Chapter 592

The brows raised slightly, and the red lips parted slightly: "Guess?"

Silver hair cascading down from her shoulders like a waterfall, under the reflection of the blood moon, reveals a unique and enchanting look.She stared at him, Qiushui cut her pupils, with a playful smile, unparalleled...

Those eyes that are as bright as flowers are obviously very seductive, but they can't make people have evil thoughts.

She stood lazily in the void, and her majestic momentum spread out like a mountain top, making people breathless.

"I can't guess." When I saw her face clearly just now, an unrealistic idea flashed in my mind.But feeling the divine power that changed the world around her, that idea was quickly overturned by him.

Even Shenji Xiyue, who was at her peak, did not have such a strong aura.

She couldn't be Xiyue Shenji, let alone Yun Chuxi.

"Hmm!" The woman squinted her eyes, smiled evilly, and said in a calm voice, "With your funny IQ, it's not natural to guess."

Showy IQ?

Jiuyin twitched the corners of his lips, turned a corner and called him stupid? !
"I'm not scolding you, I'm just telling the truth." She laughed, as if the morning light was blowing on her face, but what she just said was maddening: "Brain is a good thing, I hope you have one too. Don't lose your mind Xihe's pit, that would embarrass my family's Fang Fang."

"My seat..." Jiu Yin gritted her teeth, her face turned red, but she was speechless.

The woman glanced at him, but smiled and said nothing. Under the bloody moonlight, her body gradually became transparent.

The sudden scene made Jiu Yin speechless in shock, and stood there in a daze, with an unbelievable expression on his face.

When he came back to his senses, he remembered Yun Chuxi, secretly said "Oops", and rushed back to the battlefield.The ground is in a mess, the trees are swaying here and there, and the stumps and broken arms are scattered all over the place...

Looking at the scene in front of him, Jiuyin staggered, and Shifang in his arms nearly rolled to the ground.He knelt on the ground with a puff, his face was blue and white, and unspeakable remorse surged into his heart.

There was a disgusting smell all around, but he didn't notice it, his body seemed to be soaked in an ice cellar, it was so cold.

That bad girl is dead!

He couldn't imagine how Fang Fang would go berserk after waking up.He regretted not recognizing Fang Fang earlier, so that he made an irreparable mistake.He had an unshirkable responsibility for the death of that bad girl.

He has seen Fang Fang's protection of his family before.

After such a thing, he will never forgive himself.

"A big old man is crying, it will affect his temperament, okay?" Suddenly a clear laughter came, and Yun Chuxi stood lazily on a lush ancient tree.

Jiu Yin turned around in astonishment, and saw exactly this scene.

He jumped up excitedly, at a loss: "Bad girl, aren't you dead?"

Yun Chuxi raised her eyebrows, what are you talking about?

"Are you surprised that I'm alive?"

"No! I'm so happy!" Jiuyin smiled at the corners of her eyes, and her brows were enchanting with cinnabar: "You were not swallowed by Sheyu's corpse, how could you be safe and sound?"

Yun Chuxi turned around beautifully, landed in front of Jiuyin, glanced around, and frowned: "Get out of here first."

What else did he want to say, following her line of sight, seeing the missing corpse, his eyes shrank suddenly... Countless tentacles emerged from the ground, and immediately, they dragged the stump away without a sound!
Jiuyin was frightened into a cold sweat, afraid to stay any longer, and left with Shifang in his arms.

At this moment, it was already late at night, the clouds covered the new moon, and the jungle was extraordinarily dark.Jiuyin followed Yun Chuxi, her eyes fixed on her, she had a thousand words in her heart, but she didn't know how to speak.

After walking for a certain distance, I couldn't bear it anymore: "Bad girl, I saw you swallowed by Sheyu's corpse with my own eyes. How did you escape from death?"

"Curiosity?" Yun Chuxi stopped and looked sideways at him.


She pressed her forehead, helplessly: "Sorry, I'm just as curious."

At that time, she annoyed Sheyu Corpse, who went crazy and wanted to eat her. At a critical moment, she wanted to use the power of space to escape, but was accidentally burned by the venom.

When she woke up, she found herself hanging on a tree branch, while Jiuyin knelt on the ground and cried bitterly.

She briefly told Jiuyin what she remembered.

Jiu Yin frowned, hesitating: "Could it be because of her that you are safe and sound?"

"Her?" Yun Chuxi was puzzled.

Jiuyin pondered for a moment, and told what happened just now in detail.

After hearing this, Yun Chuxi pondered for a moment, but couldn't figure out why.

She searched in her mind, but there was no such character at all.

Since she couldn't figure it out, she didn't think about it anymore. When it was time to know, things would naturally become clear.

Shifang burned his soul power, fell into a severe coma, and simply brought him back to the space.

Jiuyin was very reluctant to give up, but he couldn't hold her back, so he had to feel wronged and watched Shifang return to the space.

Jiuyin knew very little about the abyss of the vast sea, and how to get out became a problem.

She has not seen her son for a long time, and the uneasiness in her heart is getting stronger and stronger.

With Xihe's personality as a woman, she wouldn't be brought here for no reason, but she couldn't figure out what the purpose was for a while.

After several confrontations, she understood that that woman was definitely not a good person.

Tired of running all night and seriously injured, he couldn't bear it after all.Finding a safer hillside, the two sat around the campfire.

Jiuyin felt ashamed of her, and he worked hard without complaint.

There are many spiritual grasses and spiritual fruits in the space, so the injuries on her body are not serious.

After a simple treatment, fine cold sweat oozes from his forehead.

The night wind blew most of the night, and the clothes on his body were already dry, but they smelled bad.

She has always been a clean freak, so she can't bear this smell.

After exchanging a few words with Jiuyin, she found a place she couldn't see, and dodged back into the space.After getting dressed, he came out unhurriedly.

She was very fast, and Jiuyin didn't wait long.

When he returned to the campfire, he was cooking something serious with a shovel in his hand.

Watching her come over, he patted the side beside him and motioned for her to go over and do it.Ever since this guy met Shifang, his eyes would light up when he looked at her, and there was nothing to say about his good attitude.

"Chu Xi come here."

She touched her nose, walked over quickly, and put a bowl of hot food in her hand.

The big black pot was big and full of weight. She was so hungry that she ate it unceremoniously.

"I really didn't realize that Your Excellency Jiuyin can cook."

Jiuyin smiled and fiddled with the firewood: "I used to disdain this kind of stuff from my daughter's house."

He paused, looking at the jumping bonfire, lost in some kind of memory.

The flickering flames reflected his face, adding a touch of sadness to that face that was full of anger.

(End of this chapter)

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