Chapter 246

The Great Elder and Shui Mo were a little embarrassed when they first saw such a scene. In the end, the Great Elder stepped forward and said, "Three, I came today to discuss something with you. My injury is almost recovered. , the next is the battle for power with Shui Motian, I wonder when the three of you will be free to help?"

Speaking of being injured, he gritted his teeth. After winning the position of head of the family, he will definitely lead the people of the Shui family to crush the elves.

Although at his age, he doesn't need any heirs, but for a man to be injured in that place, it is a shame, as proud as him, how can he bear it?
Yao Nan glanced at him, did not speak, took out a mirror out of nowhere, rubbed his red hair, and put on a beautiful smile on his enchanting face, obviously very satisfied with his appearance.He believes that in this world, no one is more beautiful than himself.

"Mirror, mirror, tell me who is the most beautiful..."

"Pfft." Mrs. Du just drank the poison in her mouth and spit it all out, almost spat it on the Yaonan's face, fortunately the Yaonan was quick, otherwise he would be disfigured by the poison.

Patting his frightened chest, Yao Nan glared at her, and even in that look, there were all kinds of charms: "I hate it, what do you want to do? You must be jealous of her beauty and want to frame her, and she doesn't like you Playing, hum."

Taking out a black handkerchief, and wiping the corners of her mouth, Mrs. Poison looked at the embarrassing elder: "You pick a time, the second floor is full of phoenixes, not even a human being. The poison I refined is I’m here to help you for the experiment, don’t let me down.” After a pause, a cruel light flashed in the eyes of Mrs. Poison, and she said again, “By the way, help me find a man with strong talent. Come, I want to try my new poison."

Talented people?The eyes of the Great Elder flashed brightly, and the appearance of Shui Qingzhu appeared in his mind. He has good talent and is suitable for Mrs. Du to use as an experiment.

"Okay, I will help you catch it." The corner of the elder's mouth curled up into a silent smile, and then he looked at Mr. Shui Mo, "My son, the Lan family has been wiped out, you can contact An's family, we have to act soon , and don’t provoke the Mu family, the demise of the Lan family needs to be investigated, we would rather believe it than believe it.”

The Lan family was lost at the hands of the Yushen, and it was rumored that the Yushen was the guest of the Mu family. There is no evidence for this, but they can't act recklessly, but it would be the best if they could be brought to the Mu family.

The Mu family and the Shui family have been friends for generations, and the friendship between Shui Motian and Mu Xin is also good, but he believes that people are selfish, and Mu Xin will not use his family power for a Shui Motian, so he thought It is necessary to use a method to attract the Mu family. With the Mu family's family and their own forces, I believe that the position of the head of the Shui family will soon be in their hands.

Thinking of this, the Great Elder couldn't help laughing, as if he had already seen the position of Patriarch and waved to him.

"Well, there is still no breakthrough..."

In the refreshing and clean room, the young man was sitting cross-legged, with black hair hanging down on the seat, his closed eyes slowly opened, and a soft murmur came from his mouth.

Sighing lightly, she glanced at the palm of her hand, with a dissatisfied look on her face: "Hey, I thought that after that battle, I would be able to break through after a period of retreat, but I didn't expect to be able to break through. This progress is really slow!"

If her words are heard by other people, they will probably be pissed off. Others will only break through to the first level in hundreds or even thousands of years. What about her?When I first came here, I was only at the first level of Feather God, but now, has it been two months?In just two months, she went from the first level of the Feather God to the eighth level of the Feather God Venerable, but the progress is still so slow?Don't be so annoying!

If she is slow?So what is fast?
"Sister, are you awake?" The fox on the shoulder stared at her with watery blue eyes, with deep dependence in his eyes, "Sister, I have been helping you monitor Anjia these days, but , and the night you returned to the imperial capital, you wiped out the entire Lan family, and the city was already full of storms."

These were what she expected a long time ago, so she was not surprised when she heard what Xiaohu said.

Withdrawing her gaze, she looked at the white fox on her shoulder, rubbed his snow-white fur, and asked, "Is there a God of War?"

The little fox shook his head, feeling a little disappointed, then he trembled, raised his head, his gaze became solemn, this was the first time Wen Fengyin found such a little fox.

"Sister, that bad woman named An Xiaoxian is going to poison An Chengye." The little fox puffed up his cheeks in annoyance, his eyes were full of anger, "I found out, I know I can't scare the snake for the time being. After An Xiaoxian took the poison, I detoxified An Chengye and made him pretend to be stupid. That An Chengye is not the God of War, but he smells like the God of War. He must be a relative of the God of War. How could I allow that? Is there something wrong with the relatives of God of War?"

"Xiaohu, you did a good job." After touching the little fox's head, Wen Fengyin smiled slightly, with relief in his eyes. The little fox has been rushing forward, but unexpectedly he can restrain his temper.

Anyone in the An family can't move before the God of War appears. After the God of War comes out, it all depends on how the God of War will deal with her. Her friends should not be soft-hearted.

Although she has never seen the God of War, for some reason, she feels that she knows her very well, perhaps it is due to the friendship in her previous life!
"Let's go, let's go to the front hall." Standing up from the seat, she smoothed off her robe and walked to the door. After pushing the door, there was no surprise that Xue Wu was still waiting for him at the door. She opened her eyes in surprise. Opening his mouth, he asked, "Xue Wu, why are you waiting for me every time I come out of retreat?"

Xue Wu smiled, shook his head, and said softly: "I don't know, I just feel that you will come out."

"Well, then let's leave together!" Touching her nose, she also showed a smile, and left side by side with Xuewu.

Only Xiaohu looked unhappy, looking at the harmony between Xue Wu and Wen Fengyin, his little face darkened, the elder sister belonged to Brother Ji, Brother Ji liked her for so long, and waited for her for so long For a long time, only brother Ji was worthy of his sister, so he had to prevent the two of them from getting close.

With a flash of light in his eyes, he made up his mind to drive away all the aliens around his sister while Brother Ji was sleeping.

In the hall, Mu Xin was sitting on the patriarch's seat, and Mu Qing, who was sitting on the chief seat below him, saw Wen Fengyin and immediately came up to him: "Yin, are you here?"

Nodding her head, Wen Fengyin didn't speak, but just glanced around with indifferent eyes, and saw that those people were all looking at her with doubtful eyes. After all, when she arrived at Mu's house, she basically never left the room, so there was Many people don't know her.

(End of this chapter)

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