Mysterious treasure chest

Chapter 557 Rejection is death!

Chapter 557 Rejection is death!
When Shaye Jie Linna came back from work, Yang Hao handed her the stack of documents, and said lightly: "You are now my chief agent and the first chief executive officer of the new Red Front Elders Council in the future. .”

Without waiting for the other party to express their gratitude or loyalty, Yang Hao continued: "Now I assign you the first task, which is to contact the actual controllers of these families as soon as possible, and pull them into our camp. "

"However, your attitude can be tougher and let them understand that this is not a bargaining negotiation, but a choice between life and death."

Yang Hao narrowed his eyes, and said coldly: "If someone is not convinced, then you can tell him, just say what I said - to refuse is to die!"

Sayaterina couldn't help shivering, a little scared, but also a little excited. This is the best chance for the Ivan family to rise again, and it is also a great opportunity for me, Sayaterina.

She thought about it, and quickly bowed to Yang Hao ninety degrees respectfully, with a clear view of her career line: "Mr. Yuri, Sayetelina is willing to dedicate everything to you!"

Yang Hao glanced at it, and found that when he looked closer, the pores and hair of the old Maozi were indeed much thicker than those of East Asians, and he also had freckles. Coupled with the shape of Sayetelina's panda eyes and bird's nest head, he really raised his eyebrows. Lost my appetite.

So Yang Hao waved his hand and said: "Okay, do more and talk less, go to work quickly, remember to dress up first, otherwise you will lose my face if you go to negotiate with your image."

Only then did Shaye Jielina remember that she had stayed up for days and nights without having time to clean up her makeup, so she wished she could find a crack in the ground and sneak in, and hurriedly covered her face and left: "I...I'm going to clean up now, Made you laugh."

Yang Hao really laughed a few times, and then left the room directly through the window, changed his appearance, and then found a boutique business hotel near the Winter Palace, and opened a room to sleep.


That night, Rostov, southwest Russia.

This is an inconspicuous city, but its geographical location is very important. It is very close to Ukraine and the Sea of ​​Azov, and the southwest end of the Sea of ​​Azov is the Black Sea. The secret fleet of the Red Front is hidden somewhere in the Black Sea.

And Rostov is the secret base camp of St. Peter's family. Of course, as one of the founding families of the Council of Elders, it is also a powerful super family. Therefore, there is not only one base camp of St. Peter's family, but three caves. .

On the surface, the headquarters is located in the capital Moscow, but in fact, in recent decades, after Rorsky came to power, the focus of the St. Peter family has already shifted to Rostov.

In the years since he took office, Rolsky has done three major things. One is to establish a strategic partnership with the Vatican's "Holy See of Truth", and the other is to control the secret fleet of the Red Front.

As for the last great event, little is known, or almost none, except Ralski himself.

That is, Rolski had long voted for the Heinrich family in Germany, and became a nail for the Heinrich family to insert in the Red Front Council of Elders.

Also because of this extremely secretive relationship, the Heinrich family has become the biggest supporter behind Rolski, which is also the biggest hidden reason why Rolski can take charge of the St. Peter's family, otherwise he would be an unfavorable As a bastard, how could it be so easy to climb to the current high position?
Therefore, in Rolsky's eyes, the survival of the Red Front is not the most important thing, because according to the will of the Heinrich family, they originally wanted to slowly eat away the Red Front bit by bit.

But now Cheng Yaojin appeared on the way, and he already looked like he was going to cut off his beard, which made Rolsky very nervous.

If this group of mysterious forces annexed the Red Front first, then the Heinrich family's calculations would be in vain. Therefore, a death order has been issued there, requiring Rolsky to mess up this matter.

In case the scandal cannot be disturbed, then encourage the other families of the Council of Elders, even if they all die together, the red front cannot fall into the pockets of others. This is the bottom line of the Heinrich family.

At this moment, Rolsky sat in the living room of the villa, looking as ugly as he could.

He was holding a piece of information just received in his hand, showing that the Ivan family had already taken refuge in that group of mysterious forces, and Shaye Terina was cleaning up the opposition in the family while contacting certain families of the Council of Elders. Encourage these families to surrender to the mysterious force called 'Authority'.

Rorsky slammed the document in his hand on the coffee table, and cursed: "Sayaterina, this damn little bitch, is so shameless, it's only been a few days since the war started, and she turned her ass up and changed the door!" Don't tell me, doesn't she have any integrity? It's really embarrassing for the Ivan family!"

The confidant next to him was silent, not daring to touch his bad luck. Rorsky implemented an out-and-out bloody rule over the St. Peter's family. In the past two days, several people were dragged out by him to feed the dogs. , so that everyone trembled, for fear of saying half a sentence wrong.

After cursing a few words, Rorsky also calmed down, knowing that the situation cannot be changed by talking alone, so he quickly ordered: "Bargay, let the intelligence personnel confirm the current situation of the Ivan family immediately, it is best to be able to Find out the whereabouts of the personnel sent by 'Authority' to connect with Sayetelina, if necessary, use the undercover agents lurking beside Sayetelina, in short, get accurate information at all costs!"

"Yes, my lord!" The confidant named Balgai immediately took the order and left.

Rolsky turned to another confidant, gritted his teeth and said, "Cole, you lead the team yourself, call all the elites in the 'Stinger', and set off for St. Petersburg now, and when the information is in place, you will find a way to snipe." If the information is unknown, the linker of "authority", then get rid of Sayaterina!"

Cole was tall and thin with a scarred face, and his voice was hoarse like a night owl: "Okay, my lord, I'll do it now."

After Cole also left, Rolsky murmured with red eyes: "Anyway, let's go through this test first, but with the abnormal combat power displayed by 'Authority', I'm afraid it will be delayed like this." It's not very useful, it seems that we still have to ask for support."

He pursed his lips, and it took him a while to make up his mind. He got up and went upstairs to the study, picked up a specially modified satellite phone, and started contacting the German side, wanting to see if the Heinrich family had any further instructions.

If the Heinrich family allows it, Rolsky intends to use the name of St. Peter's family to seek military help from the Vatican's "Holy See of Truth".

(End of this chapter)

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