Chapter 643
Chapter 660 Five:
She is a genius in spirit formation technique, and she can easily set up formations and break formations.When he was in the Arctic Sky Cabinet, Emperor Zun also praised her full of praise.

It's just that a series of things happened later, and she became an existence he hated.

Looking back on the past, Xihe sighed.

"His Royal Highness Shen Ji, you deserve to be the number one genius in the God Realm, and her accomplishments in the magic circle are unmatched by anyone in the Six Realms." Kun Wu sneered, with a flattering expression on his face.

Kun Wu's words are sincere, after all, no one can surpass her in the spirit formation technique.The more he got in touch with Xi He, the more he understood why the God Emperor valued her so much.

In terms of strategy and scheming, she is no worse than anyone else.

What's more commendable is that she is ruthless and ruthless enough, almost ruthless in the worldly way.

"Hehe!" Xi He smiled slightly, looked sideways at Kun Wu, and joked: "You are good at dancing with long sleeves, so you can choose nice things to say."

It is not common for Yuan Ji to be deflated, so Xihe is in a good mood.

The Vientiane Shattering Formation consumes a lot of spiritual power, Yuan Ji's physical strength is gradually exhausted, and his movements also slow down.His complexion was pale, holding the hand of Shenguang Zhan, the knuckles were white and trembling slightly.

This Vientiane Shattering Formation was more powerful than he had imagined, wave after wave of killing formations, endless, endless...

Yan Qi followed closely behind, panting, her beautiful mane was drenched, and she wailed endlessly: "Master, this formation-breaking technique is so awesome, I feel like I need a dog to take care of me. If I sacrificed honorably, the master remembers to give me a hand." Incense on the grave."

The corners of Yuan Ji's lips twitched, and he gave it a sharp look: "Enhance the ambition of others, destroy your own prestige."

"I'm telling the truth, and accept the reality optimistically." Yan Qi stared at the round eyes, and retorted solemnly: "To be a beast, you must be sincere, and you must not deceive yourself or others."

Yuan Ji twitched his brows, and said coldly, "You can shut up now."

Yan Qi slammed the horse's mouth, and fell silent.

As time went on, the situation became more and more unfavorable.Yuan Ji's face was light and calm, but he knew very well in his heart that he couldn't last long.

The plain white robe fluttered in the air, blood was faintly stained at the foot of the robe, and the silver hair hung down from the shoulders, slightly messy.

Tantai Chen's eyes were red, he stood up several times and then fell heavily again.

Others don't know that Yuan Ji's health is declining, but Tantai Chen, the head of the Twelve Star Envoys, knows it all.And other people, although they don't know the inside story, get along with each other day and night, and they also get a glimpse of some clues.

"My lord..." The Twelve Star Envoy knelt in the barrier, his shoulders moved slightly, and his blood-stained eyes were complicated and difficult to distinguish.

Their lord is so clean, his body is always spotless, and this is the first time he has seen it like this today.

They wanted to stand up and fight, but they couldn't exert any strength at all, and their bodies seemed to be hollowed out.

In addition to pain, it still hurts.

"A Yuan, you can't defeat the Vientiane Shattering Formation. Give Mo Yu to me, and I will let you go." She paused, pointing her finger at the people behind him, "and them."

Yuan Ji didn't even lift his eyelids, and concentrated on the challenge. .

Being directly ignored by others, Xi He frowned, Shen Ning: "Ah Yuan, don't be stubborn, otherwise those people will have to be buried with you. Why did you kill those innocent lives for your own selfishness? Many of them, but they will be killed at will. You were born and died, and I have suffered countless times because of you. Tsk tsk, chilling heart!"

Hearing her high-sounding words, Yan Qi directly laughed angrily: "You are a dead motherfucker, spraying dung all over your mouth, who are you disgusting? Can you save face when you say high-sounding words? Haha, you made a mistake, you There is no face at all, and people who have no face use other people's faces. Haha! You don't know what your rotten skin looks like now, maybe your face has grown maggots. Tsk tsk, what a horror!"

Among the four holy beasts that followed Emperor Zun, there was no one without a vicious tongue, and Yan Qi was the most outstanding among them.

It doesn't matter if it has a poisonous tongue, but it also picks others' faults.

Xi He hates others to talk about her face, hearing what Yan Qi said, her whole face became distorted with anger.

"Yanqi, are you impatient? You're still playing tricks at this moment, believe it or not, I'll slap you to death with one hand?"

Yan Qi whistled, raised his head high, and was furious: "Hmm. It's not once or twice that you wanted to shoot me to death, but I'm still alive and well? You green tea bitch, white lotus, pretend Even if you don’t even look in the mirror, you can kill me if you want? Hey, how old are you? A bitch is a shameless, shameless bitch."

Tantai Chen and the others all twitched their faces, Mr. Yanqi, are you adding fuel to the fire?
However, it was really satisfying, and the scolding was so fucking cool.

"Yan Qi?" Xi He was furious, gnashing her teeth: "Go to hell!"

Xihe folded her fingers on her chest, making weird gestures.

"Fuck, if you can't scold me, you just do it. It happens every time. Can you be a little innovative?" Yan Qi twitched the corner of his mouth, showing contempt in his eyes.

Yuan Ji: "..." Courage is commendable.

Everyone: "???" I don't know why.

Xihe: "!!!" Suicide.

Xihe was thrown into a rage by Yan Qiqi, and the killing array became unscrupulous.

When Yan Qi scolded well, his flesh and blood suffered.

But it is also hard-tempered, covered with scars, and does not say a word.

