Chapter 153 Returning the Universe Mirror

"Did you kill my father?" Bai Yu looked at Yun Xiao, her voice was unhurried, but her anger was suppressed.

"Who is your father?" Yun Xiao looked puzzled.

After coming to Aotian Continent, she didn't seem to have killed many people, right?Why did they all come to settle accounts with her?

"The Seventh Elder of the Outer Court!" Bai Yu paused every word, gnashing her teeth.

Killing his father and enemy is right in front of him, but he can't do it, damn it!

Hearing Bai Yu's answer, Yun Xiao froze for a moment.

Seventh elder?The Seventh Elder who predicted the future that her child's father is the eldest brother of Shan?
"You are Bai Ziyu?" Yun Xiao looked surprised, Bai Yu... Bai Ziyu... That's right!She should have thought of this long ago!

Bai Yu was Bai Ziyu, and before the Seventh Elder was about to die, his son was the one who worried the most.

"How do you know this name?" Bai Ziyu looked puzzled. No one in the entire holy religion knew this name except his biological father, the Seventh Elder.

What he didn't expect was that now Yun Xiao actually knew this name, what does this mean?Could it be that there is something hidden behind the death of his father?
"How I know is not important. What is important is that I promised your father that I will not harm you." Yun Xiao sighed.

Since the other party is the son of the Seventh Elder, she will definitely not do anything.

Of course, the premise is that her own life is still alive!

If Bai Ziyu wanted to kill her, she would have no choice but to accompany her.

After seeing Yun Xiao's attitude, Bai Ziyu's eyes flashed with thought.

He didn't speak any more, just looked at Yun Xiao quietly, his eyes were so heavy that it was hard to breathe.

Thyme didn't like Bai Ziyu's aura, so when Bai Ziyu was staring at Yun Xiao, Thyme mercilessly started chasing guests away!

"Dwarf, since Sister Yun let you go mercifully, you should get out of here! This is Yun's family, not the Holy Cult!"

"Woman! Shut up!" Bai Ziyu looked at Thyme impatiently.

Bai Ziyu and Thyme, two people who are at odds with each other, always quarrel when they meet, which seems to be a narrow road between enemies.

"Dwarf, my aunt warns you! Don't call me a woman casually! My aunt doesn't like this title!"

"Woman, I'm warning you too! Don't call me a dwarf casually, I don't like this title either!"




Yun Xiao covered her ears, and then quickly walked towards her room. She really didn't want to pay attention to these two noisy engines.

How old are you, to play such childish bickering?boring!
After returning to the room, Yun Xiao's world was finally quiet.

Although I don't know what Bai Ziyu's plan is, since he likes to hang on, let's not leave, let's see how long he can follow.

Taking advantage of the fact that there are still five days left before the third trial, Yun Xiao decided to practice hard during this time. The competition will become more and more fierce as it gets to the end!
Back at Qibao Linglong Pagoda, Yun Xiao began to concentrate on cultivation.

Ever since she joined the Great Fighter, Yun Xiao found that her strength had entered a bottleneck period. Even after absorbing the Soul Devouring Fire, her strength remained the same.

It seems that there will be no improvement in a short time.

"Don't be too anxious. In addition to hard work and talent, there is also an opportunity for cultivation." The green demon comforted Yun Xiao while refining the medicine.

She has seen too many geniuses who are eager for success, and they always want to reach the sky in one step and eat a big fat man in one bite.

In the end, because of a bad mentality, I kept standing still and always stayed at a certain stage.

Hearing what the green demon said, Yun Xiao nodded slightly, then closed her eyes, and began to adjust her breathing rhythm.

In the dark, she tried to blend in with the surrounding environment. The most important thing in the cultivation of dark elements is harmony.

I am darkness, darkness is me, darkness is one with me, and darkness is one with me.

There are more and more dark elements, and they are getting thicker.

At this time, the so-called brutal and weird element of destruction, dark, quietly lingers around Yun Xiao like an obedient note, thick but not thick.

Practice is getting better.

At this time, if there is a light elementalist, he will be so surprised that he can't speak.

Even the light element usually does not reveal such a gentle side.

Destruction and salvation are indeed only one step away.

The three days of training were fleeting, and although he hadn't slept for three days and three nights, Yun Xiao's spirit was as good as the first class.

This kind of training effect surprised Yun Xiao.

When she opened her eyes again, the old man in Shengbao Pavilion had been waiting at Yun's house for a long time.

In the hall of the Yun family, the three-day agreement has arrived.

Leng Jiyan kept his promise and asked the old man to return the Qiankun Mirror. Yun Xiao took out the antidote on the spot and handed it to the old man.

Looking at the Qiankun Mirror in his hand, Yun Xiao was sure that Leng Jiyan hadn't changed his package.Did not let the artifact recognize the master.

In other words, it is suspicious why Leng Jiyan borrowed the Universe Mirror.

Could it be that he also used the universe mirror to travel through time and space?
Yun Xiao's doubts had not yet been resolved, but the old man's words pulled her out of her thoughts.

"Patriarch Yun, what do you think of the cooperation our Pavilion Master mentioned last time?" The old man asked tentatively with a smile on his face.

"Let him come and talk to me about this kind of thing." Yun Xiao's attitude was so cold that it was impossible to see her true intentions.

The old man was turned away, so he had to smile awkwardly and said, "In this case, Shengbao Pavilion will just wait for the good news from Patriarch Yun!"

After speaking, the old man picked up the antidote, took his leave and left.

After the old man left, Thyme looked at Bai Ziyu next to her, and said with a disgusted expression, "Hey, dwarf, how long are you going to stay here?"

"It has nothing to do with you." Bai Ziyu responded indifferently.

"Sister Yun, look at him, this guy has been eating and drinking for nothing in our Yun family, it's too disgusting!" Bai Lixiang said righteously, ignoring that she is also a person who eats and drinks for nothing. .

Bai Ziyu rolled his eyes, "Woman, you have no right to speak of me!"

Yun Xiao looked at the two helplessly, it had been three days, Thyme and Bai Ziyu had more and more conflicts, and every time they met they had to fight.

If these two enemies are by her side, Yun Xiao can be sure that she will definitely lose ten years of life!
"Okay, okay, since they are all living for nothing, let's find some work." Yun Xiao waved his hand, and immediately asked Yun Lan to arrange errands for the two of them.

Yun Lan was worried that there were too many things to do recently, and there were too few people running errands. When she saw Thyme and Bai Ziyu delivered to her door, she burst into a smile.

Bai Ziyu heard that he wanted to work?His face was ugly.

Just because of his status as a holy child of the holy religion, he is not being served well wherever he goes, how dare this Yun Xiao send him at will?
And Thyme, when she heard that she was going to work, she showed a very happy smile.

It is my blessing to be able to do things for Sister Yun!
Without any explanation, Thyme grabbed Bai Ziyu, "What are you still doing? Go to work!"

Bai Ziyu looked at his hand being held by Thyme, and his face turned red immediately, since he forgot to react for a while.

The quarrel between the two hundred ended, and Yun Xiao finally breathed a sigh of relief.

There are still two days before the third trial, and she should start preparing for it!

(End of this chapter)

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