Chapter 144
"Grandma, grandma, we're fine. It's just that the teacher left me after class to have a conversation, and my elder brother waited for me to go home together, so it's a bit late." Liu Ying was practical and did not hide the truth from the old man, so she roughly said the matter again.Anyway, even if it is hidden from the truth, sooner or later everyone will know about Liu Lili's big mouth that wants to let the whole village know about it.

It saves grandma and grandma from questioning without understanding afterwards and causing more trouble.On the contrary, it is better to break the news by yourself, and everyone will have the bottom of their hearts when they say it.It's shameful to be ashamed, anyway, she has a thick skin, and she is not afraid of people saying that she was detained by the teacher.

"Grandma, it's not a big deal, just leave it alone and cook the dishes quickly. After a while, Dad and Mom will come back from hunger. Where's Grandpa? Where did Grandpa go? Why didn't you see Grandpa?" was asked by the teacher Detention is not an honorable thing, and he was often left to talk by teachers in the past.Every time he is most annoying and afraid of being questioned by his grandparents.Liu Hai was afraid that Grandma Liu would ask other questions and make Liu Ying lose face, so he quickly helped Liu Ying divert the conversation.

"Hey, grandma's grandson has grown up, and he knows how to love his sister. It's okay, grandma just doesn't ask. Really, Yingying is not you. The reason why you were detained by the teacher was because you fought with others, or it was I didn't do my homework well. It's okay, Yingying's grades are so good, grandma doesn't care about reading other books in class, as long as she doesn't miss her homework. Your grandpa will follow to see how the new house is being renovated, and he will almost come back for dinner with your dad. "

Grandma Liu is not worried about her granddaughter's academic performance at all, there is nothing Xiantong can't handle.Not to mention the superficial knowledge in elementary school, even the university entrance examination, Grandma Liu is sure that it is a matter of iron and steel.Seeing Liu Hai protecting Liu Ying wholeheartedly today, Grandma Liu is extremely rare.With his eyes wide open, he kept looking at Liu Hai, and couldn't help nodding with a smile.

"That's right, Haizi is very good like this." Grandma Li also felt very comforted when she looked at Liu Hai, echoing what Grandma Liu said, and kept praising her.

"Grandma, I'll ask Dad and the others to come back for dinner. Grandma, please be busy." Liu Hai had never been praised so bluntly by everyone, and he couldn't help but blush to the base of his ears.Throwing down his schoolbag, he said something and hurried away.

No one paid attention to the farce created by Liu Lili, and it was quickly forgotten by everyone.Liu Ying did not let everyone forget the high school entrance examination. She passed all 98 in mathematics, and although she only scored 1 in Chinese, she still easily held No. [-] in her hand.Liu Ying's astonishing achievements made some people happy and others worried, which made Liu Lili, who was waiting to see the good show, almost gritted her silver teeth.How could Liu Ying still refuse to believe that she read extracurricular books in class every day, and she never read them once, how could she still get such good grades in the exam.

Liu Lili wanted to say that Liu Ying cheated in the exam, but she didn't even believe it when she said it.On the day of the exam, Liu Ying didn't even bring her books, and Liu Ying got the highest score in the class. They said that Liu Ying cheated, what kind of cheating did she do.

No matter what everyone thought about the high school entrance examination, Liu Ying didn't take it to heart at all.I am full of thoughts about the new house that is about to move in, and the decoration is done by my parents.Borrowing from the decoration of the Guangming Community where I lived before, it can only be regarded as fine decoration, and it is not very luxurious.However, it still amazed the villagers who hadn't seen much in the world, and came to observe it curiously, thinking that they would build new houses in the future to be the same as Liu's.It looks simple, but it feels very atmospheric and tasteful.

Liu Ying had seen many exquisite decorations on TV and in magazines before, and wanted to participate in them.Unfortunately, even if she is reborn, Liu Ying cannot turn herself into an all-around talent.I know nine things about interior design, and I don't know anything about it. I can't help if I want to, so I can only watch.But occasionally I saw that the furniture arrangement was unreasonable, so I just helped to arrange it.

The date was set on June [-]st, which happened to be the school holiday for Liu Ying and Liu Hai.Originally, Grandma Li thought that this was a major event of the Liu family, and it was not easy for an outsider to join in. She just had to wait for everyone to move in, and then she would move in in a few days.Unexpectedly, everyone heard what Grandma Li said, and immediately refuted it back.We all live together, there is no division between you and me, we are all one family.Regardless of whether Mr. Liu is happy or not, the minority obeys the majority. It was dark that night, and the time was about four or five o'clock.

Each family brought a few things that must be brought into the new house, such as clothes forks, brooms, baskets for rice, and some apples that symbolize auspiciousness.He moved into the new house stealthily, so that no outsiders could see him.

Because guests would start to come to the door early the next day, everyone didn't go to sleep, but helped prepare all kinds of things for tomorrow with their hands and feet.The tables, chairs and chairs are set up, the large pots of vegetables are cleaned up, and there are countless bowls and chopsticks that have just been bought, washed and waited for urgent use the next day.Everyone was so busy that they didn't touch the ground. It was already dawn, and there was still a lot of work on their hands that was not finished.But fortunately, I was prepared before and called a few relatives to help.After seven o'clock, everyone came to help prepare.

Those who cook vegetables, those who wash vegetables, and those who are responsible for greeting guests, everyone divides the work and cooperates, and they are very busy.Although I am tired, but because it is a happy event, everyone likes to have a little bit of it. I hope that it will be their turn to hold such a big happy event of relocation next time.

Because of the lack of manpower, Liu Ying no longer did nothing as usual, but also helped out.Grandma Liu saw that she was really too busy, and today was a big day for the family.So he didn't reprimand Liu Ying as usual, and not speaking was regarded as tacit consent.No matter how you say it, Liu Ying is also a master in the late stage of Qi training, lifting and lifting is effortless, almost doing the work of four or five people by herself.But the people who came to help were startled, and they all looked sideways, staring at Liu Ying with surprise.

And the guests who came to congratulate them saw that the three brothers and sisters of the Liu family, Bai Nen, were just like the children in the city, gentle and polite.It made everyone feel extremely rare, and they kept saying that the Liu family was blessed and would raise children.Mr. Liu and the elders kept talking about Liao Zan when they heard everyone's praise.It's just that anyone with a discerning eye can see that Mr. Liu and the others are all crazy happy, and the smile on their mouths has never stopped.

At noon, without accident, He Jinzhong's family of three came to the door again.This accident also took away grandson He Haoxuan, seeing Liu Ying serving tea and water, He Jinzhongle's eyes narrowed.After waiting for so long, He Jinzhong looked forward to Liu's new house.He brought a lot of gifts with both hands, and happily handed them over to Liu Dasheng and his wife who were welcoming the guests.Liu Ying's keen eyes naturally also saw the figures of He Jinzhong's family. As the owner of the family, Liu Ying inevitably walked over to say hello politely.

"Grandpa He, Grandma He, you are here, hurry up and have a cup of tea."

Passing the poured tea to everyone one by one, Liu Ying smiled slightly.He Haoxuan inadvertently stared at her without blinking his upper eye, with a resentful expression on his face.Liu Ying turned aside indiscriminately, avoiding He Haoxuan's gaze.The curved willow eyebrows frowned slightly, and a gleam flashed in his eyes.He raised his eyebrows, not sure why He Haoxuan stared at her so directly.

(End of this chapter)

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