Chapter 122 It's time to come, it finally came
Hearing these words, Thyme immediately applauded, "Sister Yun is doing well!"

"Xiangxiang, you eat your barbecue, don't talk nonsense!" Yun Xiao was still serious.

"Yes!" Thyme smiled mischievously, and continued to eat the barbecue,
Xuanyuan Fei wanted to fight back immediately, but Yun Qianxue firmly held her back, and persuaded her, "Fei'er, now is not the time to turn your face, be patient!"

Xuanyuan Fei gritted her teeth, thinking of the warning from the prince and brother, she shut her mouth obediently and stopped talking.

But in her heart, Xuanyuan Fei cursed Yun Xiao viciously, a thousand times, ten thousand times!

The thoughts in Xuanyuan Fei's heart were naturally read thoroughly by the accused soul master Xuanyuan Che, who dared to curse his Xiaoxiao?The courage is really fat enough.

Therefore, Xuanyuan Che shot unceremoniously and cast a compulsive spell on Xuanyuan Fei, forcing Xuanyuan Fei to say a thousand words "I will die badly" tonight, otherwise she would not be able to sleep.

After the curse is finished, it will take effect immediately.

"I don't want to die! I don't want to die! I don't want to die..." Xuanyuanfei said with a look of panic.

She didn't know what was going on, but she started talking nonsense. She wanted to stop, but she couldn't!

Therefore, Xuanyuanfei sent Yun Qianxue a look for help.

Yun Qianxue's eyes were helpless, her head hurt so badly,
In Xuanyuanfei's situation, she could tell at a glance that the soul control master was playing tricks.

The soul control masters on the scene were only Mei Ji and Xuanyuan Che, no matter which one, they were characters she didn't want to provoke.

"I don't want to die! I don't want to die..." Xuanyuan Fei said, her voice turned into howls of ghosts and wolves.

In this wilderness, someone next to me kept saying such curses, just thinking about it, the atmosphere is very infiltrating.

So, Yun Xiao said softly, "Just order as much as you want, don't let a mouse poop ruin a pot of soup."

"If you have spoken, I will stop." Xuanyuan Che smiled slightly, revealing a coquettish smile, which was even more radiant under the flickering firelight.

Yun Xiao took a look, and couldn't help sighing again, this guy really has a good face.Just a light smile can capture the hearts of girls all over the world.

Of course, that doesn't include her.

Yun Xiao's heart was sealed long ago.

Xuanyuan Che pointed a finger, and the cursing stopped, and the noisy voice stopped.

But what followed was an even more earth-shattering howl of ghosts and gods, "Woooooo... woooo... Brother Che, I am also your sister after all, how could you treat me like this? Woooo... woo Woo..."

"This king has never admitted that you and Xuanyuan Yi are my relatives, just shut up if you know each other, otherwise, next time, this king will directly kill you." Xuanyuan Che's face was dark, and he never Will not be soft-hearted.

Hearing what Xuanyuan Che said, Xuanyuanfei immediately became honest, and she didn't even dare to cry.

Both the queen mother and the prince and brother had nothing to do with Xuanyuan Che, and she, a little princess, was even less qualified to fight Xuanyuan Che.

Forget it, she still has to be patient, it will be over soon.

At this time, everyone's food was almost finished.

The moon is in the middle of the sky, everyone is sleepy, and it's time to go to bed.

Yun Qianxue, who has always been the "Holy Mother", was the first to suggest, "We now have four teams. For everyone's safety, why don't each team send a person to watch the night?"

"Who to send? I'm very tired today, I'm going to bed." Lu Han yawned, not giving Yun Qianxue any face.

And Yun Qianxue didn't care, she still laughed so hard that the Holy Mother said, "Tonight, let me, Fei'er, and the two master fighting spirits brought by Fei'er stay vigil.

Everyone have a good night's rest, how about starting again tomorrow? "

"As a man, how can I let two girls keep watch at night, I'll do it." Lu Lingfeng smiled gentlemanly, but he looked at it differently in his heart.

