Chapter 214
Everyone's sense of humor made Su Zhenhua smile and cheer up every happy event.Although it cost 30 billion all at once, but considering Su Zhenhua's current net worth, 30 billion is just a drizzle.Everything must be done after the last step before you can really feel relieved, Su Zhenhua looked at Liu Ying with a smile, and said proudly.

"Miss Liu, is it convenient for you to tell me your account number? I will ask my subordinates to transfer the money to the account. As for the conditions you mentioned, please rest assured, Miss Liu. After the masters under the flag have carved the jade bracelets, I will definitely let people Deliver it to the house in person. Do you want to make up the price difference? You just listen to Uncle Su, don’t be so polite, let’s avoid it, and treat it as a gift from Uncle Su.”

The imperial green bracelet priced at tens of millions was presented as a meeting gift, and the corners of Liu Ying's mouth twitched speechlessly.This is the rich man who spends money like water without blinking his eyes.No matter what Su Zhenhua's ultimate goal was, Liu Ying would not accept this tens of millions of gifts no matter what.Cannibals are soft-spoken and short-handed. Favors are not easy to repay, so there is no need to ask for trouble.Anyway, right now she got a huge sum of 30 billion yuan, something worth tens of millions, but now she doesn't care about it.

And I bought it as a gift to my dear ones, so there is nothing to be reluctant to spend.

In any case, this is also Su Zhenhua's good intentions, even if he refuses, he can't be too tough.Letting Su Zhenhua lose face won't do anyone any good.After all, those who stand in a high position and are used to looking up should take care of them.Shaking her head, Liu Ying smiled kindly and politely refused: "No need for Uncle Su, the price of 30 billion is considered to be a face for Uncle Su. If you let Uncle Su bleed again, you will give away the value for nothing." The jade bracelet worth tens of millions is Liu Ying's."

After a pause, Liu Ying carefully observed Su Zhenhua's expression, and saw that there was no anger on Su Zhenhua's face.So she smiled and continued: "Furthermore, in business, one yard is worth one yard. There is no way to make a loss-making business. The most important point is that Liu Ying wants these things that she only wants to take back to honor her elders. She can buy them with her own money. It's my filial piety. Uncle Su, do you think this is the reason?"

"Well, it's rare that Ms. Liu has such filial piety, and Uncle Su doesn't stop her. When the jade bracelet is made, Uncle Su will give it to you at the market price. By the way, everyone is so familiar, so I will call you Liu Miss is really born. Anyway, you have been calling Uncle Su for a long time, according to this generation, the old man, I will just call him Miss Liu, you don’t mind." One mouthful of Miss Liu, while Liu Ying called him Uncle Su What is it like.On the snake and stick, Su Zhenhua was impatient and saw that the timing was right, so he quickly tried to get closer to Liu Ying.

Favor is a good thing, although Su Zhenhua was a little disappointed that Liu Ying didn't take the bait.However, Su Zhenhua, who did not give up, turned his mind and took a roundabout tactic.For the sake of his only son, no matter how anxious Su Zhenhua was, he had no choice but to endure it slowly.He doesn't believe that people's hearts are fleshy. After they are familiar with each other, they will not be able to get things done if they lower their stance.

"Uncle Su is an elder, so it doesn't matter how you call him." A title, Liu Ying didn't pay much attention to such a trivial matter.In addition, Su Zhenhua was indeed much older than her, so it was understandable to call Liu Xiaoya kindly, it was not a big deal.Without even thinking about it, Liu Ying smiled and nodded in response.Thinking of something, Liu Ying quickly told Su Zhenhua the account number so that he could send the money to the account.

When Su Zhenhua heard that Liu Ying agreed to come down, his heart was as sweet as eating honey.A good start is half the success. With confidence, Su Zhenhua readily asked for a huge sum of 30 billion to be transferred to Liu Ying's account.After a while, Liu Ying received a text message that the full amount of 30 billion had been credited.Glancing at the string of zeros on the text message, Liu Yingle's eyes almost narrowed into a line.

30 billion, Liu Ying never dreamed that she could earn so much all at once.

Thinking about the past, Liu Ying was content to earn 30 to buy a second-hand house.Her eyes flickered in a daze, and Liu Ying felt unreal.She secretly pinched her palm with her ten fingers, and felt a slight tingling pain. Only then did Liu Ying believe that she was really not dreaming. The 30 billion was real. She really made 30 billion in one night.

30 billion, a young girl made a net profit of 30 billion in one night.Moreover, the most important point is that the person who even wants to please Su Zhenhua, the wool king, must have something extraordinary about her.What is the reason for the discord? He will definitely offend her in the future.The eyeballs rolled around, and everyone's eyes on Liu Ying began to change a little differently.

After dealing with the follow-up follow-up, Liu Ying chatted with Su Zhenhua again, and then hurriedly left the gambling table with Xu Tianyang.Don't blame Liu Ying for running away, it's because everyone's eyes are too scary, which makes Liu Ying feel very uncomfortable.

In the Su family's villa, a lingering lingering death scene was unfolding. With the woman's scream, a fresh life passed away quietly.

Sweating profusely, slowly feeling the burning sensation on his body dissipate, Su Qigang felt that he brushed shoulders with death again.Frowning, he glanced at the warm female body under him, and saw that the originally beautiful face had turned ferociously pale, without a trace of blood, and had no breath at all.A flash of guilt flashed in Su Qigang's eyes, but, in order to be able to live, although Su Qigang felt sorry for the woman under him, he didn't feel any regret in his heart.

People don't want to kill themselves, everyone just takes what they need.He paid her family, and in exchange she gave him her own life so that he could live on, through the heart-rending pain.Naked, she got up quickly, and walked slowly to the bathroom to wash off the sweat all over her body.As for the withered beauty on the bed, someone will come in and deal with it.

After the dust settled, Su Qigang sat on a soft sofa in off-white casual clothes, concentrating on the information his men had just collected.

The more Su Qigang looked down, the tighter his eyebrows were. When he finished reading the last page, a wicked smile appeared on Su Qigang's face.It was fun, it was so much fun, I didn't expect it to happen in such a short amount of time.She has done another amazing feat, imperial green, 30 billion imperial green jade raw materials, only she can meet.

As for his father's intentions, Su Qigang somewhat guessed.His complexion changed slightly, and his feeble heart seemed to be injected with new vitality with a faint warm current.

With a flash of inspiration, Su Qigang thought of something, and immediately said: "Feiying, go and prepare some sets of top-quality jadeite and send them to Miss Liu's residence. Remember, you must deliver them in front of Miss Liu. If Miss Liu refuses to accept them, you will be punished." In front of Ms. Liu, several sets of top-quality jadeites were thrown to the ground. Feiying, do you understand what I mean?"

Choose what he likes, since Liu Ying likes these beautiful and fragile things, of course Su Qigang will not let them go.He doesn't have other things, but there are as many jadeites as you want, whether it is the best or rare jade materials, there are all kinds of jade materials.His situation is getting more and more serious, even if it is a slight chance, he will firmly grasp it, no matter what the cost.

(End of this chapter)

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