Chapter 633
Chapter 650 Five:
Tantai Mingyue choked, her breath was stuck in her heart, she couldn't go in or out, it was extremely uncomfortable.

She stared angrily at Mo Yu, her eyes suddenly turned red, and her tears kept flowing.

She felt that she went to the doctor in a hurry, and she actually believed what a three or four-year-old baby said.

She was sick and weak since she was a child, and the emperor doted on her like her life.But the good times didn't last long, the queen mother died suddenly, and she became an orphan.

The Queen Mother and her father and concubine were deeply in love with each other. After the death of her father and concubine, her mother was not there to accept the concubine.

She is the only bloodline of the Tantai clan's gods, so she will inherit the throne as a matter of course.

But at that time, she was only five hundred years old, and she was only about eight years old when converted to an adult child.

The sudden death of the empress did not give any explanation.The ambitious people in the clan looked at her as an orphan, and started thinking what they shouldn't have.

He bribed the maids around her and tampered with her daily life and food.She already had insufficiency, and she couldn't stand the toss, but it didn't take long for her to get sick.

It was the brother of his father and concubine who took the lead in the rebellion, leading tens of thousands of soldiers, and surrounded the imperial city with water.

In name it was to protect her well, but in reality it was forcing her into the palace.

The emperor dotes on his father and concubine, and treats his family with hospitality.After the death of the mother emperor, the ambitions of the father and concubine's family were exposed, and they wanted to replace her.

She was lingering on the sick bed, struggling to die, but no one looked at her.

Just when she thought she was going to die, the closed door was pushed in. In the backlight, someone slowly walked towards her, and the air was filled with faint thoughts.

She dazedly saw the man's face, drinking the peach blossoms in the ink, glowing brightly, that face can only be described as shocking.

That was the first time she saw Brother Yuan, and it was as beautiful as walking out of a painting.

He stood in front of the bed, his white clothes fluttering, his ink brush was light, and his voice was like the sound of heaven: "Sorry, I'm late."

After that, Brother Yuan tried his best to turn the tide, turned the world around, suppressed his father's family, and restored the Sanhuang to a peaceful and prosperous world.

And her body was damaged so badly that warming her with medicine was useless.It rained heavily that night, and the windows were rattled by the wind. She was lying on the bed, looking at the person standing on the edge of her bed.

He said that he owed the empress kindness, and this time he came to repay the kindness.He said that he would not let him die and would save her anyway.

She thought he was just comforting her, but she didn't expect him to do it.A few months ago, when she woke up from a coma, the first thing she saw was Brother Yuan.

Thousands of years later, there is still that suave handsome face, as well as that faint body fragrance.

God knows how happy she was at that moment.She could finally stand shoulder to shoulder with him, and be able to stand with him.

However, this happiness didn't last long before it was broken by Yun Chuxi.

When Brother Yuan looked at Yun Chuxi, his eyes were so soft that water could be pinched out. They were the eyes of a man looking at a woman he loves.

The sweet dream she had worked so hard for was easily shattered.

She hated Yun Chuxi, so she wanted revenge.

However, the result of seeking skin from a tiger is to put yourself in it.Kun Wu used and deceived her, not to mention, but also wanted to kill her.

In the end, he was cheated by the little milk baby.

The more Tantai Mingyue cried, the more sad she became, the more sad she became, the more she cried, the tears broke the beads, and they kept falling.

Mo Yu pressed his forehead, only to feel a headache.Except for his mother, all women in the world are in the same trouble.

"Don't you feel thirsty?" Mo Yu shook the kettle with a sullen face.

Tantai Mingyue was crying and her mouth was dry, she was feeling extremely thirsty, so she hiccupped: "Thirsty."

"Shut up your tears, this water is yours."

Tantai Mingyue cried too hard, she couldn't hold it back for a while, her whole body was shaking non-stop.

Mo Yu looked at her Mo Yu, pouted, and threw the kettle over.

She was extremely thirsty, so she lifted the lid and drank wildly.While drinking vigorously, there was a sound from outside.

Mo Yu narrowed her pupils, put the kettle back, and cast another spell to dry her wet collar.

After finishing everything, he rolled his eyelids, tilted his head, and continued to pretend to be dead.

This acting?

Tantai Mingyue was speechless, she was so fucking awesome.

This... is absolutely perfect.

Before she finished sighing, she was frightened by the next scene, blood, bright red, bloody man with missing limbs.

A soul body surrounded by black energy, each holding a pig in his hand.

The expressions of those people, panic, anger, despair...

She couldn't count how many people there were, but it was a lot, and it was scary.

The soul body floated over, and the bloody human pigs were thrown to her feet one by one.

She was so frightened that she hugged her head and cried, shaking like a sieve.

She buried her head in her knees, not daring to make any extra movements.That perverted Kunwu, how could it be, how could it be...

He could take people's lives, but there's no reason to torture people like that.What is he trying to do by torturing people like this?
After the soul body delivered the person, it drifted away.

I don't know how long it took, and there was a small voice in my ear: "Di Ji? Di Ji?"

Tantai Mingyue was so frightened that she didn't dare to open her eyes even when she heard the sound.

It wasn't until someone tugged on her sleeve that she trembled and opened her eyes.

When he saw the appearance of the person coming, he let out a howl and ran over, "Liuhua? Are you Liuhua? And you..."

A dozen or so familiar faces were badly injured, but their hands and feet were still fine.

With lingering fear in my heart, I cried again.

"Di Ji, why are you here?" Liu Hua was shocked.

Not only Liu Hua, but also Tantai Chen was astonished.Tantai Mingyue was weeping and didn't know how to explain it.

If she told them that she was hurting others and herself, she would definitely disappoint them.

She couldn't explain it, so she simply didn't speak.

Seeing her like that, Liu Hua didn't force her.

A group of people were seriously injured, Xiao Yi and Jiu Yin were the most seriously injured.Seeing the dying Jiuyin, Liuhua felt pain in his heart and sore nose, but he forcibly held back.

What she wanted to do, but she couldn't do anything. The things she carried on her body had already been scoured away.

After confirming that the souls had left, Mo Yu sat up. He was small and had a low sense of presence, so that he squatted beside Jiuyin for a long time before Liuhua realized it.

"You you..." Yun Chuxi's son?
Mo Yu ignored him, stretched out his white and tender hands, and took off Jiuyin's shirt.The palm of his hand was pressed against his heart, and his spiritual power was continuously output.

Liu Hua wanted to stop it at first, but seeing the changes in Jiu Yin, he immediately stood up.

Healing? ?

A healing technique stronger than the master?
Is this really teasing him?
The Twelve Star Envoy was dumbfounded, with an incredible expression on his face.

Tantai Chen was even more startled and trembled all over. He was the head of the Twelve Star Envoys, and he followed the Lord all year round. He knew more things than others.

The master's healing technique is already at its peak, but Mo Yu's is even better.

The primary threshold for practicing healing techniques, and the cultivation level has reached the peak of the holy star soul master.Is this little lonely milk baby a powerhouse above the Saint Star Soul Master?
Tantai Chen was in a bad mood.

(End of this chapter)

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