Pluto's Favorite: Miss Nine

Chapter 93 The Truth Comes Out 1

Chapter 93 The Truth Comes Out 1
"What do you mean by that?"

"Father, why should he pretend to be ignorant while pretending to understand?"

"You really did Mengmeng's death?" He hesitated.

"Didn't father already have the answer in his heart?" Laughed.

"Bastard, she is your daughter." Sad.

"Abandoned son is not qualified to live, and the child is very satisfied with her death in exchange for the current situation."

Yun Ren only felt dizzy for a while, such a shocking and disregarding of ethics, it was actually said by his second son who was full of benevolence, righteousness and morality, and took the prosperity of the family as his own responsibility.

"Niezi, what are you planning all this for?"

"Father still doesn't understand?" Yun Xu shook his head in disappointment, his hawk-like eyes locked on his old face, after a long time, he suddenly laughed: "I'm taking revenge on you! Big brother is crazy, three My younger brother died in battle, and the fourth younger brother ran away, you didn't see the clues of all this?"

Why didn't he see the clue, it's just that he knew it too late.

"Haha." Yun Ren's eye circles were red, and tears glistened in his eyes: "The old man has been upright all his life, and has never done anything harmful to nature. How could he raise such a wolf-hearted beast like you?"

"Shut up." Yunxu's face turned cold, and he gritted his teeth: "Upright? Huh! You don't deserve that! Your mother and Feng Yan died suddenly, and you caused it. The woman who loves me the most in this world, and my dearest The woman you love was directly or indirectly killed by you. I want you to feel the same way and taste the death of your loved ones one after another."

His eyes wandered between tenderness and ruthlessness, like a patient with a nervous breakdown, his unpredictable expression made people feel inexplicably terrified.

She has investigated Yun Xu's information and found out that he is not Yun Ren's direct son, but his mother is a girl in the mansion, who was favored by Yun Ren because of his beauty.When he was two years old, his mother died of illness and he was taken care of by a nanny.It was not until he was 16 years old that Yun Ren brought him back to Yun Mansion from the outer courtyard.

Yun Ren's expression was gloomy, and he beat his chest and stamped his feet: "Nie Zhan, Nie Zhan, you..." The great grief and pain made him speechless for a moment, and he kept shaking his body. Seeing that he seemed to faint, Yun Chuxi couldn't help reaching out to help him he.

He gasped, intermittently: "What does the death of your mother and Feng Yan have to do with me?"

"It doesn't matter how, if it wasn't because you neglected your mother, how could she have died suddenly? If you hadn't asked me to marry Qingling, how could Fengyan have committed suicide by throwing herself into the river?"

"You never told me that you have a woman you like."

"Hmph! But you have never asked Wei if there is someone you like." Back then, he had no status in the Yun family, so how could he dare to say what he thought.When it was a foregone conclusion, the tragedy happened just like that.

The only woman he wanted to protect in his life just died in his arms, with his eyes open and his child in her belly.

He looked at Yun Ren, his eyes full of resentment: "Karma reincarnation, your retribution has arrived."

Yun Ren seemed to have heard the funniest joke in the world, and sneered on his pale face: "If it is really karma, at this moment, you should be grateful to the old man."

His expression was in a daze, and he was heartbroken: "In order to save your mother, the old man did not hesitate to ruin his reputation, but in the end he lost his wife and died. This is really a big joke. When your mother came to Yunfu, she was already She was pregnant, and my wife pitied her for her lonely life, so she placed her in another garden. However, some good people actually spread the news and caused a lot of trouble in the city. Your mother has an eight-month-old belly, kneeling I fell in front of my wife, and I was willing to prove my innocence with death. In the end, because of the intervention of the old man, I had no choice but to give you the title of mother."

(End of this chapter)

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