Chapter 124 Escape
Hearing Yun Qianxue's words, Xuanyuan Fei shuddered, her eyes covered with a thick layer of fear.

right!She can't just hand over the antidote!We must grab the topographic map first!
Xuanyuan Fei knew very well that this trial was her last straw!

If the Qiankun mirror is not brought back, the prince and brother will send her to the Black Gold Empire as a princess.

In the past dynasties, there was no good end for the princess.

What's more, the Black Gold Empire is still a mysterious and terrifying existence. If you marry somewhere, you will definitely never come back for the rest of your life.

"Yun Xiao, what happened just now is over. I can give you the antidote, but you must give me the topographic map!

Otherwise, even if it is death, I will drag you to be buried with me! "Xuanyuan Fei was threatening and flattering, with an ambiguous attitude.

Yun Xiao sneered, this Xuanyuan Fei is really naive.

At this moment, how dare you negotiate terms with her?no way!

Without any sloppiness, Yun Xiao directly knocked the two of them out, and then prepared to start a body search.

As for the spirit fighting master Xuanyuan Fei and the others brought, Xuanyuan Che had already solved it with the soul control technique without anyone noticing, and became the cannon fodder for the fighting power slag five.

Yun Xiao searched Xuanyuan Fei first, and then Yun Qianxue. After searching for a few minutes, he finally found a few colorful bottles.

After her level as an intermediate pharmacist, Yun Xiao quickly figured out that the purple bottle was the antidote.

After getting the antidote, Yun Xiao ate one by himself first, and then handed another to Xuanyuan Che.

"If you're not afraid that I'll hurt you, eat it."

Xuanyuan Che looked at the pill, a wry smile flashed across his face.

As long as Yun Xiao gave him something to eat, not to mention an antidote, even if it was poison, he would swallow it without hesitation.

After receiving the pill, Xuanyuan Che swallowed the pill without saying anything, proving his determination with actions.

After a while, the sense of oppression in the meridians was greatly relieved.

"It seems that this is indeed the antidote. The fire is getting bigger and bigger. Let's save the people inside first."

"it is good!"

Xuanyuan Che and Yun Xiao cooperated with each other tacitly, time was running out, and all personal feelings were put aside for the time being.

The fire outside is getting bigger and bigger, and in a few minutes, the fire will burn into the hole, and the smoke will grow more and more.

At that time, even if they wanted to leave, there was probably no other way.

When they came to the cave, Yun Xiao saw that everyone was lying on the ground. Yun Xiao first gave Thyme and the others the antidote, then Ye Yu and Lan Ling'er, and finally the three lowly guests from the Lu family.

"What happened? Why is there so much smoke here?" Thyme covered her mouth and nose and asked in doubt.

"There's no time to explain, everyone get out of here quickly, the fire is about to burn in—" Yun Xiao guided everyone.

Everyone present had a strong sense of crisis, and when they heard that there was a fire, they immediately began to run frantically for their lives.

And the one rushing to the front is Lu Lingfeng who is usually the most hypocrite!
At this time, Lu Lingfeng had long disregarded the image of Mr. Pianpian, and the most important thing was being able to escape.

Lu Han wanted to go forward to follow Lu Lingfeng, but Lu Lingfeng disliked getting in the way and threw him away.

In the confusion, Lu Han fell to the ground.

The people swarming up from behind were eager to go outside to breathe fresh air, and the cave was so dark that they didn't even notice that there were people under their feet.

After a while, Lu Han's whole body was covered with footprints, and his whole body was covered with bruises.

Because Yun Xiao was the captain, he walked at the back of the team.

When she stepped on Lu Han's body, she immediately withdrew her foot.

Seeing the forehead figure on the ground, Yun Xiao recognized that it was Lu Han, that little girl who always liked to fight against her.

Yun Xiao wanted to ignore it, anyway, this girl was always against her, so it would be better if she died, so there would be less trouble to stare at her.

But just after Yun Xiao raised his foot, Lu Han had the instinct to survive, and hugged Yun Xiao's thigh tightly, and he would not let go even if he died!
" me..." Lu Han's weak voice was like a small animal, very pitiful.

"My name is Yun Xiao, not your brother." Yun Xiao replied with a frown.

"Save me... save me..."

Seeing Lu Han like this, Yun Xiao shook his head helplessly, that's all, just take it as a good deed and accumulate some virtue for himself.

After all, Lu Han is just a 12-year-old girl, different from Xuanyuan Fei and Yun Qianxue.

This child is too dependent on Lu Lingfeng, that's why he is hostile to her.

Pulling away Lu Han's hand, Yun Xiao put Lu Han on his shoulder and rushed towards the entrance of the cave
When they reached the entrance of the cave, the fire was still fierce, and they couldn't find a way out, so they had to open a way out by themselves.

At this time, the water and earth elementalists gave full play to their specialties and began to put out the forest fire.

As for Yunxiao, the fire elementalist, he could only stand by and wait.

If she plays, it will only make the fire more ferocious.

At this time, Lu Han, who Yun Xiao had been supporting, also slowly regained consciousness.

Lu Han forced her eyes up. Although her memory was very vague, she remembered all the key points clearly.

While fleeing for her life, she was abandoned by her brother and was trampled on the ground.

In the end, Yun Xiao, whom she had always hated to the bone, actually saved her and pulled her out.

Thinking of this, Lu Han didn't know whether to cry or laugh.

She always thought that her brother was the best person to her, and Yun Xiao, a bad woman, kept bullying her. Sooner or later, she would kill Yun Xiao with her own hands!
But tonight, her worldview has been turned upside down.

At the most dangerous time, the person she loved the most abandoned her.

And the person she hated the most saved her instead.

All this is really ridiculous!That's ridiculous!
"Since you're awake, take care of yourself. I don't have time to take care of you." Yun Xiao's expression was as cold as usual.

She saved Lu Han just now, just because of it.This does not mean that the hostile relationship between her and Lu Han will improve.

"Yun Xiao, for what happened tonight, consider it that I owe you my life. Sooner or later, I will pay you back!"

"There's no need to repay your kindness. It will be great if you don't fight against me in the future." Yun Xiao shrugged and replied nonchalantly.

Lu Han clenched her fists tightly, she is a stubborn person, the more Yun Xiao refuses to let her repay her kindness, the more she will repay her!

As for causing her to fall over Lu Lingfeng... Lu Han gritted his teeth, his expression was complicated, and his mind began to waver.

Not far away, Lu Lingfeng came over immediately after seeing Lu Han, and said happily, "Great, Han Han, you are still alive."Brother has been looking for you, almost thought he would never see you again—”

It was still that gentle face, but at this moment, Lu Han felt extremely disgusted!
It turned out that this person was the brother she had admired for so many years!Hypocritical brother!
At this moment, Lu Han had the urge to kill Lu Lingfeng!
(End of this chapter)

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