Chapter 219 Where there are many women, there will be fights
Except for being out of shape that night, after that, she should eat and sleep as she should, and outsiders can't see anything wrong.

The first thing Yun Chuxi did after waking up was to go to Yuan Ji and tell him what happened to him yesterday.

Yuan Ji didn't care at first, but when he heard about it later, that handsome and flawless face finally changed.He told her not to walk around casually in the near future, and then left the study in a hurry.

It must not be a trivial matter to change Yuan Ji's face, so she just stayed in peace.

The days passed by like running water, and she stayed in Yungong for more than half a month in a blink of an eye.

Because Yuan Ji's whereabouts have always been unpredictable, so he disappeared for more than half a month, and no one paid attention at all.Everything in the cloud palace was carried out in an orderly manner, and it was not affected by the master's absence.

She usually goes to Zangshuge to read in the morning, studies formations or pills at noon, and concentrates on practicing at night.She thought that the days would go on like this tepidly, after all, because someone couldn't help breaking.

Those unremarkable maids in the Yun Palace actually have a lot of background. Their original intention to enter the Yun Palace was to serve the priest who was admired by thousands of people.However, this priest is not close to women, and he has no thoughts of pity and tenderness - he gave them two choices: first, where to go back and forth, and second, to be a rough envoy in his duty.

Since they entered the Yun Palace, they didn't plan to leave, and expressed their willingness to be maids one after another.

As a result, these women who wanted to climb onto the priest's bed changed from noble ladies of aristocratic families to maids serving tea and water.

In fact, it's okay to be like this all the time. After all, people like Mr. Priest are not something they can imagine.

However, someone broke this relationship and became a special existence.Especially this special existence was someone who was once belittled by them, so they began to feel unbalanced.

In the beginning, they only dared to tamper with Yun Chuxi's food, deliberately making the delicious food unpalatable.Seeing that she didn't express it, he felt contempt and jealousy in his heart, and his courage became more and more courageous.

Yun Chuxi's principle of dealing with people is that if people don't offend me, I won't offend them. If people offend me, I will be courteous, and I will beat them to death and drag them away.

She guessed what those women were thinking, and at first she didn't bother to pay attention to them, but after another one after another, she said she couldn't bear it anymore.

That night, the maid who served her lit the incense for her as usual, and then closed the door and went out.

She doesn't have the hierarchical concept of this era, so naturally she doesn't need a maid to keep watch at night.It is severe winter now, and the temperature is extremely low at night. Yun Chuxi doesn't need a vigil, and the maids are happy to be at ease, and after a few compliments, they follow suit.

Today was a bit different, that Lu Yi went out of the room, and didn't leave directly, but turned around and came back quietly.

Leaning against the window and listening to the movement inside, Lu Yi's handsome face showed a bit of complacent expression: "Hu Meizi, I asked you to use dirty tricks to seduce the priest, and I want you to look good later."

Her voice was extremely low, but she couldn't hide her pleasure.

Quietly withdrew from Nianyue Hall, and quickly went to report the news.

After a while, there was a rustling sound from the corridor outside, and the sound should be a man.

When the man came in, Yun Chuxi supported his head and looked at him with a smile. The man was startled and fell to the ground in fright.

"How does the incense in Miss Ben's house compare to your master's bone-shaking fragrance?" She waved her long sleeves, and the door slammed shut, shaking off her wide cuffs, and walked slowly towards the big man with bare feet.

(End of this chapter)

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