Chapter 238

With a slight smile, Xue Wu's eyes became softer and softer, and his eyes were filled with the appearance of a young boy.

"Hey, it's not easy to deal with them, Qing'er, go and invite Master Shui, our Mu family is willing to form an alliance with him and deal with the enemy together." Mu Xin's expression froze, and then a faint smile appeared on the corner of her mouth Shui Luoyu's words made him understand that Shui Mo must have reached an agreement with the An family and the Lan family. However, the existence of the Shui family will not be long after trading with those two families. After disappearing, it will be their turn to Mujia.

If you want the Mu family not to become history, the only choice is to cooperate with the Shui family, not to mention, Qing'er's affection for that girl Lan'er is in his eyes.

Hearing this, Mu Qing's eyes lit up, she responded, and immediately ran towards Shui's house...

At this moment, the Shui Family is attached to a tent, the Great Elder and Shui Moxian are pacing back and forth restlessly, the sky is getting late, the sunset glow covers the whole sky, it is dazzling, Shui Moxian's heart is stained with a layer of anxiety, from time to time he looks at the Outside the tent, at that time he only thought about avenging his daughter, and did not stop Shui Luoyu's actions. Thinking about it now, they were too frivolous.

That person, after all, is in the Mu family. If the Mu family takes the initiative, I'm afraid Yu'er will be in danger.

"Sigh." Shui Mo stopped in his tracks first, and sighed: "Let me go to Mu's house to have a look!"

Shui Mo was originally black-hearted, but he loved his only son and daughter very much. A hundred years ago, not long after Shui Luoer was born, he went to the second floor of Fengming Heaven Realm to visit a poison pharmacist in order to find the strength to deal with Shui Motian. He was accidentally poisoned, and although he was cured of the poison in the end, due to the sequelae, he could no longer have other children for life, but he still wanted to go to the Blood Sea Purgatory when his cultivation reached a higher level in the future. At that time, the status of the Shui family would require his own The son came to inherit, even if the son's cultivation is not good, but he can't let him have any accidents.

"Bang." Just as he was about to go out, there was a strong collision sound outside the door, and even the ground trembled.

The Great Elder frowned, his eyes were cold, and he said coldly: "Who is making trouble outside? It's really presumptuous. First, let's go, let's go out and have a look."

Shui Mo nodded silently first, and left after the Great Elder walked out of the door. However, when he saw the man lying at the door, spitting out blood continuously, he was startled, ran over in a hurry, and helped the weak man body, the roar full of hatred echoed in the air for a long time: "Yu'er..."

His eyes were bloodshot, very intimidating, he tightly grasped Mr. Shui Mo's armor, gnashed his teeth and said: "Mu Family, I, Mr. Shui Mo, are at odds with you."

A black light flashed on Shui Luoyu's body, and the magic dragon appeared beside him, with the same scars and weak breath. If you didn't feel it carefully, you would think that he had lost his breath.

The person who fell from the sky was exactly Shui Luoyu who was slapped flying by Wen Fengyin's palm. She didn't expect that that slap sent Shui Luoyu back to Shui's house by coincidence. Shui Luoyu fell in front of Shui Moxian's tent. Although he could use the golden wings after the god level, the impact was too strong, and Shui Luoyu had no chance to spread the golden wings at all.

"What's going on here?" An evil voice suddenly sounded. The man was wearing a gold silk white robe. Danfeng had all sorts of amorous feelings in his eyes, a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, a folding fan in his hand, and walked towards this place with elegant steps. Fang walked in, and when he reached Shui Luoyu's side, he stopped, glanced at him inadvertently, and his eyes flashed, "Hey! Isn't this brother Yu? What's the matter? Did he molested a good woman from a good family, but was caught by his parents?" Did you get beaten?"

Those seductive eyes were full of teasing, whoever made him feel uncomfortable seeing these people, if he knew who hurt Shui Luoyu, he would definitely thank him for going.

"You..." Shui Moxian's expression changed, and he glared at Shui Qingzhu fiercely, "You don't seem to have the right to speak."

Shui Qingzhu smiled instead of anger, but his pupils were filled with coldness: "Have you forgotten, Uncle, that I am the son of the Patriarch, and the next Patriarch of the Shui Family. Tell me, I have no right to speak? Huh?" Lifting the folding fan, the cold eyes flashed across the eyes, and the seductive Danfeng eyes stared at Shui Moxian, "Don't think that everything is under your control. Being too conceited is not a good thing."

"Bastard." Shui Mo got up from the ground in an instant, silently recited the mantra, and when he was about to finish, a pair of hands rested on his hands, preventing his next move. Turned to the Great Elder: "The Great Elder..."

The Great Elder cast a warning look over him, and as a last resort, Shui Mo put down his hand first, but the hatred in his eyes couldn't be resisted.

"Heh, if you have the skill to deal with me, why not think about how to save your son!" Shui Qingzhu laughed lowly, and under their anger, shook his folding fan, turned and left, leaving behind a floating figure, It wasn't until they were far away that there was an arrogant laugh coming from a distance, "Haha... What a joyful day today!"

Shui Mo gritted his teeth all over the ground, clenched his fists, and hit the nearby tree with a "boom", and shouted at the man beside him, "Great Elder, why don't you let me deal with him."

The Great Elder glanced around, with a strong sense of oppression, those people from the Shui family who were originally surrounding him dispersed as quickly as possible.Seeing this, the corner of the Great Elder's mouth curled up coldly, looked at Shui Luoyu on the ground, and said, "Take Yu'er into the tent first."

Holding Shui Luoyu in his arms, Shui Mo was full of doubts first, followed the elder into the house, Shui Luoer saw Shui Luoyu coming sideways, his heart trembled, he got up from the bed, and ran to his brother , She also heard the voices outside, but because of that disfigured face, she didn't dare to go out, but she never thought that her brother would become like this.

"Father, why don't you let me kill that bastard Shui Qingzhu?" Shui Mo asked because he didn't understand the elder's actions.

The Great Elder smiled coldly, and a gleam of light flashed across his eyes: "Shui Qingzhu is not a reckless person. What he said today completely offended us. Why do you think he dared to do this? If you are not sure , he will not say such reckless words, they must have some other tricks."

The Great Elder has always thought himself to be extremely intelligent, but this time, he completely guessed Shui Qingzhu's motives wrong.Shui Qingzhu knew that the Great Elder was overly suspicious, so he deliberately set up a situation so that he could not grasp everything and buy time for them to ask for help. Shui Qingzhu believed that what he said would make the Great Elder dare not act rashly.

Later, when the First Elder found out the whole story of this matter, he was so angry that he almost vomited blood. After living for so many years, in the end, he was tricked by a junior. Can he not be angry?

(End of this chapter)

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