Chapter 551
Mo Yu clenched the veil tightly, and the tears flowed even more fiercely. He pursed his lips, not letting himself cry out.Looking at his forbearance, Yuan Ji turned his face away, closed his eyes helplessly, and tightened his hands soaked in the pool!

There was a red light floating in the pool, and after a while, he climbed the blood-red silk thread all over his body.

Mo Yu stared at him blankly, his small body trembling uncontrollably.

After an unknown amount of time, Yuan Ji opened his eyes, and Mo Yu was no longer seen by the pool.Looking at the direction where he was standing, there were mood swings in his calm eyes.

Get up and leave.



Mo Yu stood in the center of the observatory, his thin lips pursed into a line, but no one noticed his existence among the people coming and going around him.Zeyu stood by his side, his brows stained with a hint of worry.

Recently, Master Shenzi was in a very bad mood, and he lied to Yun Chuxi to go out for a stroll, but he was actually sitting in the observatory in a daze.

"Xiaobai, do you still remember what my father looks like?" Mo Yu asked casually.

"Of course I remember." How could he forget such a peerless man?

Ze Yu frowned, and turned his head to look at him: "Why does Lord Shenzi ask such a question?"

Mo Yu lowered his eyes, and immediately smiled casually: "It's nothing, it's just that I miss my father."

When he said this, his eyes were red.

Looking at Mo Yu with red eyes, Zeyu felt a cat scratching his heart, and felt tight.

He hesitated to speak, and after a long time, he finally couldn't bear it any longer. He half squatted beside Mo Yu, his eyes level with him: "The Emperor promised that Lord Shenzi would come back one day. A trustworthy person like him is a Impossible to break my promise..."

Mo Yu's eyes were lowered, his face was tense, and his immature face carried a pressing aura.

"You are not allowed to mention such things to anyone else, not even my mommy." His expression was so serious that it made people's hearts tremble.

Ze Yu was startled, and nodded quickly.

Mo Yu felt a little irritable, and waved his hand to signal him to back down.

He curled up, buried his face between his knees, as quiet as a sculpture.With the gentle breeze blowing, he was a little drowsy, and his eyelids couldn't help but twitch.If it was normal time, he would definitely go back to Yuedian, but now his eyes are swollen and he can't go back no matter what.

There is an enchantment around it, and I don't worry about outsiders breaking in. I stretched and fell asleep in a daze.

In a trance, he had a dream and returned to the Arctic sky cabinet.

The sound of the zither is as crisp as splashing jade.

He followed the sound, and under the familiar flower stand, a white figure sat quietly with a long robe and wide sleeves, playing a tune.

There was a cool breeze, and the wisteria flowers fluttered down and landed on him.

Mo Yu stood at a loss, his lips were tightly pressed together, and his feet were trembling.

"Come here." The sound of the piano stopped abruptly, and Emperor Zun raised his head and looked at him with a smile.

Mo Yu stood still, blinking his eyes.

He must be dreaming.

Emperor Zun looked at him with a smile, and the smile on his face became stronger: "Yu'er, come to father."

He patted the seat beside him and motioned for him to sit.

The corners of Mo Yu's lips cracked into a smile, and he ran over impatiently, pushing aside the obstacles in front of him.Just as he was about to get close to the seat, a small light purple figure ran over excitedly.

"Father." The little boy stuck out his tongue and rubbed against Emperor Zun's arms.

Emperor Zun picked him up, put him on the chair, pulled out the veil, and gently wiped the child's face: "What did you do just now, made your head sweat?" Although it was a reproach, the tone was unusually gentle.

"Nothing." The child squinted his eyes, casually: "Yanqi robbed me of snacks, and I broke off its horns." When he said this, the child was obviously guilty, and turned his head cautiously.

At the same time, Mo Yu saw the child's face clearly.

...... when he was five hundred years old.

"Father." He looked longingly at the two people who were enjoying themselves happily, with tears in his eyes, and he was already crying out loud when he was asleep.

Turning over, he was about to roll off the stone platform. Seeing that he was about to touch the ground closely, a pair of thick hands supported him.

Looking at the sleeping Mo Yu, Yuan Ji felt indescribably heavy, and his eyes were bottomless.

"Yu'er is parting from life and death, you should have seen it through." Wiping the tears from the corners of his eyes.

His movements are very light and gentle, like treating a treasure.

Even though he was careful, Mo Yu woke up.

He opened his foggy eyes, glanced at the person in front of him, closed them sleepily again, rubbed his head against his body, and murmured: "Father, I'm cold."

Yuan Ji's expression darkened again and again, and he coaxed: "Sleep if you're sleepy, I'll take you back."

He raised his hand and made a pinch, a fox fur wrapped around his small body.

Satisfied, Mo Yu's brows relaxed.


After rushing to nothing in the temple, Yun Chuxi went straight back to Yuedian.

Sitting cross-legged on the bed, he couldn't calm down.Since I was not in the mood to practice, I simply got into the quilt, tossed and turned, and couldn't fall asleep no matter what.In recent days, she has been busy practicing, and her body has reached its limit.

Obviously very tired, tossing and turning, just can't fall asleep.

There is a breath in my heart, I can't go in and out, I feel depressed and uncomfortable.

Lifting off the quilt, he walked to the table, his eyes fell on the tea set.

After a while, the small red clay stove was lit with charcoal, and she sat quietly on one side, waiting for the water to boil.

His gaze fell on the jar of 'Lovesickness' inadvertently, and he couldn't help thinking of Yuan Ji's figure in his mind.Recently, she doesn't know what demon she is looking for, she always misses him inexplicably, misses him very much, wants to see him very much.

After careful calculation, they hadn't seen each other for eighteen days, but she felt that it had been a long time.

He is the Lord of the Three Desolations, so naturally he is much busier than others. She knows his difficulties and tries not to bother him.Today, she mustered up a lot of courage before secretly looking for him, but she was in vain.

She has always been thin-skinned when it comes to matters between men and women.

It's okay to do something like this deliberately looking for him once, but she will feel uncomfortable if there are too many.

She felt that she had been bewildered recently, always thinking about messy things, and always stared at the temple in a daze in her spare time.

The feeling of being out of control is very frustrating.

Regarding that strange dream, it has reappeared intermittently in recent days.Several times in my sleep, I couldn't help crying, and the pillow was wet.

In the dream, Shenji Xiyue was murdered by a traitor, and died in a cold dungeon together with the unborn child.Emperor Zun hugged Di Ji, who was covered in blood, and knelt on the ground, crying heartbreakingly.

Such a scene is strange but familiar.


The dream is very incoherent, one thing is Xihe's sly smile, and the other is fire all over the mountains and plains.In a word, the dream that came in was extremely messy, too long, and aroused people's daydream.Every time she wanted to explore more, the dream would suddenly stop.

She was so engrossed in her thoughts that she didn't even notice that the water was boiling.

When she realized it, the overflowing boiling water scalded the back of her hand.

It's all red.

After a while, blisters appeared.

(End of this chapter)

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