Pluto's Favorite: Miss Nine

Chapter 84 Ah Xi, You See It All

Chapter 84 Ah Xi, You See It All

Yun Chuxi was a little uncomfortable being watched by him, his eyes flicked, and he said with a smile: "Ahem! Sixth prince, what a coincidence!"

That being said, it's really not up to par.

However, she couldn't find any more suitable words than this.

"Ah Xi, have you seen it all?" Xiao Yi lowered his head, his expression lost the vigor of the past, he pulled the corners of his lips, and said dryly: "Are you okay, can she embarrass you?"

"Ahem. Your friend, she treats me very well, she never wronged me for food, clothing and housing." In order to increase her convincing force, she still shook a bunch of jewelry on her wrist, "Look, these The decorations are very beautiful!"

It looks like a ghost, but it's almost vulgar.

Xiao Yi pursed his lips and remained silent for a long time.

The room was depressingly quiet.

Yun Chuxi was about to say a few words to ease the atmosphere, when Nicola, who was leaning on the window lattice leisurely, shrank her eyes, and suddenly stood up straight, with an angry look on her brows, and before the two of them could react, her figure In a flash, it disappeared without a trace.

The two looked at each other.

"She just left?" Yun Chuxi was the first to break the silence.

"A little... right!"

Xiao Yi looked out the window in a daze. Based on what he knew about Nicola, it was impossible for her to leave like this.At this time, a figure suddenly appeared in the private room, and that figure, Yun Chu Xishi, was the handsome young man beside Nicola.

He bowed to Xiao Yifu, and said in a deep voice: "The young master told the villain to tell the sixth prince that she has urgent matters to deal with today, so she will not go with the sixth prince. After her affairs are settled, she will personally come to pick up the sixth prince."

After speaking, it disappeared like a gust of wind.

Xiao Yi was stunned for a long time, then burst out laughing.

The laughter is eerie and indistinguishable, making people frightened.

She could feel that Xiao Yi hated Nicola—no, no, it was a more complicated emotion than disgust, an emotion that she couldn't understand.

She didn't really understand Xiao Yi's complicated and awkward feelings for Nicola until she met her fate.

At that time, the liking he told her was just a kind of responsibility.And he unknowingly mistook that responsibility for an indelible feeling.

After laughing wildly, the room fell into silence again.

"Since you don't want to, why do you agree?" Yun Chuxi sat down next to him. The floor was cold and paved with mahogany, which was very dazzling, but it suited each other's mood.

Xiao Yi smiled, his face was quiet, his voice was still beautiful, but his tone was very depressed: "So what if I don't agree? She can do anything with her temper, and I don't want Ah Xie to be hurt because of me. Besides, It's time to end the entanglement between me and her."

"Are you jealous of her?"

Xiao Yi touched his earlobe, and said lightly: "It's not so much that I'm afraid of her, it's better to say that I'm afraid of the forces behind her."

"She has a lot going on."

"Hmm! It's big, it's's not something we can afford"

"Is the priest also unable to reach it?"

"Silly girl, you can't beat four hands with two fists. The master is powerful. How can he compete with a country? Besides, the master doesn't care about the mundane world. If there is no danger to my life, he will not make a move."

Yun Chuxi pursed her lips, self-blame flashed in her eyes, "Have you really decided to leave with her?"

He didn't want to!

Xiao Yi turned his head and looked at her, with spring in his eyes: "Is Ah Xi worried about me?"

He stroked her bun with gentle movements: "Axi, I'm this year, and it's time to go out and see the world. Experience is the fastest way to grow, and it's also the best way to improve your cultivation. However, in my Before leaving, I will settle your matter as soon as possible, so that I can leave with peace of mind."

"Thank you!"

(End of this chapter)

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