Chapter 182 Sky-high Price Emerald (5)
After this verification, Liu Ying already knew how to find out the woolen material with emeralds hidden in it.However, this matter can only be known by oneself, absolutely not let the second person know.She is not stupid, friends are friends, there is no need to reveal her secrets.The big deal is that if Xu Tianyang really encountered any difficulties, she would be doing her utmost to help her secretly.

"it is good."

The anger was hard to appease, so Xu Tianyang nodded without daring to say anything.In fact, Xu Tianyang also knew that he was too impatient, luck is sometimes uncertain.However, when Liu Ying said that it was her first time to gamble with stones, Xu Tianyang couldn't help showing a look of surprise on his face.It is the first time that such a good jadeite has been gambled from bricks, this luck is too bad.With Liu Ying's guarantee, Xu Tianyang couldn't help feeling hopeful.

A really happy smile appeared on his face for a long time, and he gave Liu Ying a thankful smile.Hearing the cutting sound of the machine, Xu Tianyang put away his excitement and turned his attention to the wool.

Liu Ying's line drawing was extremely accurate, and Xia Manyu's technique was also good. After cutting the entire woolen material, it didn't hurt a bit.The remaining small debris cannot be cut directly with a stone-removing knife, for fear of hurting the jade meat.Xia Manyu was not afraid of wasting time, and carefully helped to polish the jadeite.Sprinkle some clear water on it, and the eye-catching emeralds immediately appeared in front of everyone.

It is the size of a bowl, the color is evenly distributed, there are no cracks or moss, and it is perfect and amazing in the sun.

The rise, the absolute rise, everyone stared fascinatedly at the jadeite held by Xia Manyu.A flash of regret flashed in their hearts. If they knew that there was such a big piece of jade hidden in the wool, they should have paid more just now. Maybe the big beauty in front of them would have been sold at the first thought.Right now, the material is all out, and if you want to buy it, you will spend a lot of money.

If you missed it once, everyone didn't want to make another mistake, and immediately shouted the price excitedly.

"400 million, beauty, I'll give you 400 million for this piece of jade. Whether you want to sell it or not, that's a word." The man who had bid 50 earlier shouted before everyone else.

"It's you again, 400 million, you're so embarrassed to ask. Sister, don't pay attention to him, brother, I'll offer 500 million, the absolute price." The fat Huang Dong pushed away the man asking for the price, and stared displeasedly, wanting to fish in troubled waters man.Regardless of whether the other party will hold grudges or not, his eyes turned to Liu Ying, his face was full of joy, and he said excitedly.

"Huang Dong, you are too cunning. This price does not seem to be the real price. Such a big piece of fine jadeite is worth 600 million. Sister, 600 million. I will offer 600 million. If the girl thinks it is okay, I will immediately Have someone transfer the money to the account." The impatient CEO of Brilliant Group, Ma Dong glanced at Huang Dong contemptuously.

Obviously what Dong Ma said was true, and Dong Ma bluntly blushed, bowed his head guiltily, and said nothing more when Dong Ma said it right.

"Wait, beauty, I offer 650 million."

Liu Ying listened to what you said and what I said to each other, so she was not in a hurry to say anything.He watched amusedly, with a calm smile on his face from beginning to end.As the price became higher and higher, the number of people participating in the bidding gradually decreased.Xu Tianyang stood aside and watched, and saw that Liu Ying's face remained unchanged in the face of the astronomical figures that ordinary people would hardly earn in their lifetime, and there was a hint of approval in his eyes.Seeing that the price has been shouted almost, Xu Tianyang is no longer silent, growling domineeringly.

"800 million, I'll buy it for 800 million."

As soon as the sky-high price was announced, the noisy, blushing and thick-necked crowd immediately fell silent.You look at me, I look at you, staring at the jadeite in Xia Manyu's hand, thinking twice.It was found that when the output reached 800 million, there was not much money to be made.Everyone is a businessman, who would be stupid to do something that doesn't make a profit, so he acquiesced and didn't make a sound.

Liu Ying was deeply shocked that a small piece of Mao Fei could be sold for a sky-high price of 800 million.Seeing everyone's expressions with sharp eyes, Liu Ying quickly guessed the price. Obviously, even if she bought it, she would not make much money.Glancing at Xu Tianyang with a smile, Liu Ying guessed that Xu Tianyang's price was more or less based on their friendship and did not want to take advantage of her.

However, since Xu Tianyang was such a good friend, Liu Ying naturally couldn't treat him badly.Thinking of Xu Tianyang's previous words, Liu Ying guessed that Xu Tianyang must have some difficulties.They glanced at the wool without any trace, but didn't make a move to buy it.Liu Ying thought about buying it for a while, and then sold it to Xu Tianyang at a cheaper price after unpacking it.Liu Ying raised her eyebrows, Liu Ying nodded at Xu Tianyang, and the case was settled.

"Okay, that's the price. This piece of jade belongs to Brother Xu. If Brother Xu is in a hurry, it doesn't matter if we transfer the money later."

Taking the jade from Xia Manyu's hand, Liu Ying glanced at it, and passed it to Xu Tianyang without hesitation.She has a lot of better spirit stones in her hands, so naturally Liu Ying doesn't pay attention to this low-level jadeite.

"Thank you, you report your account number to Brother Xu, and Brother Xu will call someone to transfer the money later." Liu Ying's trust made Xu Tianyang's cold heart feel warm, his thin lips were slightly pursed, and a grateful smile rippled on his face. face.Since the second uncle's incident, apart from Luo Cheng, he can be said to have truly experienced the warmth and coldness of human relationships during this period of time.Instead of helping, everyone even made trouble and secretly bought the company's stock.

The company's stock plummeted, and some unbearable shareholders sold out one after another. At present, almost 40.00% of the stock has been acquired by Qingtian Group.If there is no other good news from the company and the stock price falls again and again, those old shareholders may not be able to hold on.He also sold the stock, and if the 20.00% was taken over by the Qingtian Group, then he, the CEO of the company, would have almost come to an end.

Thinking of the Sunny Group's consistent behavior style, Xu Tianyang's heart couldn't help but sink again.The second uncle was really too cruel. If he couldn't get the company, he stole a large amount of public funds from the company and sold all [-]% of his shares.Xu Tianyang felt a little regretful, why didn't he listen to Luo Cheng's advice these years, and stop condoning his second uncle's actions.If he had known that the second uncle was so unfeeling, he would have ruthlessly kicked the second uncle out of the company and prevented the second uncle from doing evil in the company.

Xu's jewelry was the painstaking effort of his parents during their lifetime. He couldn't imagine that if the company was really snatched from him.When he gets old, how will he explain to his parents when he goes underground.Clenching his hands into fists, Xu Tianyang unknowingly let out the deep sadness in his heart, and his handsome face was instantly covered with haze.

"It's okay, it's not urgent." Catching the flash of sadness in Xu Tianyang's eyes, Liu Ying's expression changed slightly, and a trace of worry flashed across his face.Thinking of what Luo Cheng had inadvertently revealed before, Liu Ying wondered to herself, could it be that Xu Tianyang's best second uncle hasn't been dealt with yet.Every family has scriptures that are difficult to recite. If it is a family matter, Liu Ying is not in the mood to intervene in it.

Moreover, even if this kind of thing is intentional, I am afraid there is nothing you can do about it.

(End of this chapter)

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