Chapter 144
Unfamiliar paths, unfamiliar courtyards, this is the second time Yun Xiao has come to Yun Haotian's residence.

As soon as he entered the courtyard, several maids in the courtyard immediately knelt down in fear and respect.

"The servant has met the Patriarch."

"The servant has met the Patriarch."

"Where is my dad?"

"Report to the master, the master is in the study."

"Well, back off."

As Yunxiao walked towards the study, a burst of ink fragrance came to his nostrils, it was the gilt fragrance from last time, the fragrance was pleasant but not greasy.

At this time, Yun Haotian was still wearing a thin green shirt, like a refined bachelor. Compared with the last time we met, Yun Haotian seemed to have lost a lot of weight.
He was standing in front of the desk writing, and on the desk was a stack of calligraphy he had practiced recently.

Yun Xiao looked at the pile of papers, and stood silently on the side, not disturbing Yun Haotian.

She knows that once a person does something crazily and repeatedly, he must have something on his mind.

After about two hours, they didn't start talking until Yun Haotian had finished writing.

"I heard that you have become the head of the family? Congratulations. This calligraphy is my congratulatory gift to you." Yun Haotian smiled lightly, and presented a piece of calligraphy with wet ink.

This calligraphy is the last one written by Yun Haotian.

Yun Xiao didn't read the content directly, just accepted it generously and put it away, and then began to say, "I have something to ask you."

"But it's okay to ask." Yun Haotian put down his pen, with a slight smile on his face.

This smile, illuminated by the moonlight on a summer night, seems to have the meaning of a dying candle in the wind.

Seeing Yun Haotian's expression, Yun Xiao hesitated in his heart whether he should ask or not.

After all, if the answer to this question is no, it will be difficult.

"If you have something to say...just say it directly." Yun Haotian said, his expression was a little tired.

It was late at night, and at this time in the past, he had already fallen asleep.

Seeing Yun Haotian like this, Yun Xiao had no choice but to get straight to the point and said, "I want to ask... am I your daughter?"

Yun Haotian was slightly taken aback, he had guessed various questions, but he never expected that Yun Xiao would ask this one in the end.

Yun Haotian had a helpless smile on his face, and his voice was even more helpless, "If I say no, will you kill me?"

The current Patriarch has nothing to do with the Yun family. If such news is released, Yun Xiao's position as Patriarch may be lost.

"I don't know." Yun Xiao told the truth.

If Yun Haotian is not her father, then she must take some measures in order to be the Patriarch.

However, when killing Yun Qianxue, she did not hesitate.

When it came time to kill Yun Haotian, she seemed a bit unable to do it.

As for the reason, she herself didn't know.

Seeing the hesitation in Yun Xiao's eyes, Yun Haotian had a complex meaning in his eyes, "Xiao Xiao, you are indeed my daughter. But, you are not her complete."

"What do you mean?"

"14 years ago, when you were just born, you were born with a vision, which attracted a group of strange people in blue.

At that time, they took your soul away, leaving only a numb body.

Later, your mother and I invited a master-level soul control master. He said that your soul has already gone to another world, and with his strength, he can only summon a part of it back.

Therefore, your soul has never been complete. From childhood to adulthood, you have a low self-esteem, and sometimes you often get confused, probably because of this reason.

But today, my father is very happy to see that you have become the head of the family. He is really happy for you. "

"14 years ago? The man in blue?" Yun Xiao looked puzzled, yet somewhat certain.

According to the last travel time, the time of the 21st century and the time of Aotian Continent are not fixed.

Maybe...very likely...she is the soul that was taken away 14 years ago!

Otherwise, with the compatibility of her soul, she would never return to Yun Xiao's body!
The so-called original owner has always been himself?
After going around for a long time, she is actually the real Yunxiao!
Yun Xiao only wanted to have one word to describe the result of this brainstorming: I'll go!Do you want to cheat my sister like this?
But after thinking about it carefully, it was still wrong.

Since she is time-traveled, what is going on with her body in the 21st century?Could it be that "blue" is more advanced than scientists in the 21st century and able to use cloning technology?
Uh, I don't want it anymore, I don't want it anymore, next time if you see those guys, you must ask them clearly!

Finally, Yun Xiao handed the question of "the man in blue" to Yun Haotian again, "The man in blue? What man in blue?"

Yun Xiao seriously suspected that the group of people in blue must have something to do with "Blue".

"I don't know, I only know that they are a group of very mysterious people. They seem to have something to do with your mother. But she has been refusing to tell me about it, probably because she is afraid that it will hurt me.

She is so stupid, there is no such thing as getting involved or not, a person lives for a lifetime, that's all..."

Yun Haotian thought of that smiling woman, who had been separated for seven years, and wondered how she was doing now.

Is it cold or hot?Is it sad or happy?
If she knew that she left before her, would she blame herself?

"Cough—cough—" Thinking of this, Yun Haotian began to cough violently.

"It's windy at night, you should close the windows." Yun Xiao stepped forward, closed the windows on the left and right, and closed the door by the way.

But just after Yun Xiao locked the wind, and looked back at Yun Haotian, Yun Haotian fell to the ground with a "plop"!
"Hello. What's wrong with you?" Yun Xiao quickly walked over to help Yun Haotian.

But when she helped her, she found something bad.

Yun Haotian's body was cold and weak.

Yun Xiao quickly took Yun Haotian's pulse, and the result of the pulse directly made her frown.

Yun Haotian must have suffered a fatal injury in his early years, and later he fought against a master, and the fatal injury aggravated again.

Over the years, he has long been a dry well, relying on willpower and various elixirs to hang on.

Now, Yun Haotian's life has reached its limit.

"Xiaoxiao, are you worried about me?" Yun Haotian asked gently with a smile on his face.

"Don't talk, you need to save your energy now." Yun Xiao frowned, and began to ask the green demon for help.

"Master, can my father be saved? Please save him!" She pretended to be calm in front of Yun Haotian, but in front of the green demon, Yun Xiao could no longer hide her anxiety and worry.

"Unless the Jiuzhuan Resurrection Pill, there is no good medicine to cure it." The green demon sighed.

"Nine Turns Pill?" Yun Xiao remembered that there was a Nine Turns Pill ever since.

But last time, it was given to Xuanyuan Che.

Now that she wants to save her father, where should she find the Jiuzhuan Pill?

"Master, aren't you a master of refining medicine? Jiuzhuan Pill is a master-level pill, can you refine it?"

"Even if you are a master of alchemy, you may not be able to refine Jiuzhuan Pill, it requires talent and luck.

With my current strength, the chance of refining this pill is only [-]%.What's more, the raw materials of Jiu Zhuan Pill are precious, some medicinal materials, even if you search for ten years, you may not be able to find them. "It's not that the green demon wants to hit Yunxiao.

Rather, everything she said was true.

Yun Xiao looked at Yun Haotian in disappointment, this man was the biological father she had been looking for all along!

Even though he was not nice to her before.

But he is still her father!
"Jun Wuyou! I know you must have a way to get rid of my father! I owe you a favor!" Yun Xiao put aside the conflicts of the previous few days.

As long as Yun Haotian can be saved, she is willing to let go of her hatred temporarily, no matter what the price is, she must save Yun Haotian!
(End of this chapter)

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