Chapter 159

"Hey, are you awake?" Just as he swallowed his last bite of food, the door of the room was suddenly pushed open, and a little maid in navy blue cloth came in from the outside, looking at her in surprise.

Su Jingan breathed a sigh of relief, but if this person came in a little earlier, he would probably choke, and the fact that someone came to visit him and delivered medicine and food must not be known by others.

"En." She didn't know the situation, and her mouth was a little dry after eating, so she responded in a low voice.

"Would you like some water?" The little maid was quite discerning, perhaps seeing her swallowing hard, asked with a smile, Su Jing'an nodded again.

Poured a glass of water and brought it to Su Jingan, the little maid looked at her curiously, "My name is Xia Zhi, what about you?"

"My name is Jing'an." After silently reading Xia Zhi's name in her heart, Su Jing'an responded, "How long have I been here?"

"You were brought here at noon the day before yesterday. It was scary to see the blood spurs. You developed a fever that night. Aunt Liu was kind enough to get you some medicine to reduce your fever."

"I thought you had to sleep for a few days! I didn't expect to wake up today. How many times have you been beaten?"

Su Jing'an's sixty sticks mainly hit her behind, concentrated on her buttocks and legs, so when she woke up, she was lying on her stomach.

After drinking water, her throat felt much more comfortable. She responded in a low voice, "Sixty."

"Sixty? How is that possible!" Apparently, Xia Zhi didn't believe it. "Just three months ago, our Clothes Bureau sent a man who was beaten with thirty sticks. It was almost the same as when you sent him, and he fell into a coma. For more than ten days, I thought I wouldn't make it through!"

"Although I woke up later, but half of my leg was crippled. You are thirty more than her, and you woke up so soon?"

"It's just the two of us right now, don't brag, tell the truth." Taking the cup and putting it aside, Xia Zhi squatted down, and poked Su Jing'an's arm with his fingers.

Su Jing'an didn't answer, she thought of what Yan Xiao said before, although she was injured, it was only a flesh injury, not a muscle or bone injury, it will be fine after a few days of treatment.

At that time, she didn't pay attention to it, after all, this was the first time she was beaten, but now that she thinks about it carefully, she understands what he said.

Thirty sticks are already so serious, she suffered sixty sticks, and someone else would have died, but she could recover from her flesh wounds just by raising them for a few days.

For this matter, the Seventh Prince must be thanked, otherwise, it would be cruel to her to be crippled even if she was alive.

"Why don't you talk? Are you feeling sick? Or are you hungry? Shall I go get you something to eat?"

Xia Zhi is not very old, she looks similar to her, Su Jing'an looked at her and couldn't help but think of Hui Xin.

With the help of the Seventh Prince, she survived sixty sticks, where is Hui Xin?is she still alive
"Xia Zhi, let me ask you, besides me, is there anyone else assigned to the Clothes Bureau?"

Yan Xiao said that all the palace servants of Yongning Palace have been exiled, so there should be other people who have also gone to the Clothes Bureau.

"Yes, I heard that one of the palace's mistresses died, so everyone in the palace lost their fortunes. I came with you the day before yesterday. There are ten of them including you, and six of them have died. Now it's just you woke up."

Hearing her question, Xia Zhi nodded. Hearing what she said was easy, but Su Jing'an felt like a big rock had fallen in his heart.

"They...are all the same as me, have they been beaten? Can you do me a favor and see if there is one named Huixin among these people?"

(End of this chapter)

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