Yuan Ji himself was overwhelmed, watching it suffer, and wanted to save him, but was stopped.

Because of restlessness, he had several wounds on his body.

"Master, don't worry about me. I have rough skin and thick flesh, so I can handle it."

Yuan Ji's eyes flickered: "Proceed with caution."

Yan Qi grinned, very flamboyant: "Master, do you care about me? I'm so touched, so excited, so happy..."

Yuan Jixu pressed his forehead, coolly: "You deserve a beating when you are stupid, but you are very powerful when scolding Xihe..."

Yan Qi: "???" Did the master praise it?
Yan Qi was so engrossed in Yuan Ji's praise that he could not extricate himself, and directly ignored the first half of his sentence.

Under the siege and interception of the Vientiane Shattering Formation, how embarrassed Yan Qi was to hide, but on the diametrically opposite, there was a small excited expression on his face, which could be felt across the long sky.

Xi He didn't get the expected result, and Xihe's face became more and more ugly.And Hell's Lord beside her had an even more stinky complexion.

It is imperative for Qiongqi to break the seal, but Xihe insists on going his own way, regardless of the overall situation.

"Hehe, Mo Yan missed the moment when Qiongqi broke the seal, otherwise we would not be able to explain to the God Emperor."

Xihe frowned, showing displeasure: "You are the ones who have to explain to God the Father."

"Hehe?" Hell's Lord narrowed his eyes, and his dark and prey eyes were full of dissatisfaction: "This matter is very important to the God Emperor, if something goes wrong, he will..."

Before Hades finished speaking, Xihe cut it off impatiently: "Okay, I know how to deal with it."

She has been in exile in the lower realm for nearly ten thousand years, but God Father ignored her, and she felt resentful in her heart.

In this world, the person she trusts and relies on the most is God the Father, who stands upright, majestic and majestic, and can shield her from wind and rain.

Even if Xiyue appeared and stole her limelight, Father God's love for her would only increase.

She is the daughter held in the palm of the father's hand, the most honorable Highness Shenji in the God Realm.

But when Emperor Fang was about to kill her, Father God stood on the high platform and looked at her almost indifferently.

At that moment, she fully understood that she was not worth mentioning in front of rights.

She is just a sharp blade in the hands of God the Father, a victim for him to reach the pinnacle of power.

How much she admired Father God, how much she hated at that moment.

However, this unspeakable hatred can only be buried deep in the heart, unspeakable and unspeakable.

Seeing Xihe's indifference, Hades couldn't help it: "Hehe, the overall situation is the most important thing, think twice before acting. Rather than wasting time like this, it's better to kill irrelevant people."

At first he was still worried about Yuan Ji, but seeing his reaction in the magic circle, he put his heart into his stomach.

It is worthy of the Vientiane Shattering Formation that even the emperor is afraid of, and its lethality really cannot be underestimated.

It can be seen that Chuyuan Ji is very talented in the formation, but when dealing with the Vientiane Shattering Formation, he is still stretched and embarrassed.

If Xihe is willing, it should not be difficult to kill him.

"Destroy directly?" Xi He was angry, staring into Hell's eyes, coldly: "Even if I kill you, I won't kill A Yuan. Don't think about unrealistic things, otherwise, I don't mind disobeying Father God."

"You are so attached to Yuan Ji, could it be that he is the reincarnation of that person?" Although he already had the answer in his mind, it was only a conjecture without confirmation.

Xihe's eyes turned cold, and murderous intent suddenly appeared: "Hell Lord, you should not know things, it is best not to guess."

Her imposing manner was so terrifying that Hell Lord was shocked and frightened, and after a while he uttered a word: "Okay."

Satisfied, Xi He turned her head and stared greedily at the people in the circle.

The white clothes shuttled back and forth in the awe-inspiring formation, moving like a gust of lightning.

The clothes on his body were a little messy, and his hair was soaked in sweat. Compared with him in the past, he was a little embarrassed, but there was a deadly temptation.

The man she likes is good in everything.

The sharp facial features and soft facial lines, no matter from the front or the side, are so beautiful that it makes people mad.

She looked distracted, and her heart was pounding.

This state of obsession did not last long, and Xi He's face suddenly sank.

There are two figures sweeping across from the sky, one red and one white, moving like thunder, with a soul-stirring beauty.

The woman in white raised her hands and made a bow posture.All of a sudden, the sky was full of fire and streams of fire rushed out of the way, the sound of roaring machines pierced the air, and the power to destroy the world rushed towards us.

Under the impact of that force, the Vientiane Shattering Formation shook twice.

Everyone raised their heads in astonishment. In the sky full of fire, a beautiful woman with smooth jade feet came from the void.

The moment he saw the person's face clearly, Yuan Ji shrank his pupils, and a flash of surprise flashed in his eyes.

Soon, this astonishment was replaced by sadness, and the hand holding the streamer ax trembled uncontrollably.

Yun Chuxi's eyes swept over everyone, and fell on the unconscious Mo Yu.

Raise your hand, draw your bow, all in one go.

Every time she released her hand, an invisible sharp arrow shot out from the black bow.

She shot nine arrows in a row from different directions, and the invincible Vientiane Shattering Formation shattered like an ice cone with a bang.

With the release of the magic circle, Yuan Ji was overwhelmed and fell staggeringly.

 I've been too busy recently, and I haven't thought through what I wrote. Sometimes I really don't want to write it, but now it's too inhuman.Don't chase updates every day, it's very watery, just skip and watch, or just watch the ending, well, the ending will take a while.

(End of this chapter)

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