Chapter 378 Xi He Gets Punishment
Losing his support, Xihe staggered and fell, mist rose from his glazed eyes, he tilted his head slightly, his lips were tightly pressed, wanting to cry or not, dazed, frightened, and wronged appeared on his exquisite face...

The pear blossoms are rainy, not very shy.

Xi Yue was leaning on her body, leaning lazily on the bed, her complexion was light, as light as a breeze, and her slightly raised eyebrows revealed her emotions at this time.

When was Xihe so similar to himself?
The resembling outfits, stubborn faces, and even the curve of the corners of the mouth are surprisingly similar...

This feeling of being copied and pasted, in the end, still shocked her.

While thinking about it, Xihe knelt down in front of Emperor Zun, with teary eyes, and trembling voice: "Xihe was playing with her sister's pet just now, accidentally angered it, fled in a panic, and then rushed... bumped into Emperor Zun, Xihe is terrified and deserves death!"

Xihe's voice became smaller and smaller, almost drowning in the wind.

She is so amorous, even a man would feel pity and pity, but Emperor Zun didn't even lift his eyelids, walked straight towards Xiyue, and said to the kneeling human: "You really deserve death .”

Those icy words were as sharp as a bayonet. Xihe's face was pale, and he felt a chill rising up his back... He pursed his lips and raised his head boldly, but saw the glorious Emperor, gently taking the place of Xiyue's wild bastard. take the pulse.

The light from the sun slanted in, and the indoor light was clear and bright. The two people dressed in white like snow looked at each other, and they looked at each other like that, like a pair of lovers.

For a moment, jealousy and envy welled up in her heart, covering up the harsh panic...His hands were slowly tightened, sharp nails were embedded in the palms, and the surging hatred in his eyes was overwhelming, almost drowning her reason.

At this moment, the bowed Emperor slowly turned his head back, and cast a cold glance at her: "My Yue'er is unique, and her attire should also be unique. I am very displeased that you have tried so hard to imitate her. "

Straightforward and merciless.

Xihe opened her mouth wide in astonishment, her complexion was blue and white, and her whole body trembled uncontrollably, whether it was fear or anger...

The incomparably sharp words twisted Xihe's heart.

She is honored as a goddess, a father and a god who loves a daughter, and she is loved by thousands of people. After living all these years, no one treats her with respect.Unexpectedly, he was ridiculed when he came here today, if this person is someone else, but this person is Emperor Zun.

Even though she was extremely unwilling in her heart, she had no choice but to grit her teeth and ninja...

From the corner of the eye, he glanced at Xiyue on the bed, hatred was like a surging tide, roaring and almost engulfing her.She hated this elder sister who was born out of thin air, taking what should belong to her, the loving eyes of Emperor Zun, should... should belong to her!

Eyelids trembled, tears rolled down, Xihe trembling body, looking at Xiyue from a distance: "Sister also thinks it's inappropriate for sister to dress up like this? My sister just worships her, so she dresses like this. If it offends her , my sister will..."

Halfway through Xihe's words, her voice choked up, her body twitched lightly, and she bit her lip in great sadness, "My sister is confused. Right now, my sister is Emperor Zun's apprentice, and she is the most honorable woman in the world. My sister shouldn't..."

Xiyue pressed her forehead with quite a headache: "Xihe, it is Emperor Zun who you bumped into, and Emperor Zun is the one who wants to punish you. You have been dressed like this since you came in. Did I ever say anything about you? Instead of trying so hard to talk It’s useless, it’s better to ask Emperor Zun for forgiveness.”

Just because she doesn't like to argue with others, it doesn't mean that she can let others slander her.

 When I found out that I wrote the story of Emperor Zun Xiyue, I lost fans like crazy, and it was hard work. It turns out that so many people don't like these two people.Jingran's article is about the past and present, and Xiyue is about the heroine's past life, so I wrote it interspersed.

(End of this chapter)

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