Mysterious treasure chest

Chapter 521 Monster?

Chapter 521 Monster?

Due to the short distance, the convoy arrived at the outskirts of this stronghold in less than 5 minutes.

This stronghold is a large landfill in the northwest of the city. The Red Front set up this stronghold here to deal with the black market transactions of human organs, so we chose such a particularly hidden place.

Due to the stench and pollution of the landfill, a large area around here is basically uninhabited and extremely deserted.

At this time, Biel also tried to get in touch with the personnel in the stronghold to find out about the situation of the intruders.

Unexpectedly, after such a short period of time, this stronghold could no longer be contacted. You must know that the last stronghold still lasted for more than [-] minutes.

As for the first stronghold, Biel didn't have time to investigate the situation of the stronghold at all, so he realized at this time that the opponent's combat power is probably far superior to those ordinary guards in the stronghold, and it is even possible that the opponent is not afraid at all. General firearms.

"This... This seems to be a monster-level enemy. Fortunately, I reacted quickly and applied to the Council of Elders in time to mobilize the blood knight for support. Otherwise, I am afraid that the trouble this time will not know how big it will be. .”

While feeling scared, Pierre decisively ordered his confidants to open the compartments of the three refrigerated trucks and put down the three giant refrigerated compartments.

At this time, a distance explosion suddenly occurred in the center of the landfill not far away, and a huge flame rose into the sky.

This is the stronghold's self-destruct device being triggered, indicating that the stronghold is completely finished. If the enemy is not dead, they will probably evacuate here quickly.

"It's hot and spicy, I can't wait, you guys hurry up and open the compartments, as for the freezer compartment inside, there is no need to move it down!"

Pierre gave orders in a hurry, and at the same time picked up the black password box beside him, and began to identify fingerprints and irises. After the identification was passed, the box opened, and there was a small silver box inside.

Then came the final step of the verification procedure, which required Biel to personally read out a voice code, firstly to identify his voiceprint, and secondly to verify the code word.

"Blood of glory, cleanse everything!"

He uttered the code word tremblingly, and saw the verification device in the box flicker, and then the small box was opened.

There was a big scarlet round button inside. At this moment, the compartments of the three trucks had been opened. Biel gritted his teeth fiercely and pressed the button forcefully.


A strange piercing sound sounded slowly, as if something had been opened, Biel guessed it was the three huge metal cryogenic compartments.

"What does the blood knight look like? I never thought I would finally have the opportunity to witness it with my own eyes today!" He couldn't help being a little excited, but it was more of a shuddering fear.

Boom boom boom!
Suddenly, the carriage of the truck in the middle was violently blasted away from the inside. The metal carriage was completely vulnerable, and a large number of debris flew into the sky.

Then a dark red shadow jumped out of it, bounced up at an extremely fast speed, and fell in front of Biel in an instant.


With a loud noise, a large piece of the concrete road in front of Biel was instantly shattered. If it wasn't for the distance, Biel, who was old and frail, would have been shocked to death by the shock wave on the spot.

Even so, he was so dizzy from the shock that he almost knelt down.


A cold voice without any emotion exploded in front of Biel, abruptly pulling his consciousness back from the chaos.

Pierre looked up subconsciously, and saw a "armored man" standing in front of him standing in front of him, his whole body was covered in a blood-red metal armor, and he couldn't even see his eyes. It was a bit like a medieval man. An enlarged version of a heavily armored warrior.

But Biel himself had a collection of several pairs of ancient armor, so he keenly noticed that the armor worn by the thing in front of him was strange.

This armor seems to be alive, it is wriggling!
He was about to take a closer look, but there were two rumbling explosions, the other two carriages also exploded, and then two giant armored men jumped in front of Biel.



The same indifferent voice, the only difference is that these two armored men seem to be a little smaller than the previous one, but they are definitely not the huge bodies that normal humans can develop.

It was only then that Biel remembered the simple training he had received before leaving Moscow, that is, how to use the 'Blood Knight'.

The previous red button was a device for activating the three blood knights, and it could only be used once, and he had to issue an order to the blood knights within 1 minute after activation.

It was specifically explained during the training that the blood knight's brain is not very bright, so the order must be concise and clear, and once the order is issued, it cannot be changed.

And regardless of whether the order is completed or not, the blood knight will automatically go to the preset 'recycling point' half an hour after the order is issued, and re-enter the dormant state there.

As for where the 'recycling point' was set up this time, it was beyond Pierre's knowledge, and he didn't even know if there was anyone sent by the Council of Elders to monitor it.

Thinking of this, Pierre didn't dare to hesitate, quickly pointed to the landfill ahead, and quickly issued an order: "Destroy all creatures in that area!"

This was the most concise and clear order he could come up with. According to the situation of the explosion just now, even if the other party evacuated, they should still be within the scope of the landfill at this time.

Boom boom boom!
There were three loud bangs in a row, and the three blood knights stomped on the ground, and then they shot up into the sky, turned into three blood-red lightning bolts, and rushed towards the landfill.

"Fuck, this... what kind of monster is this!"

The eyeballs of Pierre's confidantes almost popped out, and exclamations came and went.

But Biel couldn't care less about these things at this time, he stared nervously at the area ahead, afraid that something might go wrong this time.

If the intruders were allowed to escape again when the three blood knights were dispatched, then he would not have to think about it anymore, and go directly to Moscow to apologize.

At the same time, in the right area of ​​the landfill, Yang Hao is preparing to drive Wangcai to sweep the next stronghold.

According to the regional division of the landfill, this area already belongs to the peripheral area, but it is still within the scope of the landfill.

"Hey, Brother Hao, I seem to smell some kind of weird smell, like... like those stinky monsters in the Abyss Demon Realm." Wangcai suddenly moved his nose at this moment, with a puzzled expression on his face.

Yang Hao was about to start the car, when he heard this, he was slightly taken aback: "Monster? You mean here?"

(End of this chapter)

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