Chapter 150: New Friends (4)
Of course, this is not necessary. If you are willing to pay more sponsorship fees, you can go to a middle school in a neighboring town.In her previous life, Liu Ying did not study in the middle school in her own town, but went to study in a neighboring town.Not for anything else, just because the middle school in my town really doesn't have any good teachers, the school is dilapidated, the food is not good, and even the school spirit is extremely bad.

From time to time, something will happen, some students will get together, and they will ask for protection money from their classmates.Or it is a puppy love, whoever has a big belly just after entering junior high school, drops out of school and goes home to have children.There were even students fighting in the school, beating the students to death, causing disturbances all over the city.

Liu Ying is a very lazy and troublesome person who knows all the bad things in the town.There was no accident this time, and he would not go to the middle school in the town, but went to a middle school in a neighboring town to study.Most of the students with better conditions in the class, like Liu Ying, also chose to go to the middle school in the neighboring town.

The summer vacation passed quickly. After harvesting the rice and drying the millet into the warehouse, it was almost time for the school to start again.I went to junior high school because the school was not in the village, so I had to live on campus. Even if I had money, I couldn't eat any good food at school.As for going to eat off-campus, that's a miracle. There are no restaurants in the countryside at this time, and even if there are restaurants, they are in the town.By the time you get to the town, everyone is starving and fainting.Naturally, Liu Ying would not do such a stupid thing. In order to prevent eating cabbage and tofu at school every day, Liu Ying decided to take Xiaojin to the mountain to start work again, and save some good ingredients for extra meals after school.

Liu Tao, a sycophant, clings to Liu Ying every day. Wherever Liu Ying goes, of course she will argue and follow her.Liu Ying thought that Liu Tao had followed him anyway, so don't refuse.However, Liu Ying is still a little hesitant about her eldest brother Liu Hai, and doesn't want her eldest brother to know too much.

It's a pity that Liu Hai doesn't care what Liu Ying thinks, in order to behave well in front of Liu Ying, and also wants to find out the secrets of Liu Ying.Liu Hai ran more diligently than Liu Tao, keeping up and down, so busy that it was difficult for Liu Ying to find an excuse to get away.In the end, seeing that Liu Hai had performed well these days, Liu Ying was relieved and decided to take Liu Hai to the mountain together.

Take it as the last test, if the eldest brother can pass, telling him about these things is useless.If the eldest brother can't keep the secret, or has other thoughts, she can use the soul mirror to wash the memory of the eldest brother.

After making up her mind, Liu Ying talked to her family, and led Liu Hai and Liu Tao up the mountain in a hurry.After the baptism of the spiritual fruit, the two brothers are in excellent health, and it is not difficult at all to walk the mountain road.Liu Ying slowed down her pace so that everyone could follow.After walking briskly for more than two minutes, and finally reached the deep mountain, Liu Ying moved her ears, heard the noises around her, and stopped in satisfaction.Under the inexplicable stares of Liu Tao and his brothers, Liu Ying whistled and called back Xiao Jin who was walking first in the morning.

Under the shocked eyes of the two brothers, Xiao Jin turned into a dark golden afterimage, appearing in front of everyone in an instant.

"elder sister."

"Big sister."

Liu Hai and Liu Tao looked in horror at the giant snake that suddenly jumped out and wrapped Liu Ying tightly, and exclaimed in shock.

After a while, I saw Liu Ying playing with this giant snake with a thick bowl mouth.Seeing Xiao Jin spit out bloody snake letters and lick Liu Ying's face, Liu Hai and Liu Tao broke out in cold sweat again.Staring at the scene in front of her with wide eyes, her heart stopped half-beating in fright.

"Sister, what is this?" Taking a breath, Liu Tao was the first to recover.Shrinking his neck timidly, he asked in a low voice in surprise, for fear that the giant snake wrapped around Liu Ying's body would accidentally swallow Liu Ying.

Liu Tao knew that his sister had a snake, but Xiao Jin always showed up with a miniature figure.Liu Tao didn't even know how amazing Xiao Jin's body is. Although it has shrunk by N times now, Xiao Jin has changed a lot because of the advancement.Even if Xiao Jin still changed back to the original miniature, it would be difficult for Liu Tao to recognize that it was the Xiao Jin he often played with in his hands.

"Big sister, you, do you know this snake?" For a while, the giant snake didn't see any dangerous moves, and it was still playing around with the big sister affectionately.No matter how stupid Liu Hai was, he could see that it was unusual, swallowed quietly, and Liu Hai asked what he had guessed from the bottom of his heart.

What a big snake, how did the eldest sister get to know such a terrifying giant python.

"Ah, my sister knows it. How is this possible? Didn't my sister only raise Xiaojin and a snake? Xiaojin is so small, how can it be as big as this snake." Hearing the sudden burst of words from the elder brother, Liu Tao retorted subconsciously.

"No, Tao Tsai, big brother is right, this snake is not only familiar to my sister, but also to you." Patted Xiaojin on the head, motioning it to be quiet.Seeing Liu Tao's disbelief, Liu Ying couldn't help showing a cynical smile.Not in a hurry to break the mystery, but jokingly said, seeing Liu Tao's cute and confused face, Liu Ying found it very interesting.

"Sister, you lied to me. I have never seen this snake before. How could I be familiar with it?" Facing Xiao Jin Senhan's golden eyes, Liu Tao shivered, took a step back, flattened Mouth hastily retorted.

Liu Ying explained again lazily, directly proving it with facts, winked at Xiao Jin, and smiled slightly: "Xiao Jin, go say hello to my brother."

During this period of time, Xiaojin hid in the space every day and ate spiritual grasses, his cultivation gradually increased, and he was almost at the peak of the second order.If he worked harder, he might soon be able to break through to the third level and become a great monster comparable to a monk of alchemy.Slightly narrowing her eyes, Liu Ying's downcast eyes flashed with jealousy.Damn stinky little Jin, her cultivation has risen so fast, she looks like a big villain who was born to beat her and Xiaolu.

Pity the owner of her space, who works hard every day to practice hard.After working for a long time, I was still training Qi to climb the turtle on the eighth floor, and I haven't seen much progress for a long time.Xiaolu's results are even worse, she has practiced countless times longer than them, and she has been stunned for so long without any sign of advancement.Seeing Xiaolu's miserable situation, Liu Ying felt angry and tight in her chest.

Sad reminder!
It's not like I don't know, and I'm shocked when I compare.

"Xiao Jin?" Liu Tao's eyes popped out of fright at Liu Ying's words, and he widened his eyes stupidly, looking in shock at Xiao Jin who swam up to him and greeted him affectionately with a snake letter.As Xiao Jin approached, the sudden sense of familiarity brought Liu Tao back to his mind.Knowing that this giant snake knew his sister, whether it hurt him, but seeing its terrifying body, Liu Tao still couldn't help his heart beat faster.Swallowing, Liu Tao asked tentatively.

"Hiss hiss." Xiao Jin nodded humanely, and blinked at Liu Tao with cute golden eyes.

"Oh my god, it's really you. Xiao Jin, why did you grow so big all of a sudden? Could it be that you ate too much and ruined your body, maybe you're puffy." Liu Tao was nervous when he got Xiao Jin's answer. My heart relaxes instantly.With an excited smile on his face, he stretched out his hand to boldly touch Xiao Jin's big head, and burst out an extremely abrupt sentence endlessly.

(End of this chapter)

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