Chapter 636
Chapter 650 Nine:
Listening to the rolling thunder, her lazy face suddenly changed.


Immediately afterwards, Xi He seemed to think of something, his face was in disbelief, and his pupils shrank sharply.

The smile spread and expanded on her face, and there was an unconcealable madness on her gorgeous face.

She laughed wildly, carried away.

Hell's Lord raised his eyebrows, keeping his secrets secret.

Kun Wu pursed his lips, thoughtful.

Chu Hao stared in disbelief.

For a moment, the atmosphere was weird.

Xihe had had enough of laughing, she restrained her expression, pressed her forehead falsely, and smiled lightly: "Chu Hao, throw a hundred thousand soul beads into the Liuyan Cave, lure souls and beasts, and help Qiongqi break the seal of gods and demons."

"Isn't there still two more days?" Chu Hao was puzzled.

Xiheyan smiled at Yanyan, her eyes were full of sparkling light, revealing a strange style.

Xihe's original skin was also extremely beautiful, but after changing into Xiyue's body, it became more and more deceptive.

Xiyue's beauty is like the snow of a glacier, which cannot be played with from a distance, while Xihe's beauty is like poppies, which is addictive even though she knows it is poison.

She picked up the corners of her eyes, smiling in various ways, and the fingertips stroking the ends of her eyes were crystal clear.

"No, it's ahead of time." She slowly highlighted the four words, her tone couldn't be expressed easily.

Chu Hao's eyes were as deep as eternal night, his hands hidden in his sleeves trembled slightly, a strange color flashed in his eyes, and he said respectfully, "Your subordinate obeys your orders."


The Abyss of the Vast Sea, which has been silent for 9000 years, finally broke this rare peace with the help of caring people.

Hundreds of thousands of innocent souls threw themselves into the Liuyan Cave, and the bubbling magma raised black air of a different color.

The world seemed to be split and fell into endless darkness.

Almost at the same moment, everyone in the abyss deep in the vast sea felt the change.

That suffocating heartbeat sounded as loud as the sound, and every time it sounded, the scalp tingled.

The first to bear the brunt is the Flowing Flame Cave.

The magma is like boiled water, bubbling and bubbling, purple-black steam, strands, wisps, rising gracefully, outlining a huge indescribable beast on the top of the rock wall.

It is obvious that the steam is gathered to form a giant beast, but the eyes are as real as they are, and when they stare at people, they are horrified.

At the same time, a beast's roar came from the depths of the magma, the soul was emptied all of a sudden, and the limbs softened uncontrollably.

As the roar of the beast became more and more urgent, the sound became louder and louder, and the boulder protruding from the rock wall was affected by the strange sound, and fell rumbling down.

The human monk who had been severely injured was overwhelmed, and blood and tears overflowed from his eyes.

However, this is not the worst. Those dying people who have lost their limbs are affected by the force in the depths of the magma, and their bodies move out uncontrollably.


In a noisy environment, the sound of heavy objects falling into the water is not obvious.

But at this moment, everyone seemed to be frozen, each one was panic-stricken, and their faces were full of inextricable despair.

Someone fell into the lava.

Before they could recover, the magma under the stone platform made noises one after another.

Except for Mo Yu, Qi Qi changed his eyes and struggled to squeeze into the middle of the stone platform.

It's just that this is just a useless effort, the floating fire in the air suddenly gave birth to intelligence, and frantically attacked the people on the stone platform.

Mo Yu's immature face was extremely dark, like a storm passing by.He raised the pinch formula and condensed a barrier to protect everyone.

But it was useless, those people were bewitched, they kept calling for help, but their bodies moved desperately.

The terrified faces of those people who fell to the stone platform were engraved in Tantai Mingyue's heart like a brand. It's not that she had never been stained with human blood, but facing such a perverted killing method, her face lost all color uncontrollably.

She was so frightened that she forgot to resist, and stood with her head in her hands, at a loss.

Kun Wu set up a ban on her from the very beginning, and logically, the strange and confused voice would not affect her.

But she was frightened by the scene in front of her, completely forgot to defend herself, and fell straight to the edge of the stone platform under the push of the crowd.

Tantai Mingyue turned pale with fright, and wanted to use spells to stabilize her figure, when a stream of fire slammed into her back.

burning pain.

With such a dazed effort, she lost the opportunity, and her body fell straight towards the boiling magma like a parabola.

The wind exploded in my ears, and my hair chichi smoked.

The scorching breath blowing towards her face made her heart and lungs burn.


Tantai Mingyue regretted it, but there is no medicine for regret in the world.

Just when she was extremely desperate, the downward momentum stopped, and a force pulled her back to the stone platform.

Mo Yu pursed his lips and looked disgusted: "Big breasts and no brains, you're so stupid."

Tantai Mingyue lay on the ground, her face was blue and white, and bright red blood dripped from the palm of her hand.

Glancing at Mo Yu from the corner of his eye, he said in a hoarse voice, "Thank you."

She didn't arrive until Mo Yu would repay evil with kindness and save her life regardless of past suspicions.At that moment, suddenly something was different.

Mo Yu sullenly, arrogant as always, snorted and turned his head away.

With his personality, Tantai Mingyue plotted against him, if he didn't torment her to death, he would be regarded as benevolent and righteous.

Save her, hehehe.

However, who told this woman with relatively low IQ to show her sister a great kindness, Weaving Soul.

Mo Yu has always been very generous to those who have been kind to him. When he proposed cooperation between the two, he forgave her regardless of the past.

Seeing that Tantai Mingyue was safe, Tantai Chen felt relieved and led the twelve star envoys to continue fighting.

At the beginning, he received the secret order from the Lord to protect these people from leaving no matter what.Who taught, was chased and killed by Shenyan's people halfway, and resisted vigorously to no avail, and the group was caught in the Liuyan Cave.

The Flowing Flame Cave is the most mysterious place in the Abyss of the Vast Sea, and there are several enchantments inside and outside.

Among them, the most stalwart is the seal of the demon god, even the omnipotent lord has a lot of fear of it.

According to the legend of Sanhuang, under the ground where they were standing, this destructive beast was sealed. Once it broke the seal and came out, there would be a catastrophe in the world.

Many people thought it was just a legend, but he knew it was true.

No matter how the Twelve Star Envoys tried to stop them, the number of people jumping to the stone platform continued to increase at an astonishing rate.

Compared with the current tense atmosphere, Mo Yu's expression was so comfortable.The seat was fished out from nowhere, and the chin was propped up with one hand, watching the fight lazily.

If you look closely, you will find that his powder-carved face is unhealthy white.

It can't be said that it's nothing, looking at the calm and composed Mo Yu, Tantai Chen and the others seem to be reassured, full of energy.

Mo Yu was the best at reading minds. Seeing their excited expressions, he rolled his eyes secretly.

His priest father's picky eyes are indeed not very good, everyone is stupid.

He was sitting on the chair, not because he was sure of victory, but because his spiritual energy was exhausted and he didn't have the strength to stand up.

Qiongqi has been suppressed for nearly [-] years, and the hostility in his body is self-evident. In order to be able to get out of trouble, he was noisy and joyful under the magma.

 That's it for today, see you tomorrow morning.

(End of this chapter)

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