Chapter 105 The Great Demon King Arrives 1
Standing on the edge of the bed half a meter away from her was a handsome man in red clothes and white hair. His snowy white hair was not tied up, but it didn't feel messy, and it poured over his shoulders like silk. He stood with his hands behind his back, his eyes were cold as ice.

He looked at her without blinking.

demon king!
Yun Chuxi got up suddenly, her bright eyes couldn't hide her surprise, her face changed rapidly, and finally turned into a scream: "Come on, help..."

No movement.

Bei Mingye frowned, his face extremely gloomy.

Yun Chuxi looked around, and finally realized that something was wrong. Her room seemed to be sealed by him with some kind of magic. People inside could hear the movement outside, but people outside couldn't hear the sound inside.

Time passed by, and she felt like she was going to die.

"Ignorant human beings, why don't you bark?" mocked.

Yun Chuxi raised her head cautiously, and met a pair of angry purple eyes, her heart was half cold, she swallowed her saliva, and with a broken heart, she snorted and said, "Your Majesty Underworld is here, I don't know What are you doing?"

Bei Mingye lowered his eyes, did not speak, but focused on playing with the gold-plated dragon pattern dagger in his hand. It was a very beautiful saber, and a white light flashed by the moment the sheath was drawn.

Half a meter away, she also clearly felt the cold air emanating from the blade, cold, the coldness penetrating her heart, she shrank back and shrank to the corner of the wall.

Finally, he said slowly: "Foraging."


This demon who drinks human blood and eats human flesh, isn't he looking for food to eat people?

Yun Chuxi shivered, pretending not to know: "What a coincidence, Chuxi is new here, so I really don't know where the kitchen is."

Bei Mingye gave a deep smile, raised his long and narrow eyes to look at her.

Yun Chuxi felt hairy in his heart, froze and did not dare to move. If Yuan Ji is a god above the nine heavens, then Underworld Emperor is a demon from Shura Hell, one light and one dark...

One hand pinched her neck, and when the skin touched, it was as if touching a piece of ice, and she shivered from the cold.

"Pretending to be deaf and dumb, I hate it."

Bei Mingye's thin lips slightly curled up, and he leaned forward to press Yun Chuxi under him. With his movements, all the snow-like silver hair fell down, almost falling on her chest. The black and white hair colors intersected. Tangled, giving a messy and luxurious aesthetic.

Just when Yun Chuxi was about to die from being strangled, there was a sharp pain in her neck, and then her internal organs also coliced, and this pervert was sucking her blood again.

After a long time, he got up from her body and licked his lips, still wanting more.

"Your blood, I like it very much."

Yun Chuxi was seriously injured, but he bit him again, and his already limp body became even weaker.

She just watched helplessly as she was taken out of the Yun Palace.

The boy with a baby face who liked to wear green clothes greeted her happily, staring at her with burning eyes, it felt like a hungry wolf seeing food.

"Tsk tsk, this Luoye City is really a good place to raise people. Look, I haven't seen you for a few days, and this girl is actually a lot rounder." An Mei circled around Yun Chuxi, poking her cheek with her hand, His eyes were shining, and he almost rushed to take a bite.

Just when he poked with joy, a cool gaze shot over, Anmei's eyelids twitched, thinking something was wrong, she quickly withdrew her hand.

"Beast nature will not change." No one saw his movements clearly, a red light flashed in front of his eyes, and the young man with red lips and white teeth turned into a ferocious giant beast.

Red is enchanting, ugly and scary.

(End of this chapter)

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