Shennong Materia Medica

Chapter 1 Shao Xu

Chapter 1 Shao Xu
"Records" said: "Do not take medicine for three generations, and do not take its medicine."Zheng Kangcheng said: Be careful and keep everything in order.Kong Chongyuan quoted the old saying: "Three generations, one is "Yellow Emperor Acupuncture", the second is "Shen Nong's Materia Medica", and the third is "Su Nu Mai Jue".Kangcheng's "Zhou Li Zhu" also said: "Five medicines, grass, wood, insects, stones, and grains."The uniformity of its governance and combination lies in the art of Shennong Ziyi, which is the so-called carefulness of things in the "Book of Rites", which is like saying that the unity of governance is the same, referring to the books on Materia Medica.Chongyuan quoted the old theory, but doubted that it was not Zheng Yi's exaggeration. "Hanshu" quoted Materia Medica alchemy, but "Yiwenzhi" was missing. Jia Gongyan cited "Zhongjingbo", and there is a volume "Ziyi Materia Medica", which does not say that it came from Shennong.In the "Jing Ji Zhi" of the Sui Dynasty, the three volumes of "Shen Nong's Materia Medica" were first included, which is consistent with the current division of the upper, middle, and lower grades. It is an old version since the Han Dynasty. "Sui Zhi" also contains four volumes of Lei Gong's "Compendium of Materia Medica" and seven volumes of "Cai Yong's Materia Medica", none of which are published today.Since the "Bie Lu", there have been gains and losses, and it is no difference to write down at any time, or to pass on the text.According to Lu Yuen Long's "Classic Interpretation", the scriptures and those who benefited from famous doctors are merged into one, which is old.Sun Junboyuan and his disciples corrected the three volumes of "Shen Nong's Classic" because of the black and white calligraphy of "Daguan Bencao". Those who have the names of prefectures, prefectures, Zhuya, Changshan, Fenggao, etc. are designated as descendants.Those who interpret "Materia Medica", take Wu Pu's edition as the oldest, and those who have cited it scattered in various books have compiled them to make up for what was not prepared in "Daguan", dredge the ancient meanings, and use textual research. They are not elegant talents and melancholy thoughts , it is not easy to do this.

The ancients cooperated with the harmony of yin and yang, declared the festival of thinness and contraction, ordinary people held their voices and breaths, and reversed life, and the relationship between flying and wriggling, Xu made the best of his nature, and when he encountered things, he could name them so as to make use of them. The tools of life and life are suitable for Confucians To think about it. "Book of the King of Huainan" says: Rehmannia glutinosa belongs to bones, while licorice belongs to the medicine of raw meat.It is also said: When the eucalyptus is removed from the water, the tingli will heal, and if it is not used sparingly, it will become a disease instead. "Lunheng" says: use wind to treat wind, use heat to treat heat, and use honey pill to treat side effects; , I don't know the truth anymore, and I take it together, and the disease is soaked in drama.All of these are the prefaces of Shennong, but they are extensively related, so the analogy is quoted, and it is all in line with the theory of medicine.Later Confucianism may suddenly be said by Fang Jijia, fishing and hunting, and it is the last master instead of the ancients, and even the birds, animals, plants and trees in the classics have been passed around without knowing their names, so be careful! "History of the Later Han Dynasty Hua Tuo Biography": Wu Pu learned from Tuo, followed Tuo's treatment, and benefited from many schools. Tuo passed on the play of five animals.It is also recorded that the envoys of Emperor Wei Ming made a bird show, and all the doctors generally used his French.Today, the explanations of Materia Medica in Guanpu include Shennong, Huangdi, Qibo, Leigong, Tongjun, Yihe, Bian Que, and the famous doctors of later generations. The secret is not necessarily unique.Believe it!Those who have not read the books of the third generation should not take their medicine.According to the secular tradition, most of the books written by the Yellow Emperor, Shennong, and Bian Que were changed by later generations.It was published because of Sun Junbozhong's proofreading of "Materia Medica".To Qishu's Textual Research and Examination
Preface to Yuyao Shaojinhan
(End of this chapter)

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