Chapter 126 Holy Child White Jade
"Woman, you talk too much nonsense, my young master hates people who talk too much!" A cold and strange voice sounded.

Above Thyme and the others, on an old and vigorous tree, stood four white-clothed men in holy religious uniforms, the leader of whom was a sixteen or seventeen-year-old boy.

The boy's eyebrows are like swords, and his face is full of hostility. He looks like someone who often walks on the edge of life and death.

And the white clothes he was wearing were obviously a holy color, but in the night, they permeated people like a ghost.

With just one glance, Thyme understood that unless she summoned an army of monsters, she was no match for this young man.

However, losing is not losing!

Thyme has nothing good about her, but she has a thick skin, and she doesn't know how to write the word "guilty".

So, Thyme put her hands on her hips, and although she was looking up at the man, she said forcefully, "Short, you talk a lot of nonsense!

This girl hates the kind most, who are obviously short, but deliberately stand tall.Come down if you have the ability, let's compare our normal heights? "

"Woman! You're courting death!" The boy glared at Thyme, and then jumped off the tree.

At a distance of 20 meters, the boy jumped down without any external force and landed safely.

Thyme saw at a glance the type of elementalist the young man was, the wind element, the same type as hers, and his strength should be at the peak of the Great Fighter.

This opponent is very tricky!

After the young man landed, the three masked old men in white behind him also jumped off, and then focused their gaze on Yun Xiao.

Obviously, Shengjiao is here for Yunxiao this time!

"Woman, come here, I want to see, how tall are you?" The young man grimaced and hooked his fingers at Thyme.

"Short, didn't your mother teach you not to call a beautiful young woman casually? I think it would be interesting for you to call me that.

Alas, there is no way, who told me that this girl is so cute, so beautiful! "Thyme was deliberately joking, while gathering grudges, ready to fight at any time.

"A long-winded woman." The boy twitched the corner of his mouth. He had performed hundreds of missions, and Thyme was the strangest woman he had ever seen!none of them!

Xuanyuan Che narrowed his eyes slightly, he knew that the reason Thyme said these words was to give him a chance to leave with Yun Xiao.

Their current situation is not optimistic. These four members of the Holy Cult are all at the peak of the Great Fighter. Thyme, Yunlan, and Feng can deal with two at most.

And his soul control technique, when he dealt with Xuanyuan Fei's two fighting spirits just now, had already consumed all his soul power, and now he hasn't recovered yet.

Therefore, with his strength, he can only deal with one person.

Then, the rest of the men in white will definitely take this opportunity to attack Yun Xiao.

Since this is the case, then you can't go head-to-head. Xuanyuan Che seized the opportunity and flew away directly with Yunxiao in his arms!

"Master Shengtong, Yunxiao has escaped!" A certain old man in white reminded the boy loudly.



When they were about to chase, Thyme immediately stepped forward to stop her, and said with a smile, "Little dwarf, don't go! I haven't said enough, you don't like to eat, that's why you are so short?"

"Woman, I'm warning you! Get the hell out of here!" Touching on the issue of height again, the boy went berserk.

He quickly appeared in front of Thyme, stared at Thyme, and then found very sadly: he seemed to be a centimeter shorter than Thyme...

"Haha, so you're really shorter than me!" Thyme laughed loudly, she was just talking, but she didn't expect this young man to have a pretty face, but his height was flawed.

"Woman, you are dead! What's your name? This young master never kills unknown people!" The young man gritted his teeth, with a murderous look in his eyes.

"Boy, when you ask someone else's name, you must give your own name first. This is basic common sense. Didn't your father teach you?" Thyme rolled her eyes, trying to delay as much as possible.

"Woman, please listen to this young master! I will not change my name when I am going, or I will not change my surname when I sit down. My surname is Bai Yu! The third holy child in the inner courtyard of the Holy Church!" Bai Yu not only reported his name, but also his status by the way. The prestige of teaching scares Thyme.

But in fact, it didn't work.

Thyme looked at Baiyu calmly, and responded, "Oh, Baiyu...the name is pretty good. Bai Shengtong, hello, my name is Biligao.

Bi is the bi of jasper, li is the li inside, and cake is the cake of rice cake.It's a good name, right? "

"Bili Cake? Weird people have strange names." Bai Yu gave Thyme a contemptuous look.

But soon, he realized that the meaning of the name, Bi Li Gao, is taller than you!
Big fire!This woman is mocking him again?
By the time Bai Yu realized that she wanted to chase Thyme, Thyme had already flown a hundred meters away.

Thyme fled, laughing presumptuously, "Haha, little dwarf, come and chase me if you have the ability? As long as you can catch me, I will admit that you are taller than me!"

"Woman! Stop!" Bai Yu became angry from embarrassment.

He didn't know what happened today. When he encountered such a situation before, he would definitely not talk so much nonsense and kill the other party directly.

But after meeting this woman, even though he was very irritable and would go berserk with every sentence, but...he just didn't want to kill her.

Bai Ziyu didn't know the reason for this inexplicable feeling.

It's annoying!Just as foster father said, women are troublesome existences!
"Master Shengtong, let's stop wasting time on the stinky girl and go after Yunxiao first. Otherwise, we can't afford to blame the master of the Glazed Palace..." The old man in white begged in a low voice.

Bai Yu frowned, and glanced in Thyme's direction, but did not chase after her in the end.

Woman, I will let you go this time.

Next time, this young master will definitely let you know what real height is!
Thinking of this, Bai Yu's eyes flashed sharply, then turned around, and chased in the direction where Yun Xiao was fleeing.

Xuanyuan Che kept running and running with Yun Xiao in his arms.

Shengjiao's speed was very fast. Even after that, Thyme, Yunlan, and Feng dragged down two old men in white clothes, and Bai Yu and another old man in white clothes continued to chase.

A night of hunting, a night of escape.

Having lived for 19 years, Xuanyuan Che has never been in such a mess.

But when he saw that the person in his arms was safe and sound, Xuanyuan Che showed a gratified smile again, Xiaoxiao, it's good that you are fine.

"King Qin, Yun Xiao, you can't escape, obediently let's capture you!" Bai Yu led an old man in white and forced Xuanyuan Che to the edge of a huge waterfall.

The waterfall is hundreds of feet high, and if you fall from here, if you add the impact of the water, there is absolutely no possibility of survival.

Obviously, Yun Xiao and Xuanyuan Che had been cornered.

 Note: The height of Baizhang is about 330 meters, which is very high.It is four times that of Huangguoshu Waterfall in Guizhou.

(End of this chapter)

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