Chapter 179 Sky-high Price Emerald (2)
Liu Ying thought, even if she bought them all, it shouldn't cost much.

After making up her mind, Liu Ying squatted down, pretending to pick things up.He picked up a piece of wool the size of a football, and asked with a smile, "Boss, how much is this piece of wool?"

The boss is a middle-aged man, Zhenghuan was chatting with other customers, when he heard someone wanting to buy wool, a smile appeared on his face.He raised his eyes and caught a glimpse of a rare beauty, he was taken aback for a moment, and then the smile on his face became more joyful. "I didn't expect beautiful women to play with gambling stones. It's really rare. This piece of wool was originally priced at [-] yuan, but it's rare for a beautiful woman to patronize, so I'll be generous and buy it for you for [-]."

"Eight thousand?" Liu Ying was taken aback by the price quoted by the boss, and let out a low voice, never expecting that a broken stone that looked like nothing could be sold for such a high price.Although she knew that jade could be extracted from the wool, Liu Ying was not familiar with this business, and only knew a rough idea.

"Boss, this piece of wool is so small, why is it so expensive to buy? These big pieces, why not sell them at a sky-high price?" With wide eyes, Liu Ying turned her gaze to the large piece of wool next to her, and asked in shock.

"Hey, it seems that the beauty is only a novice with only a little knowledge of gambling stones. If you look at the texture of this woolen material, you can tell that the yield rate is extremely high, and the asking price is naturally high. The price of [-] is actually not expensive, but , If the beauty wants to practice her hands and try her luck first, I might as well buy a brick material to try my luck first, five hundred yuan, pick it at will, and if you win the bet, you can buy these good materials to try your hand."

The boss, Xia Manyu, is considered a smart person in this industry, and there are not many people who play stone gambling in Tengchong who don't know him.Naturally, he also saw that Liu Ying was a novice, and he should also be a tourist in Yunnan, so he wanted to try his luck.Seeing Liu Ying's long-term mistakes, she speaks kindly, wears ordinary clothes, and doesn't have the arrogance of ordinary beauties.It was rare for Xia Manyu to catch his eye, so he couldn't help but kindly said something.

8000 yuan is nothing to rich people playing stone gambling, but it is a huge sum of money to ordinary people.

Brick material?
Liu Ying was startled when she heard this new word, and then she was overjoyed when she heard that it was only five hundred.Following the guidance of the boss, Liu Ying was pleasantly surprised to find that the woolen materials she felt had aura just now, and one of them was made of bricks.Eight thousand is too expensive to try, and if it turns out to be just a piece of rubbish, she will die of heartache.Since there were cheaper ones to pick up, why did she have to pick the expensive ones.Quickly picked up the piece of wool she was looking for, Liu Ying took out five hundred and handed it to Xia Manyu.

"Boss, I want to try this piece. If I win the lucky bet, I will help the boss to buy a more expensive wool." How could Liu Ying not know the boss's kindness, and gave a thankful smile, Liu Ying smiled road.

"Okay, beautiful women are refreshing enough. My name is Xia Manyu. If you want to get lucky, everyone will call me Manlu. If you like beautiful women, you can call me the same as everyone else. Of course, if you want to sound nice, you can call me Boss Xia. By the way, beauty, after buying this wool, do you want someone to untie it? If the beauty doesn’t mind, Lao Xia has a shop in front of me, so I can move a machine over here and untie the wool for you. However, we have agreed in advance, If it turns green, I can help Lao Xia's business more in the future."

After collecting the money, Xia Manyu smiled like a Maitreya Buddha, her chubby face almost narrowed her eyes into a line.

When it comes to playing snakes and sticks, people's intuition is very strange.Xia Manyu felt that Liu Ying's face was very good, and believed that her luck would not be too bad.The business has been sluggish these past few days, and this time I bought a lot of goods, and my money is a little tight.Xia Manyu couldn't help but want to help Liu Ying untie the wool, to see if it would shine.Anyway, it's just a piece of brick, and if it collapses, there's no defense. If the bet really wins, then his business can be brought back to life.

"Oh, Boss Xia also works part-time to help people interpret stones, that's fine too. But, how much is Boss Xia going to charge for this calculus?" The brothers settled their accounts clearly, following Xia Manyu's words, Liu Ying said bluntly.Catching the light in Xia Manyu's eyes, although Liu Ying knew something, but Xia Manyu's frankness did not make Liu Ying feel disgusted.

Are you a businessman, which one is not a good one.

"Hehe, the beauty is straightforward and knows the procedures of this business. It's just a piece of brick material, and we can chat again, and the cost of calculus will be waived. Didn't I just say that if there is green, the future beauty Do more to help, let Lao Xia also enjoy the good fortune of beautiful women, it can be regarded as a live advertisement for Lao Xia." Xia Manyu didn't hide her purpose, and said it with a smile.

"Boss Xia's calculations are not bad from the beginning. If it is successful, then I will use Boss Xia's golden hands to untie the piece of wool. If it turns out to be good, I will definitely help buy another piece. If it is possible, I will let Boss Xia buy it again at that time." And solved it." Liu Ying didn't know why Xia Manyu felt that she could unlock the jadeite, but anyway, she had nothing to lose, so she nodded in agreement.

"That's a good relationship. The beauty is waiting. I'll go to the store and bring the machine." Xia Manyu was overjoyed when she saw Liu Ying nod her head.Talked to the old acquaintance next door, and hurried to borrow the stone breaker.

After a while, Xia Manyu and a young man brought the stone interpreter over and put it down.Xia Manyu saw Liu Ying staring at the stone breaker curiously, with a happy face, and said with a smile: "Beauty, I have already brought this stone breaker for you, let's draw a line on the wool, how to solve it. If you grind slowly, it’s still a one-size-fits-all.”

Xia Manyu glanced at the brick material in Liu Ying's hand, and saw that there was nothing outstanding, and it was just a piece of waste.But Xia Manyu inexplicably believed that this girl who was blessed at first glance might have unexpected luck.Emerald is a spiritual thing, sometimes it is so magical.The same piece of wool, in the hands of different people, will have different results.

Some people are often a little bit of deviation, and just pass by.It was transferred to another person, and everyone thought it was a waste, but he was taken out of the emerald in a daze.Xia Manyu has seen this kind of thing a lot, and when she sees a person with a blessed face, Xia Manyu can't help but make friends with them, so as to make herself lucky.

Draw a line?

Liu Ying was startled, rolled her eyes, and immediately understood the meaning of Xia Manyu's words.Sensing the location of the aura in the woolen material, Liu Ying took the pen from Xia Manyu and drew a few lines neatly, letting Xia Manyu follow the lines she drew directly. "Boss Xia, just cut it like this."

"Okay, stay away from the beauty, and be careful of the stone chips flying."

Xia Manyu was a little surprised when Liu Ying drew the line without hesitation.A ray of doubt flashed in his eyes, whether he was wrong, this is not a novice at all.Calmly looking at Liu Ying, Xia Manyu quickly denied this guess.Impossible, maybe it's because the wool is cheap, so I did it quickly, so I don't need to think about it.Frowning slightly, Xia Manyu turned on the machine, followed the line drawn by Liu Ying, and carefully cut off.

(End of this chapter)

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