Chapter 131 My Grandmother (4)
After receiving the fruit secretly handed over by Liu Ying, He Jinzhong held it in his hand and looked at it, and unexpectedly found that there were several different kinds of fruit in it.A flash of surprise flashed in He Jinzhong's eyes, and after the surprise, it was quickly replaced by anger.

He straightened his face, glared at Liu Ying angrily, and asked angrily: "You black hearted girl, you are too unkind, there are so many good things, every time you pretend to be confused by Grandpa He, you know Pick up a broken peach to fool Grandpa He. Grandpa He doesn't care, before Grandpa He returns to City H later, you must give Grandpa He another bag of this fruit. Otherwise, Grandpa He will be lazy at your house and won't leave. "

Really, it's in vain that he devoted his heart and soul to this girl, and he always whetted his appetite if there were good things.If it wasn't for this girl, He Jinzhong really wanted to spank Liu Ying's ass.

Being struck by lightning with good intentions refers to Liu Ying's situation.For the sake of Grandpa He's hard work, the New Year's Eve also came to ask for fruit, and Grandma He gave her a valuable jade bracelet.In reciprocation, Liu Yingcai was so generous that he gave some of the other varieties of spiritual fruits in the space.The ghost knows that Grandpa He dares to bite back, and greedily wants to beg for another bag.

Liu Ying unconsciously drew a black line across her forehead, stared at He Jinzhong speechlessly, and raised her eyebrows slightly annoyed. "Grandpa He, don't be too dissatisfied. This fruit is not readily available in the market. Grandpa He has eaten a lot, so he must be aware of the unusualness of this fruit, and he should also be more aware of the rarity of this fruit. Yingying spent a lot of effort to get this bag, and Grandpa He is too embarrassed to think so. There is no good reward for being careless, otherwise, Yingying would not even give this bag of fruit, and keep it for herself eat."

Greed is not enough for snakes to swallow elephants, even though there is still plenty in the space, Liu Ying still does not want to feed He Jinzhong's appetite.If He Jinzhong was trained to use her as a fruit wholesale market, begging endlessly every day, then she would be bored to death.Even if they have a good relationship, He Jinzhong was once a veteran of the country, and she has no such obligation to meet the needs of others [-]%.Occasionally, I am in a good mood to give something away, which is considered as the best of benevolence.

Having been around in society, Liu Ying always has a pole in her heart to weigh right and wrong in everything, whether it should be or not.

"Don't be angry girl, Grandpa He is wrong, you shouldn't push your limits. Well, Grandpa He just accepts it. From now on, Grandpa He will never say a word of dissatisfaction with you as much as you give girl, okay?" Seeing Liu Ying's face sinking Only then did He Jinzhong realize that he had really stepped on a dynamite bag this time, which angered Liu Ying.Not caring about maintaining the face of his elders, He Jinzhong bowed his head and smiled in apologetic manner.

Is he easy for a few fruits?However, for the sake of the rare good things, even if He Jinzhong is not happy in his heart, he can only admit it.Who told him that he didn't have this thing, only Liu Ying, a little girl, could get it out.When people get old, besides being greedy, the most important thing they care about is whether they are healthy or not. As long as they are in good health, it is not a problem to get rid of this old face.

"Grandpa He had better do what he says, otherwise, hum..." Eyes narrowed, Liu Ying's warning was obvious.

"Grandpa He has half a foot in the coffin, how could he lie to you little girl. Don't worry, since Grandpa He has opened his mouth, it is definitely more real than real gold. As long as you tell me, Grandpa He will never Change your mind and say two, Grandpa He will take as much as you are willing to give girl." He patted his chest with one hand, and He Jinzhong reassured with serious eyes.

