Chapter 151 Treasure
Shengbao Pavilion and the Devil's Cult are inextricably linked, if you ask Shengbao Pavilion, maybe Xuanyuanche's news will come to light!

Thinking of this, Yun Xiao looked at the old man, and said calmly, "Please, senior, lead the way."

Under the guidance of the old man, Yun Xiao soon arrived at Shengbao Pavilion.

It is still a gorgeous and atmospheric floor, a spacious and bright hall, and finally meet in a delicate room partitioned by black gauze.

Seeing the familiar tall figure from behind, Yun Xiao didn't speak, but first found a stool at random, then sat down directly, took a cup of good tea by the way, and sipped it carefully.

"It seems that Patriarch Yun's throne is more confident than Qin Wangfei's throne." The abrupt opening remarks made the already unfriendly atmosphere even colder.

Looking at the back, Yun Xiao suddenly remembered the two lives that the other party told her when she first came here.

One is to become the princess of Qin, and then compete with various women for Xuanyuan Che.

The other is to be the head of the cloud family and open up your own life hegemony.

I didn't expect that now, I was really hit by the other party!

Could it be that this Leng Jiyan has the ability to predict the future?
Suppressing curiosity, Yun Xiao took a sip of tea, and responded calmly, "Whether it's Princess Qin or Patriarch Yun, how can there be so many choices in life? At best, there are only suitable or unsuitable."

Leng Jiyan chuckled and didn't care about it.

After exchanging greetings, he directly cut to the point, "Patriarch Yun, according to the agreement, you borrow this seat's Universe Mirror, and this seat owes you a favor.

I don't know what the Yun family thinks about this condition? "

"No problem, but I don't know, can the pavilion master repay the favor I want?"

"But it doesn't matter."

"I'm looking for someone."

"Xuanyuan Che?"


"Chi——" Leng Jiyan sneered, his voice was low, and he said with a bit of sarcasm, "I thought you knew everything, but it seems that you are nothing more than that in Xuanyuan Che's heart!"

know everything?What does it mean?Could it be... Xuanyuan Che has other things to hide from her?
Yun Xiao's expression paused slightly, and she felt more and more that Xuanyuan Che's disappearance this time must have something to say.

Although he was full of curiosity, on the surface, Yun Xiao still pretended to be calm.

She stared at Leng Jiyan, and continued, "Since the pavilion master knows everything, then don't go around the bush, just speak directly."

"Patriarch Yun is really straightforward! Then I'll just say it straight. Recently, a rumor came out from nowhere. During the melee thousands of years ago, the two clans of gods and demons left behind a treasure.

I heard that there are countless gold and silver treasures, panaceas, god-level weapons, and elemental fighting skills in this treasure.

The most important thing is that the treasure contains the lifeblood of the gods and demons. If someone masters this lifeblood, the world will be at their fingertips! "

"What does this have to do with Xuanyuan Che?" Yun Xiao frowned slightly.

"As soon as the rumor about the treasure came out, people from all walks of life began to mobilize, and the Soul Sect represented by Xuanyuan Che was naturally among them.

In other words, your ex-husband left you to find the treasure. "The last sentence, Leng Jiyan is purely to hurt Yunxiao.

Yun Xiao was puzzled, Xuanyuan Che went to find the treasure, why didn't he tell himself?

Also, there are so many people looking for the treasure, Xuanyuan Che is not a big name, why can't Feiying find out this news?

Yun Xiao recalled Leng Jiyan's words carefully, and suddenly, she discovered an important point!
The Soul Sect represented by Xuanyuan Che?

Soul sect!

Xuanyuan Che is actually a member of the Soul Sect? !
Based on Yun Xiao's understanding of the structure of the Aotian Continent, the power of the Soul Sect is not simple at all, it can be compared to a superpower!
As if noticing Yun Xiao's surprise, Leng Jiyan smiled lightly, "Xuanyuan Che is not only a member of the Soul Sect, he is also the new Sect Master of the Soul Sect, the youngest Sect Master in the history of the Soul Sect.

Therefore, this is also the reason why Feiying could not find out Xuanyuan Che's whereabouts.

Patriarch Yun, now, do you know how big the gap is between you and him? "

Yun Xiao clenched her fists tightly, she knew what Leng Ji said.

I thought that I had worked very hard and excelled, and could reach the height of standing side by side with Xuanyuan Che.

But the reality is, she is far from it!
Xuanyuan Che's true identity is the suzerain of the Soul Sect, one of the Seven Sects in the mainland, and his status is far higher than that of the king of a country.

And she is just an ordinary family from an ordinary empire.

Standing beside him like this will only bring him trouble, right?
"What? You feel that you are not worthy of Xuanyuan Che, so you plan to back down?"

"Pavilion Master Leng, you're too lenient, aren't you?" Yun Xiao looked unhappy.

There is no need for others to talk about the matter between her and Xuanyuan Che.

No matter how tall Xuanyuan Che stood, no matter how big the gap between her and him was, Yun Xiao didn't care.

She believes that as long as she is willing to work hard, sooner or later, she will reach that height, for sure!
"Patriarch Yun, I just want to give you another chance. Cooperate with me, as long as you can help me kill that person, Shengbao Pavilion will definitely become your right-hand man," Leng Jiyan once again threw out an olive branch.

Last time, he had discussed cooperation with Yun Xiao, but was accidentally delayed because of the matter of Qian Kun Mirror.

Now that the opportunity came again, how could he let it go?
When Yun Xiao heard Leng Ji talk about cooperation, his expression became more thoughtful.

Her position in the Yun Family has been stabilized, and if she wants to expand outward, she must make friends with some superpowers.

With the strength of Shengbao Pavilion, it naturally meets the Yun family's communication conditions.

However, regarding the person Leng Jiyan asked her to kill, she was still a little worried and didn't want to take this task.

"If you tell me who you want me to kill, I can think about it." Yun Xiao kept the bottom line.

Seeing Yun Xiao like this, Leng Jiyan knew that it was useless to say anything else.

Once he told Yun Xiao that the person he wanted her to kill, Yu Jiangshan, Yun Xiao would definitely not do it.

After all, Yu Jiangshan saved Yun Xiao's life in the dark marriage.

Forget it, there is no benevolence and righteousness in buying and selling, anyway, it has already been covered in the mirror of Qiankun, and the matter of Yujiangshan will be discussed later.

Regarding this topic, Leng Jiyan stopped here.

"Patriarch Yun, let's let this matter go, how about we talk about another cooperation?" Leng Jiyan seemed to be in a particularly good mood today, and if one cooperation failed, another one would come.

Yun Xiao's thoughts on Leng Jiyan have also been touched now. When she heard Leng Jiyan talk about the new cooperation, she immediately thought of Treasure!
"New cooperation? Are you going to ask me to go find the treasure with you?"

"Smart! Patriarch Yun, I like to talk to smart people like you. I hope you won't disappoint me again this time." Leng Jiyan said with a chuckle.

The corner of Yun Xiao's mouth curled up, but his face was still calm.

Who wouldn't be tempted to control the treasures of the world?

However, Crown Prince Xuanyuan Yi, Shengjiao, Shengbao Pavilion, Soul Sect... so many forces are looking for treasures.

It is difficult to snatch food from the mouths of wolves!

"What? Patriarch Yun is afraid?" Leng Jiyan said in a low voice, his voice slightly provocative.

(End of this chapter)

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