Chapter 117 Yun Xiao's Team

"Wow... Sister Yun, you really hate me, why are you saying such provocative things... I don't even know how to respond..." Thyme looked at Yun Xiao crying and laughing, the expression on her face alternated between laughing and crying, It's kind of funny.

Yun Xiao also had goose bumps all over her body, even she herself couldn't believe that she said so many provocative things just now.

"Okay, okay, don't cry, let's go home." Yun Xiao took out a handkerchief, and gently wiped the tears on Thyme's face.

She usually only used this handkerchief to wipe her dagger, but she didn't expect it to be used to wipe her tears today.

Thyme sniffed and stopped crying. With a big smile on her face, she nodded and said, "Well! Xiangxiang don't cry, Xiangxiang wants to go home with Sister Yun!"

"That's right." The corner of Yun Xiao's mouth curled up, revealing a smile.

After going through so many things, her doubts about Thyme were dispelled long ago.

Yun Xiao didn't know if it was the right choice for her to choose to trust others.

However, for this friendship, she is willing to try once!
Just like before, for Xuanyuan Che, she also opened her heart.

I hope this time, I don't let her down again.

And Xuanyuan Che saw that Yun Xiao chose to believe in Thyme, so he didn't say anything more, he had already achieved this step, and since Yun Xiao insisted on doing so, he would not object.

But in the future, once he finds out that Thyme has done something unfavorable to Yun Xiao, he will definitely not hesitate to kill her with one blow!
"Okay everyone, it's getting late, let's stop blocking the entrance of Shengbao Pavilion, let's go!" Yun Xiao waved his hand and brought Thyme back home.

Feng and Yunlan followed closely behind.

Ye Yu and Ah Fu, Xuanyuan Che and Mei Ji left in the left and right directions respectively. In a lively party, there is always a time to say goodbye.

After Yun Xiao returned to Yun's house, she didn't go to sleep immediately, but began to formulate a battle plan for the second exam.

In order to improve her chances, she decided to let Feng and Yunlan also participate in the second trial.

Although going through the back door is a bit difficult to operate, Xuanyuan Che can do it, and as the heir of the Yun family, she should be able to do it too.

Moreover, when she improved her strength, she did not forget Gaoyou's strength.

The battle from now on will not only be her own battle, but the entire team's battle.

"Feng, your speed is very fast, and you are good at spying on information and tracking. In this selection competition, you are responsible for keeping an eye on Xuanyuan Che. As King Qin, you must have obtained as much information as Sheng Baoge."

"Yes!" Feng replied firmly.As a hidden guard, Feng only understands one thing, and that is to obey his current master.

When Xuanyuan Che gave him to Yun Xiao, Feng knew that no matter what happened in the future, the object of his allegiance was only Yun Xiao.

Unless... Yun Xiao gave him away again.

Seeing Feng's answer without any pressure, Yun Xiao was relieved a lot.

Although the strength of the wind is very strong, if his heart is not toward himself, then it is useless to stay.

Now this answer, very good!
"Yun Lan, I have a marrow washing pill here, which can help you change your physique and improve your strength. Your talent is not bad. I believe that with this pill, your strength will definitely improve greatly!" Yun Xiao finished speaking , gave Yun Lan a marrow washing pill.

Yun Lan took the pill with ecstasy in her eyes.

What happened recently made him very powerless.

In a good name, he is Yun Xiao's guard, but in fact his strength is not as good as that of Thyme.

How can I protect Miss Nine with such a self?
And now, this elixir of Yun Xiao just solved the problem that he had been troubled for a long time!
Yun Lan looked at Yun Xiao gratefully, and responded loudly, "Yun Lan thanked Miss Jiu, and my subordinates must work hard to cultivate and live up to Miss Jiu's high expectations!"

"It's okay, you deserve it." Yun Xiao smiled gently, and said lightly, "You are good at dealing with interpersonal relationships, and the public relations of our team will depend on you in the future."

"Miss Nine, Yun Lan has little knowledge, what do you mean by public relations?" Yun Lan rubbed her head in embarrassment.

"In short, it's about building good relationships with outsiders, anyway!"

"Yes! This subordinate understands!"

It's easy to pass, and the qualifications are good.

After pointing out Yun Lan and Feng, Yun Xiao still had the last tricky guy - Thyme.

At this time, Bai Lixiang was looking at Yun Xiao expectantly. Sister Yun had assigned so many tasks to Yun Lan and Feng, and she thought that as Sister Yun's right-hand man, she would definitely take over even more remarkable things!
Thyme is indescribably excited at the thought of being able to expand the territory and conquer the world with Sister Yun!
"As for Xiangxiang..." Yun Xiao looked at Thyme, with a hint of helplessness on his face.

For Thyme, she actually has no plans.

This troublemaker, if you don't cause her any trouble, everything will be fine for her.

However, if she really didn't say anything, the girl would definitely be disappointed.

For the enthusiasm of the team, Yun Xiao racked his brains and thought for a long time, and finally had a flash of inspiration, and finally thought of a task, "Think about it, you will be responsible for protecting me..."

"Protect Sister Yun? Haha! This task is good! Sister Yun, don't worry, with me here, you don't have to worry about any safety issues anymore!"

Yun Xiao twitched the corners of her mouth, the more Thyme reassured her, the more uneasy she became, this girl was too convulsive, she couldn't control it.

Come on, she should take care of her own safety.

"Master, master, what about me?" Qibao jumped out from the Gujie space, looking at Yunxiao playfully.

Looking at the cute little Qibao in front of him, Yun Xiao slapped his head and almost forgot about this little cute thing.

Qibao is so talented that he can even bite through a black iron cage, although his strength seems mediocre now.

But as the guardian beast of Linglong Tower, it must have two brushes!

"I don't have any missions for you right now, but at the critical moment, I will send you out." Yun Xiao patted Xiao Qibao's head and said dotingly.

Little Qibao bit his little tail aggrievedly, and said in a weeping voice, "Hey...Master doesn't like Qibao anymore! Master doesn't like Qibao anymore!"

Three black lines stood up on Yun Xiao's forehead, is this cute little beast so cute?

"Um... well, you are in charge of eating for the time being! Every time we eat, you have to finish all the food, good character, don't waste..."

In the end, Yun Xiao couldn't make it up anymore, she was also drunk for such a weird task.

But Qibao, when he heard such a task, his eyes lit up, "Haha! Qibao is responsible for eating! Qibao is responsible for eating!"

When Qibao got excited, he jumped up and down in the whole room, the scene was very lively.

Seeing this, Yun Xiao couldn't help but doubt Qibao's IQ. Thyme and Qibao are worthy of belonging to the Warcraft family. It's so fool...

At this moment, Yun Xiao was very grateful that he was a human, a normal human!

After assigning tasks to the members, Yunxiao's initial team took shape.

Looking at the crowd, Yun Xiao smiled slightly, with such a group of companions by her side, what else did she have to worry about?

Go forward boldly in the future!
(End of this chapter)

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