Chapter 141 The Return of the Dragon and Phoenix 2
In the field, some people agreed with the proposal of the Ninth Elder, and some agreed with the proposal of the Second Elder. The forces of the two parties were evenly divided, and the situation was quite severe.

Of course, the final decision is still in the hands of the Great Elder.

After all, he is the number one member of the elders.

The decision he made was related to every step of the Yun family's future. If he made a mistake, the entire Yun family would be in a desperate situation.

The Great Elder squinted his eyes, stroked his long gray beard with his left hand, and tapped the table with his right hand in a slow and steady rhythm.

His old face is full of wrinkles, full of vicissitudes of life, and he has seen all kinds of big scenes and solved countless difficult and difficult things.

However, the Great Elder had been the number one position for so many years, and what happened to Yun Xiao this time made him look hesitant.

The left and right are nothing more than an heir, and whether to give up or not is all in his mind.

However, when he thought of that youthful and invincible face, that stubborn and stubborn genius girl, he couldn't bear to give up.

It would be a pity if such a good seedling was just given up like this.

"Great Elder, Qianxue is not talented and is not qualified to be the heir of the Yun family. Let's go and get Jiumei back." Yun Qianxue deliberately lowered her figure by retreating, which attracted a lot of praise.

This kind of humble and polite junior, a good sister who puts her safety first, is the heir the Yun family really needs!

But such a trick is useless in front of the fighter among the old foxes - the Great Elder.

It was precisely because the elder had already seen through Yun Qianxue's hypocrisy that he was reluctant to hand over his identity as the heir.

"Qianxue is really a sensible child. If that's the case, then, as you said, go to Yun Xiao first, and we'll continue the discussion after Yun Xiao comes back." The Great Elder rode down the donkey and agreed.

Yun Qianxue bit her lip, her face turned blue.

She didn't expect the Great Elder to agree to it if she wanted to.It seems that this old fox is not easy to fool, she can only change another trick.

Suppressing the resentment in her heart, Yun Qianxue continued, "The Great Elder has considered Ninth Sister so thoroughly, Ninth Sister will be very happy if she is here."

"I said Yun Qianxue, can you stop being so hypocritical. When you were in the Warcraft Mountains, you and Xuanyuan Fei sent two master fighting spirits to kill Sister Yun.

Now here, one mouthful of nine younger sisters, it makes me want to spit out the food I ate last year! "Thyme speaks directly, saying whatever comes to mind.

Yun Xiao never came back, she was more anxious than anyone else.

Now that she heard Yun Qianxue's remarks, she couldn't take it anymore, so she responded directly with sarcasm.

In order to find Yun Xiao, she used the second chance of the beast control ring to dispatch all the beasts to find Yun Xiao.

However, a month later, there is still no news.

Sister Yun, where are you?If you don't come back, the Yun family will really have no place for you.

Seeing the worry on Thyme's face, Yun Xiao wanted to rush out immediately and tell that girl that she is here!

But the situation at the scene did not allow her to do so.

It is more important to find Yun Xiao first. After the first elder has made this decision, the matter of the heir has come to an end for the time being.

But after this decision was made, except for the Ninth Elder, the Yunxiao Party, the rest of the Yunfeng Party, and even the Neutral Party, their expressions changed slightly.

Yunfeng spoke again, persuading him with "painful words", "Elder Elder, although Yunxiao is good, my Yun family is not short of her.

The crown prince and Qianxue will get married in a few years. If Qianxue becomes the heir, the Yun family and the royal family will be one family.

At that time, the head of the four major families will definitely be our Yun family! "

"Yunfeng, are you questioning the old man's decision?" The elder's voice was cold.

"Yunfeng dare not! Everything Yunfeng has done is entirely for the sake of the Yun family!

To unite with the Xuanyuan royal family and push the Yun family to the top of the four major families, such a good opportunity, Yunfeng didn't want the Yun family to miss it!
If the Great Elder insisted on not listening, Yunfeng would have to offend him! "Yunfeng, the old fox, finally showed his fox tail.

Yun Xiao watched the show in secret, how dare Yun Feng challenge the First Elder?It seems that the strength of this old fox is really hidden deep enough!

"Yunfeng, are you planning to rebel? How can you go against the wishes of the elders?" The Ninth Elder stared at Yunfeng fiercely.

This little brat was the head of the family he had trained back then, but today, this guy would dare to be an enemy of the elders?
"Elder Ninth, you can't say that. It's your and First Elder's wish to support Yun Xiao. The rest of us elders don't think so." The Second Elder accompanied the Third Elder, Fourth Elder, and Fifth Elder The six elders stood up one after another, and then walked to Yunfeng's side.

So, with Yun Xiao as the trigger, the dispute within the elders escalated into a conflict, and finally a family war involving all the high-level members of the Yun family finally broke out!

In the group of elders, although they are harmonious on weekdays, intrigue is still inevitable in private.

Two, three, four, five, and six are one camp, and one seven eighty-nine is one camp.

In addition to the elders group, the Second Elder has many high-level members of the Yun family, and Yunfeng, the current head of the family, has an advantage in terms of numbers.

"It seems that you are really planning to rebel!" Ninth Elder looked at them angrily.

"Xiao Jiu, you are the youngest elder, so naturally you don't understand the pain of us old people.

I have been sitting in the position of Second Elder for 300 years! 300 years, a full 300 years!That old man still hasn't quit voluntarily?
Since he doesn't take the initiative to withdraw, I will change the method and make him have to withdraw! "The second elder's tone was fierce.

Regarding this, the elder just smiled calmly, "Second brother, do you really think that you can kill me?"

"Great elder, with my strength, I can't kill you. But you probably don't know it yet, right? I've already guessed that such a day will come, so I usually put poison in your food.

If you don't believe me, you can try to run the Dou Qi, as long as you use a little force, your meridians will burst and you will die!How about it?You taught me this poison back then! "The second elder's face was full of vicious smiles.

The darkest thing is nothing but people's hearts, Yun Xiao once again witnessed this sentence.

After the second elder finished speaking, the scene had reached a heated stage.

I don't know which side made the first move. All in all, the elders began to fight among themselves, and the Yunxiao Party and Yunfeng Party also started a formal duel.

In the chaos, Yun Xiao figured out which ones were his own and which ones were enemies.

So that after this incident is over, she can open her eyes and see who can cooperate and who must be eliminated!
There were too many masters present, and the entire hall was already in dilapidated condition. One of the masters exploded with a big move, and the small courtyard was directly destroyed!

In the melee, Yun Xiao was always looking for an opportunity to sneak attack Yunfeng.

Last time, for Yun Qianxue's sake, Yunfeng gave her a fatal blow, causing her to be seriously injured.

Now that she has the opportunity today, if she doesn't take back some of her books, then she won't be called Yunxiao anymore!

(End of this chapter)

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