Chapter 563 Heartbreak
The hand holding her chin slowly slid down and landed on her sexy collarbone. Yuan Ji stared at her and smiled deeply: "In my eyes, in my heart, in every cell, what I think, what I read , that person is you?"

Repeated her words, the voice is low and pleasant.

The perfect lustrous fingertips gently rubbed against her collarbone.

With a faint smile, he looked down at her: "Chu Xi, Chu Xi, how could you have such an unrealistic perception? Regardless of your cultivation, appearance, or background, you can't be regarded as outstanding. Why do you think that Zun Ben loves you? Hmm ?”

The ending is picked up, and the charm is abnormal, which makes people feel ashamed and angry, but at the same time, they can't get angry.

Yun Chuxi choked, her pretty face flushed slightly, and she turned her head away: "You can hurt me, anyway, I won't believe a word you say."

Yuan Ji was amused by her attitude that a dead pig is not afraid of boiling water, but there is more mockery in this smile... She looks like a clown.

Yun Chuxi was unmoved, her body stood upright, but her heart became restless.

"Chu Xi, what are you insisting on?" Yuan Ji helplessly raised his forehead and put his hands on her waist, "You were not like this before, stalking is very annoying." When he said this, he frowned, and his eyes widened Fleeting dissatisfaction.

Disgust, undisguised.

Did she really think too much?If it was true as he said, he was only interested in her out of curiosity.Now that curiosity is over and want to get back on track?Convincing herself with such words, she will believe that there are ghosts.

She took a deep breath and stared at Yuan Ji: "If you encounter difficulties, we can face them together. But, I don't like those, it's good to be self-righteous. I am a living person, and I don't play around with objects. It’s not an existence that you come and go when you call. The most important thing in dealing with people is honesty, and it’s like this between lovers!”

He looked at her, his eyes flickering slightly: "Did you take the wrong medicine today? The words didn't convey the meaning, confused? You said so much, what exactly do you want to express?"


Yun Chuxi was almost blown away, and she admitted that she was a little floating when she spoke.But, is it really good for you to point it out so mercilessly?She is a girl, face is still important.

"Huh? Why didn't you talk?" With a look of slapstick on his face, he smiled prettily.

Yun Chuxi took three deep breaths in a row before calming down: "What I want to express is that if you like me, but you have to hurt me because of certain things. Then please stop this ridiculous behavior, my life I don't like to be arranged by others. You are deliberately trying to push me away at this moment. If I leave, I will never come back. Even at that time, I still love you and will never look back. "

This is her view of love, not the so-called, I am for your own good, whatever.Since it's for her own good, it's time to stand on her side and know what she wants.She doesn't care much about those who think they are self-righteous...

Yuan Ji frowned when he heard the words, nodded for a while, and suddenly realized: "You won't watch too many dramas and imagine this unrealistic, right? It's not because I have no choice but to treat you in the cold. You're tired of it."

Yun Chuxi was dizzy like a blow to the head, and couldn't be slowed down for a while.When she recovered from the shock, she heard him say slowly: "If you really don't want to marry the deity, I can reluctantly accept you as a concubine. But you don't want to think about the position of the main wife."

(End of this chapter)

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