Chapter 292

"King." Seeing that Xue Tian didn't look at her from the beginning to the end, the queen couldn't help feeling anxious, her eyes flickered, she stepped out, and said in a seductive tone, "King, my concubine..."

"Get out." Xue Tian frowned, shook his sleeves fiercely, and roared viciously, "Queen, I warned you not to provoke her. You didn't listen, so don't blame me." This king is not welcome, and don’t think I don’t know about the scandal between you and the national teacher, this king is just too lazy to care about it.”

The queen's face turned pale in an instant, her full forehead was covered with cold sweat, and her fingertips kept shaking. It turned out that he knew all about those things.That's right, this is his palace, so what, as a king, he doesn't know?

"Wait." Just as the queen was about to lead the maids back, a faint voice resounded through the night.

Her footsteps stopped immediately, and her beautiful eyes turned to Ji. Since Xuetian always turned her back to her, she cast a wink. No matter what, this man is fascinated by his beauty, and he will always It has a little effect, and his temperament of ruling the world is something no king has. Therefore, she decided to abandon the national teacher and hold him firmly.

Immediately, he stared at Wen Fengyin with resentment, what qualifications does that ugly monster have to stay beside that man who looks like a god, that position should be his own.

"Stupid woman." The corner of Ji's mouth curled into a mocking smile, and the domineering and arrogant words spread in the garden for a long time, "Who do you think you are? Do you deserve to drink footwashing water for the master? The master is the god in our hearts, How dare you insult the master, do you want to die? No, death is too cheap for you, today, your Lord Ji will let you taste what it means to live better than death." The sword light in his hand waved, and an oppressive golden light approached the queen , that is mandatory oppression, for a moment, no one can move.

"Ah!" The queen opened her eyes wide, and could only watch the golden light in front of her face. Her cheeks hurt and blood splashed everywhere. She cried out in mourning, covering her face with her hands. The air was filled with a strong smell of blood, a moist The liquid dripped down the fingertips, and in the quiet night, the crisp "tick" sound was particularly pleasant, and the bright red blood fell to the ground, blooming enchanting flowers, as gorgeous as a blooming manjusawa.

Putting the palm in front of her eyes, the palm was full of blood, piercing her eyes red.

Soldiers rushed from all directions and surrounded the entire garden. The queen's blood-covered face turned hideous and became more and more ugly. Her bloody fingertips pointed at Wen Fengyin and Ji, and said viciously: "Soldiers, This palace orders you to arrest these gangsters, damn it, dare to hurt this palace, this palace will let you die without a place to bury you.”

The soldiers still stood where they were, without moving, as if they had never heard the queen's words.

"Bastards, I order you to arrest them all, chop them up, put them to death, fry them in a frying pan, test poison for me, I want them to experience the most cruelty in the world. torture." Because her face was disfigured, the queen angrily threw away her own temperament and etiquette, stomped her feet, and said viciously, "You ugly, country bumpkin, why do you seduce the king of this palace? Only a woman as perfect as this palace , to stand beside the best man in the world, haha, I am the best woman."

As she spoke, she laughed loudly, smiling, she took off her clothes in public, her hair was messy, and her smooth skin fell outside...

Everyone present, seeing such a queen, was stunned at first, and then felt ashamed for a while, and then looked at Wen Fengyin, who was looking at her. The arrogance of her body was unmatched by anyone. They felt that such a A girl is the most perfect person, and a crazy queen, what is she?
Raising his eyebrows lightly, Wen Fengyin's eyes were on Ji's body, and his soul transmitted voice: "Ji, what did you do?"

With a gentle smile, the master is the only one who knows others, but he still spread his hands, shrugged helplessly, and it was also a voice transmission from the soul: "It's nothing, I added something to the move just now, it's only because of her will." Not firm, but this is just the beginning, as I said, to make her life worse than death, now it is to make her lose face, and the next step is to torture her body."

He is not a kind person, he has someone he wants to protect, if that woman just peeps at him, he will just goug her eyes, if she insults the master, very well, he will let her taste After suffering every kind of torture, she still can't die. She will die only after the last torture is over.

"Come on, take the queen back. From now on, she will not be allowed to leave the palace without my king's order." Disgust flashed in Xue Tian's eyes, he frowned, snorted coldly, his tone was cold and heartless, and there was a gleam in his eyes. Sternly, "Also, don't allow anyone to serve you, let her destroy herself."

"Yes." Two soldiers stepped forward, held the queen's arms, turned around, and walked towards the harem.

His slender fingertips stroked his hair lightly, Xue Tian had a bloodthirsty smile on the corner of his mouth, it was time to deal with them, so what if there were people who entered the land of God?Yuanshui can't save Jinhe, and when he comes back, he won't be able to make it in time. If it had been, he would have turned a blind eye, but the queen had murderous intentions towards Wen Fengyin, so he couldn't keep her.

"Xue Tian, ​​I came tonight to ask you, where is Xiao Zhan? We should say goodbye and leave."

Everything returned to the previous calm, Wen Fengyin looked at Xuetian, and said faintly, it's time for them to leave, the palace will not be their long-term stay.

When she finished speaking, Ji had a look of joy, while Xuetian's eyes were filled with shock and an imperceptible pain. Then, the corner of his mouth curled into a monstrous smile. His smile was overwhelming, What's more, the woman: "She left with Hei Ye and hasn't come back yet. If you can, you can wait for her in the palace!"

Touching her nose helplessly, she could only nod her head and said, "If that's the case, let's wait for a small fight."

The smile on Ji's face was suppressed, when he looked at Xuetian, he saw him raising his eyebrows proudly at him, and snorted coldly, even if he keeps the master now, so what?The master will leave sooner or later, and when that time comes, he will not be able to accompany the master, but he can always follow the master as always.

"Okay, I'll ask someone to arrange two rooms for you." Seeing Wen Fengyin agreeing to stay, Xue Tian was in a particularly happy mood, and his red pupils were filled with a smile.

"No need, one room is enough for the two of us." Ji put his hands on his chest, looked at Xuetian provocatively, and waited for his next reaction. Sure enough, Xuetian's smile froze and his eyes darkened. Forgot, the scene where Ji just appeared, also ignored his address to Wen Fengyin, only the words he said were in his mind.

(End of this chapter)

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