Chapter 369 Think of a place

Pei Junyi looked at her deeply, seeing him like this, Su Jing'an didn't look away, and looked at him.

"You have thought of something with me, but right now, I'm not sure if it will work."

The things that Bei Mingxu handed over to Jing Li proved to belong to the Tian family, but the first letter he got was far from enough.

Since there are tokens and letters, it must be the work of the Tian family that happened back then.

Otherwise, why would there be tokens?

It will never happen that the keepsake comes from the Tian family, but the letter comes from someone else.

Su Jingan nodded, she knew that whether it was Pei Junyi or her brother, they would plan well, and she didn't need to worry about it.

In contrast, she managed Pei Junyi's industries well, which was better than anything else.

With money, you can do many things, such as raising soldiers, hoarding food and grass, and making weapons.

No one can guarantee what will happen in the future, and there is no harm in making some preparations in advance.

Su Jing'an had planned all these, but she didn't tell Pei Junyi.

It's not that I don't believe him, but that there are some things that can only be called surprises when I know them later.

"By the way, the sweet potato matter..." This is a very important matter. Although nothing happened right now, it will definitely happen later.

After all, he had experienced it in his previous life.

"Don't worry, Your Highness, I did find sweet potatoes, which are currently stored in the cellar. This season is not the time to grow sweet potatoes."

"When the next spring begins, all of them will be planted in the ground, and some of them will be reserved, and the rest can be distributed to various places."

Because of her proposal, intelligence networks of different sizes have been established in various places.

It is the beggars on the streets everywhere who are responsible for providing information.

We can't use them to help in vain. First of all, we must ensure that they have enough food and can wear warm clothes in the cold winter.

Furthermore, it is to confirm their loyalty.

After all, intelligence is very important, but if there is a slight deviation, serious problems may arise.

"That's good. The past two years have either been drought or floods. I'm afraid the harvest in the field will get worse and worse."

"At that time, we will have to rely on sweet potatoes to save our lives." In the previous life, it was precisely because Lao Jiu's subordinates found sweet potatoes and planted them on a large scale that saved many people from starving to death.

Resurrection, such a thing, naturally should be done by him, and the profit should also be his profit.

When Pei Junyi said this, Su Jingan didn't care. She didn't really understand the things in the field, and she didn't know that he had already lived.

Knowing sweet potato is also because it was a diet meal for a period of time in the previous life.

And when I was idle, I took a sweet potato and used it for experiments, so I knew how to cultivate and plant it, and even more how to harvest it later.

"Speaking of which, sweet potatoes are indeed a good thing. They don't pick the land or the environment, and the yield is high. Not only can they be used as a staple food to fill the stomach, but they also have other uses."

"I wondered, since the sweet potatoes were found from overseas ships, would there be many good things that can also be found from overseas?"

The wedding gift Su Jingan prepared for the fifth princess was exchanged with a foreigner.

After negotiating many times, she has some friendship with those foreigners.

She and Tao Ran were gentlemen on the beam before, and she knew that among their belongings, there were many things that were not available here.

But it's just raw materials. She knows how to process those raw materials and can be better, but she doesn't plan to say it.

Perhaps, you can think of a way to make some yourself, and then process them.

Since those foreigners can bring their things and come here to make money, why can't she take advantage of her advantage and open up another way of making money?

(End of this chapter)

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