Chapter 115 Cheat Artifacts
"Leave me here, why don't you just deal with a little girl? Since there are no monsters around this girl, and she is not strong now, I will go and kill her right away.

Don't worry, I will definitely do it without anyone noticing! "Mei Ji gave a charming smile, stood up gracefully, and walked towards Thyme with a flirtatious gesture.

Today, although she is wearing conservative men's clothes, her natural charm is still attractive!Still deadly!

Mei Ji came slowly, using the way of seducing men to seduce women, and the effect of the scene made everyone really drunk.

Yun Xiao was having fun by the side, when Mei Ji and Thyme met, it was like pepper meeting white sugar, the taste was amazing.

And everyone's eyes were also focused on these two women.

A good show between women is always more exciting than a fight.

"Xiao Xiangxiang, my sister's favorite job is a beast trainer. Unfortunately, her aptitude is too low, so she can only join in the fun. You can tell my sister, what fun things do you animal trainers do?"


"Xiao Xiangxiang, my sister is really sad for your answer like this." Mei Ji was talking to Thyme, and at the same time she was running the heart-breaking curse in the soul control technique.

This kind of spell does not happen on the spot, but after a few days, the heart suddenly mutates, as if half of it was taken away by someone, so it is called Canxin.

Mei Ji believed that with her strength, Thyme would definitely die if she cast such a spell!
However, after casting the spell for a long time, Thyme didn't get hit, which is really strange.

Could it be that this girl is protected by an ancient artifact, so the soul control technique is useless?

The experienced Mei Ji quickly figured out the situation.

The strength of this Thyme really seems to be around that of a Nine-Star Fighter. To be able to summon so many demonic beasts must be with the help of external forces.

It is very possible that on this girl, there is an ancient artifact, the beast control ring!
Thinking of this, Mei Ji's eyes became more excited!
Who doesn't want to own the top ten ancient artifacts?
No matter what the origin of this girl Thyme is, she will decide on the artifact on her body!
But Thyme, facing Mei Ji's flattering gesture, had a defensive look on her face.

She would not give any good looks to the people Xuanyuan Che sent over!
So, Thyme said sarcastically, "I said Meiji, you are not ashamed, you are obviously an old woman's age, but you have a big sister, I feel ashamed for you."

"You—" Meiji looked slightly annoyed. All these years, her age has always been her breaking point.

This dead girl dares to mock her age, she must give her some color!
Thyme stared back, as if you had the ability to bite me, which made people even more mad.

Seeing that the two of them were about to get serious, Yun Xiao quickly stopped her, and persuaded, "Okay, okay, there's nothing to argue about this kind of thing."

"Yeah, Sister Yun, no matter what you say, I will listen to you." Thyme nodded obediently, turned her face away, and ignored Mei Ji.

After dealing with Thyme, Yun Xiao continued to say to Xuanyuan Che, "Xuanyuan Che, take care of your people, don't provoke me whenever you have nothing to do.

If there's anything you don't like, just point it at me, don't get involved with the innocent. "

"Meiji, come back."


"My king orders you to come back!"


Seeing the anger on Xuanyuan Che's face, Yun Xiao seemed to feel that that guy was angry with him.

What are you doing? He was the one who took the initiative to provoke, and it was his fault. Why should you be angry with her?

Thinking of this, Yun Xiao gave Xuanyuan Che a grimace!
snort!Let you provoke!

A helpless smile appeared on the corner of Xuanyuan Che's mouth. In her eyes, is he so annoying?

That final grimace, though, looks pretty good.

Xiaoxiao, even if you don't smile, you are still beautiful...

"It's a mess. That little girl seems to be protected by an ancient artifact. I can't use the soul control technique on her." After Mei Ji sat down, she began to communicate with Xuanyuan Che with her soul voice.

"No problem, next time, I will do it myself."

"But, that girl has a divine artifact on her body..."

"Are you doubting the strength of this sect?"

"Subordinates dare not!" Mei Ji lowered her head, looked at her nose, nose, nose and heart, and stopped talking.

The two farces are over, and the topic of the Universe Mirror just now has been messed up.

But even so, Leng Jiyan didn't mind at all, and asked calmly, as if nothing had happened, "Everyone, what do you think of the proposal just now?"

Being interrupted repeatedly, but still being able to bring the topic back, this psychological quality is worthy of being the boss of Shengbao Pavilion.

And everyone, also re-entered the state, and began to think about the proposal of the boss of Shengbao Pavilion.

Lu Lingfeng was the first to ask, "Although your promise is very tempting, the magic weapon like the Universe Mirror will definitely be in the hands of the Four Great Academies in the end. How can we lend you the mirror?"

"The treasure this time is the spoils of the rookie king, and the four major academies are not qualified to take away your spoils.

And, regardless of whether everyone here has completed the task or not, as long as you agree to cooperate, Shengbao Pavilion will offer 300 million gold coins as a thank you gift, as a token of appreciation. "The old man stepped forward and began to explain to everyone.

Even if you don't become the rookie king, you can still get 300 million gold coins. Isn't this deal a bargain?

In this world, will such a good pie really fall?
Ye Yu spoke softly, and said in a weak voice, "Ahem... I guessed right, the place where the Universe Mirror is hidden must be very dangerous. Only a few of us can work together to find the Universe Mirror, right?"

"Young Master Ye is really quick-witted. Indeed, as you said, there is only one Qiankun Mirror and the Newcomer King, but the process requires the joint efforts of everyone. After the event is completed, Shengbao Pavilion will also send more generous gifts to the other participants!" The old man kept painting the pie.

Yun Xiao has no interest in this kind of pie.

With the super big cake like Qiankun Mirror in front, Shengbao Pavilion's discount is simply a piece of cake.

Regardless of whether she cooperates with Shengbaoge or not, she will work hard to find the mirror of Qiankun and become the rookie king!
Seeing the expressions on everyone's faces, the old man also understood the meaning, so he said again, "If everyone agrees with our cooperation, then stay, if you don't agree, you can leave now, Shengbao Pavilion will definitely not have any embarrassment. "

Everyone glanced at each other, and after 3 minutes, no one left.

The old man smiled slightly, then clapped his hands, and a very expensive peachwood box was presented.

Yun Xiao looked at the box curiously, what's in it?

Could it be a cheating tool in the exam?Help to improve the efficiency of finding the Universe Mirror?

Otherwise, Sheng Baoge wouldn't come to talk to them now, just wait for the results to come out, and then find the newcomer Wang to cooperate.

Thinking of this, Yun Xiao's mood became even more excited. What exactly is that cheating artifact?

(End of this chapter)

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