Chapter 558 Premeditated
Kun Wu was not afraid at all, with a smile on his face: "His Royal Highness Shenji might as well listen to what I have to say before deciding whether to lend me that evil son's soul."

Xihe smiled coldly, brushed aside the beaded curtain in front of her, walked gracefully to the steps, and said condescendingly, "It is best to give this hall a reasonable explanation, otherwise those who covet my things will have no good results."

The ending sound is slightly picky, extremely lazy, but it makes people dare not underestimate it.

The breeze blew slowly, and the bead curtains jingled.

Kun Wu stood under the stone steps, with his back straight, his stern face, and a shallow smile, which made people not disgusted.

He bowed respectfully, and opened his lips lightly: "In the depths of the abyss of the vast sea, the last Qiong Qi in this world is sealed."

"What did you say?" The gilt pupils shrank suddenly, Xihe's figure flickered, and he stood directly in front of Kun Wu, unable to hide his excitement: "What did you just say?"

"The last Qiong Qi in this world was sealed by Emperor Zun in the abyss of the vast sea." Kun Wu said with a calm expression.

It's no wonder Xihe Shenji lost her composure. After all, it was clearly recorded in the divine scriptures that Qiongqi disappeared in this world.At the beginning, when he heard the news, he was shocked for a long time and couldn't recover.

Xi He restrained her mind and asked Chi Chi, "How do you know?"

"The Tianji Stone is omniscient." Kun Wu stared at her with a smile on his lips, "The blood essence of that wicked son can break the Qiongqi seal."

There was a smile on the beautiful face, brushing her hair with pale fingers, gently combing her hair, and smiling sweetly: "This time, I will let that evil son die without a place to bury him."

The gilt pupils flashed viciously.

"Kun Wude will not disgrace the mission."


Sanhuang, Yuedian.

After Mo Yu dragged Ze Yu out, the huge room was silent, only the sound of breathing could be heard.Yun Chuxi sat by the desk, writing vigorously, writing about his experience in the Art of the Stars.

After Yuan Ji's suggestion, his cultivation progressed a lot faster, but he didn't achieve the expected result.

She is a rational person, it was the first time she was as indulgent as yesterday.

Because I cared too much, I messed up the direction.

At the same time, she also understands that the current situation is not the time to care about her children's love.

Although her mental age is already in her twenties, her actual age is only 15 years old.She is still very young, she can let go of emotional matters.

When the recording was almost finished, Yun Chuxi put away the pen and paper.

Turning his head to look at the sky, before he knew it, it was already noon.After rubbing his shriveled stomach, he ordered the maid to bring food.This wave of maids in Yuedian has undergone special training, and they are 100% obedient to Yun Chuxi's attitude.

Hearing she said that she wanted to eat, she hurriedly stopped.

Mo Yu didn't come back for lunch, so she didn't order many dishes, just three dishes and one soup.

Sanhuang's cook cooks excellent dishes.It's just that she has a bad appetite recently, and everything she eats is tasteless.

After simply eating some, they were taken away.

Seeing that she was not eating enough, Chi Yu hesitated to speak, hesitated for a long time, finally said nothing, and turned his head away blankly.

Time passed like a white horse, and half a month passed in the blink of an eye.

During this period of time, Yun Chuxi has made quite a lot of progress in cultivation, and he has improved a lot in Xuanshui and Breaking Wind.The stronger the tacit understanding with the little raccoon, the stunt jointly performed is frozen for thousands of miles, and the power is several times stronger than before.

During this period, Xiao Shifang did not wake up, since the black coffin was added to the space, it has been practicing day and night.She entered the space twice and wanted to see it, but she couldn't get close.

Knowing that Xiao Shifang was fine, she didn't force it, and left after walking around.

I don't know if it's because of her growing body during puberty, or something else, but she has lost a lot of weight in recent days.The baby fat faded from her beautiful face, and she became more and more beautiful. Even the indifferent Chi Yan, when meeting her, couldn't help but take a second look.

Because of being too thin, the clothes are bulging.

The clothes she was wearing were bought by Yuan Ji for her last year.

The style, color, and embroidery of the clothes are all thoughtful.

It just doesn't fit right now.

Just when she thought she was going to make new clothes, the maid came in with a dozen pieces of clothes.The fingertips slid across the fabric, it was soft and cool, and the touch was surprisingly good.The material is like cloth but it is not cloth. When you touch it with your hand, it seems to be able to isolate the heat outside.

The style of the clothes can be seen at a glance, who made them.

The incense on the clothes is also her favorite smell.

Looking at those clothes, she was inexplicably dazed and slightly warm.

...Maybe he is really too busy to have time to see himself.

Stimulated by the clothes, I suddenly wanted to see him.

In front of insignificant people, her skin is as thick as a wall, but in front of people she cares about, her skin is thinner than paper.After being rejected by Yuan Ji last time, there was a shadow in my heart, and I didn't dare to go to him anymore.

People are very strange, the more they care, the more cautious they are.

I am always afraid that if I do not do well, I will make the other party unhappy.

Since I accepted the clothes from her, I should always thank the other party.Therefore, she went to the kitchen herself, made a cup of health-preserving soup, and then went back to the house to tidy up.

Looking at the charming girl with red lips and white teeth in the mirror, the corners of Yun Chuxi's lips curved.

Thinner, but better looking.

Holding the health soup, I went to the temple in a happy mood.

Before reaching the entrance of the temple, she faintly heard the sound of a piano, which was a tune she was familiar with.For a long time in the Seven Regions, she faced Yuan Ji day and night, and he had extremely high attainments in piano, chess, calligraphy and painting.

Among them, the piano is the best.

At the time in Zhuri Forest, in order to improve her cultivation, he took her to do tasks every night, while he played the piano wantonly.Thinking of that ridiculous time, Yun Chuxi couldn't help but smile even more.

The pace under the feet, unconsciously quickened.

The road was unimpeded, looking for the sound of the piano, and arrived at a bamboo forest.

The mottled light and shadow passed through the bamboo forest, and the faint halo fell on him. The soft wind blew past the side of the bamboo forest, the clothes danced with the wind, and the rustling green leaves fell like rain.

The slender and slender knuckles are plucked on the strings, and the sound of the piano is curling and continuous.

Yun Chuxi stood silently, her gaze fell on him, her eyes filled with sweetness.

My heart was beating wildly, and my palms were sweating.

Turning her face away in embarrassment, the pastry was placed on the low table on one side, the small red clay stove was burning with charcoal, and the refreshing fragrance of tea rushed into her nostrils with the gentle breeze.

He licked his dry lips and stepped forward.

There was still a distance of [-] or [-] meters, and suddenly a graceful figure appeared on the path behind him.Yun Chuxi's heart skipped a beat, not knowing whether to advance or retreat, the hand holding the plate tightened slightly.

"Brother Yuan, look, what did I bring you?" A crisp female voice sounded, and Tantai Mingyue walked towards Yuan Ji with a sweet smile, holding a cup of food in her hand.

The sound of the piano stopped abruptly, and Yuan Ji looked sideways at Tantai Mingyue who came uninvited: "What's the matter?"

(End of this chapter)

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