He also had a good guess about Yun Qianxue's thoughts.

Want to wait for everyone to fall asleep so she can steal the topographic map from Yunxiao?The abacus is really loud!

As the captain, Ye Yu also stood up and said at this time, although his voice was weak, but his expression was extremely stubborn, "Ahem... I am also a man, let me watch the night."

"Master, you have walked so much today, you must rest more now! Let Ah Fu come!" The boy, Ah Fu, also stood up immediately.

Lan Ling'er rolled her eyes, and kept vigil with her sweetheart. Is this a flower that doesn't change its appearance?Therefore, Lan Ling'er also shouted loudly, "I want to watch the night too!"

The corner of Yun Xiao's mouth twitched, seeing so many positive people, she really didn't know how to describe it.

Why don't we just keep watch?As for being so positive?
On the contrary, Xuanyuan Che, who had always been aloof, showed his superior aura at this time, and said with a stern face, "Only four people are needed for the night watch.

Ah Fu, Yun Xiao, me, Yun Qianxue, the four of us will keep watch at night. Tomorrow night, we will change to another group of people. The rest of us will have a good rest.There are still countless monsters to fight tomorrow. If you don't have a good rest tonight, everyone will have to feed the monsters tomorrow! "

After Xuanyuan Che finished speaking, no one dared to have objections.

This is absolute prestige!
As a result, the scene quickly quieted down, and everyone went back to their positions to sleep and prepare for tomorrow's battle.

Yun Xiao and the others stood guard at the door, the fire was warm, the night wind was cool, the stars were shining slightly, and the picture had a different kind of beauty.

At night, it flows silently like this.

In a blink of an eye, it was late at night.

Ah Fu sat in the hole, his eyes widened, and he kept paying close attention to the movement around him.

Yun Qianxue was sitting between the entrance of the cave and the sleeping place. She was leaning against the wall, her eyes narrowed slightly, unable to tell whether she was really asleep or pretending to be asleep.

Yun Xiao was sitting at the entrance of the cave. Under the bright moonlight, she was playing with the green grass in her hands. There was a sense of tranquility on her serene face, which made people feel very comfortable.

Xuanyuan Che was also sitting at the entrance of the cave, he had been quietly looking at Yun Xiao, if time could be frozen, it would be great.

"You should also sleep for a while, or you won't be energetic tomorrow." Xuanyuan Che said softly.

"It doesn't matter if I don't sleep for three days and three nights." Yun Xiao replied truthfully.

When being forced by Master Luoli to make alchemy, Yun Xiao often didn't close his eyes for three days and three nights, and stayed up all night, which was completely trivial.

After a brief exchange, there was another silence.

This was the first time the two got along alone since they reconciled and separated, and the atmosphere was extremely awkward.

After a long time, Xuanyuan Che broke the silence again, "Xiaoxiao, do you still hate me?"

"I said before, without love, how can there be hatred?" Yun Xiao's expression remained the same.

Hearing the answer here, Xuanyuan Che pulled a wry smile, "That's right, there is no love, so why hate..."

Xuanyuan Che let out a long sigh, but his heart felt like being stabbed by ten thousand steel needles, the pain was so painful that blood flowed out.

But on the surface, he still pretended to be calm and nothing happened.

He suppressed his expression and clenched his fists tightly. For Xiaoxiao's future and Xiaoxiao's safety, he could only choose to let go!

That's it, accept your fate!

The night was getting quieter and deeper, the crickets stopped calling, the fireflies stopped flying, and the earth began to fall asleep.

Yun Xiao was idle and bored, so he took out a storybook and read it to pass the time.

But before I saw it for three seconds, the book in front of me suddenly lit up!
Immediately afterwards, the surroundings of the entire cave began to burn, and the scene instantly became a sea of ​​flames!
The corner of Yun Xiao's mouth curled up, with a calm smile on his face, what should come, finally came!
(End of this chapter)

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