Chapter 168 Little Black Coal Ball 3
Xiao Shifang scooped his paws into his pocket, pulled out the little black gas that was greedy for life and fear of death, and gave Yun Chuxi a reassuring look, which disappeared in an instant.

The little black coal ball held by Xiao Shifang's tail was resisting in his heart, but he had to compromise because of the other party's lust.

They appeared at the top of a big tree, and around ten meters away from the big tree, ferocious beasts emerged one after another.Xiao Shifang glanced at those ferocious beasts, his stomach churns for a while, what are these things, ugly ones, unnecessary...

If it weren't for the fact that the man was quite righteous, it wouldn't be willing to deal with these hot-eyed creatures, which would lower its style too much...

Those ferocious beasts surrounded Gu Yixuan under a big tree, their big eyes like searchlights were full of desire, and their fiery eyes were fixed on the "little black briquette".

They stood far away but didn't do anything. Gu Yixuan didn't understand why at first, but he was enlightened when there were a few courageous ones who wanted to go forward, but they were all killed by all the beasts.

There are too many monks and too little porridge, everyone wants to eat small black briquettes, but no one has the ability to eat them alone, so this scene was staged.

From time to time, they released poisonous mist, sprayed poisonous liquid, and shot ice arrows. In short, there were all kinds of tricks, and they made Gu Yixuan quite choked with sudden attacks.Of course, because of the "little black briquettes" in his hands, they didn't dare to get these things on him, for fear of accidentally ruining the delicious food they were thinking about.

After going back and forth a dozen times like this, Gu Yixuan gradually figured out their minds, as long as he found that those powerful people were doing something that was not good for him, he would slowly push the little black coal ball forward, and then, those who were originally facing him The attacks will lose their aim one after another.

The delicious food is too delicious, and people can't be beaten. Those ferocious beasts jumped like thunder, panting heavily, and glared at Gu Yixuan angrily.

Humans and beasts at the bottom of the tree were at war, and Xiao Shifang was holding small black coal balls on the top of the tree, doing ideological work while spitting all over the place.

Xiao Shifang: "Humans need to know how to repay their kindness, and so do animals. Otherwise, they will be stabbed in the back."

Little black coal ball: "What is poking the spine?"

"To poke the spine means to be criticized and discussed by the world!"


Rolling his eyes, he continued to educate: "Look, that man is in deep siege, all to protect you? Are you moved?"

Duzui, wronged: "He obviously used me as a shield..."

"That's called a strategy to lure the enemy. It's a crime to read few books!"


"In short, if someone takes the lead for you, if you don't repay your kindness, it's called ungrateful."


Glancing at the little black coal ball, he smiled evilly: "As the saying goes, the kindness of a drop of water will be repaid by the spring, and he has saved your life. You should stay by his side and repay this kindness well."

Xiao Shifang paused, and continued to teach: "Besides, you have already chosen him when you were still in the eggshell, so you won't suddenly change your mind after seeing my beautiful and flowery master. ?”

Shy, retorted: "That's not the case!"

Satisfied: "It's not the best."

"Hmph! You've said so much, isn't it just asking me to leave mother, I won't agree."

Xiao Shifang's smile faltered, but he didn't smile: "The master is mine, don't grab it, the master's arms are also mine, don't even think about it. I heard that the meat of the imitation beasts is very nourishing, if I take it You throw into the herd, or eat you directly, guess what will happen?"

Trembling, pitiful: "Bad beast, are you threatening Xiaobao?"

"I'll threaten you, you bite me?"

The little black coal ball flattened its mouth, shook its remaining hair, and replied pitifully: "Bao'er just promise, you are not allowed to throw me down, and you are not allowed to eat me!"

Xiao Shifang smiled contentedly, put away the jade plaque unhurriedly, drew a circle in the air with his little claws, and dozens of "little black coal balls" sprang out of its pocket.

(End of this chapter)

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