Liu Ying saw that He Jinzhong was talking about this, so she couldn't threaten him anymore, she nodded, and she forgave He Jinzhong for being greedy and not knowing how to advance or retreat. "Okay, Yingying will trust Grandpa He once. It's almost time for Grandpa He, Grandpa He should hurry to get the fruit and put it in the car. If I don't see Yingying, I don't have so many fruits to give to Grandpa He."

"Okay, Grandpa He listens to you." He Jinzhong was more nervous than anyone else about the fruit in his hand. He Jinzhong didn't dare to delay after hearing Liu Ying's reminder.He took out the car keys that he asked for with his son early in the morning, and hurriedly hid the fruit in the car.After finishing the matter, he looked around nervously, and there was indeed no one peeking at him, so He Jinzhong went back to the room with Liu Ying in peace.

Liu Ying almost couldn't laugh out loud when she saw He Jinzhong's carefulness for a few spiritual fruits.No one in the village knew the beauty of this spiritual fruit, and the fruit at this time was not expensive. Even if they saw it, it was impossible to reach out a third hand to steal the fruit locked in the car by He Jinzhong.Even if they wanted to steal something, they didn't bother to steal a few fruits, but He Renjie's big Ben worth 50 million.

However, she was the one who said this first, and Liu Ying would not be so stupid as to wake up He Jinzhong and slap her.

The Chinese New Year lunch is rich but simple, either pork or chicken and other meat, with a little green vegetables to relieve the greasy.

After eating, He Jin went to the spirit fruit in the express car, and before his butt was warmed up on the stool, he yelled that he had something urgent to go home.Although He Renjie was surprised that the old man who had been clamoring to come early in the morning finally arrived.Why don't you just sit down and talk more with Liu Ying who is thinking about it.There was such a rush to get back so soon, and as far as he knew, there seemed to be no urgent business at home.Frowning, although He Renjie was very puzzled, but the words were spoken by the elders, so He Renjie would not be stupid to refute the old man's words.

Silently, after receiving He Jinzhong's hint, he obediently took the key and started the car.

"Oh my brother, I'm in such a hurry to go back after a long time. What's the rush for the New Year's Eve, can't I go back later?" Old Master Liu tried to persuade him to stay, seeing that everyone in Chu Xiuyun had already sat down. car.Mr. Liu knew that he couldn't say it, but he couldn't help but continue to persuade him.His son and daughter were not even close to him, and it was not easy for him to chat with someone of the same age. Mr. Liu really didn't want He Jinzhong to leave so soon.

"Brother Liu doesn't want to think about it either. There's no way the family is in a hurry, so I can't go back. Otherwise, when I have time next time, I will definitely come and have a good chat with my brother. It's just that Brother Liu shouldn't be annoyed by that time." Yes." Sitting in the car, He Jinzhong said half-jokingly and half-seriously.The tip of his eyes glanced at Liu Ying, whose expression changed slightly, and He Jinzhong had a wicked smile on his face.

The little abacus in my heart was beating loudly.

"Well, don't be fooled by my brother, you must remember to come next time. If you are not in a hurry, it doesn't matter if you come to my brother for a few days. The countryside is beautiful and the water is good. If there is a chance, my brother will take you for a walk in the village. Take a walk." Mr. Liu didn't know He Jin's winding path in the center, so he agreed immediately without thinking about it.

Right in the middle of his arms, with Mr. Liu's words, it would be justified and bright for He Jinzhong to come again in the future.Overwhelmed with joy, He Jinzhong kept nodding his head in agreement. "Then I'll bother my brother then."

Looking at the car going away, thinking of the strange splendor in He Jinzhong's eyes just now, Liu Ying only felt that there was no sky above her head.Oh my god, with Grandpa's words, it's not like Grandpa He has taken the imperial decree. If there is nothing to do, he will come to the door. Her good life.No matter how he escaped from Guangming District, he still couldn't escape from Grandpa He's clutches.Could this be the legend that one mountain is higher than the other, and the big fish eat the small fish? She was determined to be eaten by He Jinzhong.

(End of this chapter)

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