the second day, after finishing the last English subject, Yang Hao walked out of the examination room.

He didn't go back to school to evaluate his grades, but was going to go back to get his luggage and rush to Lukou Town overnight.

"It's only a few days before the high school entrance examination, so I have to hurry up and help my sister with her homework."

Thinking so, Yang Hao walked out of the County Experimental Primary School.

There are anxiously waiting parents and candidates with different expressions.

Some people were smiling, some were crying, but most of them had a relaxed expression of relief.

"The college entrance examination is finally over!"

Yang Hao sighed secretly, with a relaxed expression on his face.

But at this moment, a burly man in a black suit blocked his way.

(End of this chapter)

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