Chapter 459 Twisted Mind 3
The embarrassment flashed in Lin Yingying's eyes, but disappeared the moment she raised her eyes: "Cousin really likes to joke."

The hand hidden in the sleeve quickly released the seal, and the incense cauldron held in his hand felt scorching.

At this time, Lin Yingying can still behave like this, Yun Chuxi still admires her.

"Last spring, I passed out in a dilapidated house. The beast-attracting powder on my body is your masterpiece, right? It's not good for Luluo's face to fester, and you did it on purpose, right? We will break into Mingtu Mountain, and you must have contributed ..." With a smile on the corner of Yun Chuxi's lips, he told the past word by word.

When she saw Lin Yingying for the first time, she felt strange how a woman with no strength to restrain a chicken could escape Yuan Ji's pursuit.And the injury on the back of her head can only be done by trusted people.

Listening to Yun Chuxi's words, Lin Yingying's complexion turned pale inch by inch, and she slowly tightened her hand holding Xiangding. After a long while, the corners of her lips parted into a sinister smile: "So you knew it a long time ago? It seems that the master is right, are you serious?" can't stay."

The tenderness on the face spread out like a dark cloud, and what came into view was a cruel and arrogant face.

"Mother and I didn't treat you badly? Why did you deliberately kill me?" After Lin Yingying's parents died, Situ Yan took over the Yun family and never treated her badly.

Lin Yingying looked at her with an excited expression, and her voice trembled: "My aunt has never treated me badly, but she is obviously better to you than to me? As long as you live, you will always occupy the first place in my aunt's heart. You are a worthless trash , why should you become a treasure in the hands of your aunt? You are not worthy!"

"Because of this, you want to kill me?"

Lin Yingying: "Isn't this reason enough?"

When her aunt brought her back from the ice and snow, she secretly vowed that even if she did anything in this life, she would hold on to this warmth.

In her life, she had too few things, and her aunt was everything to her.

No one is allowed to compete with her.

"You are really perverted!" This kind of reason is twisted to the extreme.

Situ Yan is her mother, and it is human nature to love her.

But Lin Yingying actually had murderous intentions towards her because of jealousy, and tried to get rid of her again and again.

If Situ Yan knew that because of her kindness, she would push her daughter to the abyss of death, how sad would she feel?

For such an evaluation, Lin Yingying snorted.

There is no such thing as getting something for nothing in the world. If she wants to get more, she will naturally do whatever it takes.

Lin Yingying's eyes turned cold, and the movement of unsealing the seal suddenly stopped. Immediately afterwards, the incense cauldron she was holding in her hand suddenly shattered.

A fistful of incense ash fell in her arms, no, it was not incense ash, but a wriggling worm...

Yun Chuxi's eyes shrank, and his figure flew up.

Just at this moment, Lin Yingying's icy voice came from the air: "Yun Chuxi, go to hell!"

The door slammed shut, and insects as fine as powder swarmed towards Yun Chuxi.Turning the Wind Spirit Fan in his hand, a Wind Breaking Technique covered him.However, after a brief flight, those shattered bugs came back aggressively again.

Can't kill?

She is an eight-star holy spirit master, and she has no ability to condense the world.

Looking at the Gu worm that was approaching every step of the way, Yun Chuxi frowned.

Sensing that Yun Chuxi was in danger, Xiao Shifang flew out of the space, saw the Gu worms climbing around, and shuddered all over: "Resentment Gu? It looks so ugly!"

"Do you know how to deal with this Gu worm?"

"Yes!" Xiao Shifang narrowed his eyes, his sapphire blue eyes filled with murderous intent: "Kill the mother Gu."

(End of this chapter)

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