Chapter 220 A New Journey (2)
"Hmph, if you still don't behave well when you're about to die, then I'll give you a ride."

learn from mistakes.

Sun Xueyun's dying counterattack made Liu Ying very angry. She never thought that Sun Xueyun would be so crazy.Even if it is death, she will not miss the last chance to fight back. It is really hopeless to drag her to hell with her.Secretly thankful, fortunately, she saw Sun Xueyun's true nature one step earlier, and she didn't soften her heart because of Sun Xueyun's begging, and let Sun Xueyun go.

If she let Sun Xueyun go like this this time, Liu Ying couldn't imagine what kind of means Sun Xueyun would use to deal with her later, it was chilling to think about.Secretly channeling her spiritual power, Liu Ying mercilessly backhanded and punched Sun Xueyun straight.Sensing the danger, Sun Xueyun wanted to escape, but it was too late.

With such ferocious vigor, even cultivators of the Foundation Establishment Stage would not dare to touch each other easily, let alone an ordinary mortal body.All I saw was that when Sun Xueyun was hit with energy, Sun Xueyun's pupils suddenly enlarged, and before she could even scream, her whole body was instantly torn apart and scattered all over the ground.This is far more than that, the fire on the body is still burning, blink of an eye, there is not even slag left.On the way, pools of blood were left on the ground, proving how intense the bang was just before.

Frowning her eyebrows and glanced at the blood stains on the ground, she could easily smell the strong smell of meat in the air, Liu Ying pursed her lips in disgust.After practicing the Dao Jue, a gust of wind blew by, and the blood stains on the ground and the strong odor in the air disappeared without a trace.

"What a lunatic, I hope Sun Xueyun's father is not an old lunatic too." This is an express rule of a cultivator, even if there is no such rule.Liu Ying will not kill Sun Xueyun's house just because Sun Xueyun offended her.I would rather kill three thousand by mistake than let one go, and kill Sun Xueyun's relatives together with the possible disaster.

One person does things and one person is responsible, there is no need to do everything so absolutely.Of course, if Sun Xueyun's relatives wanted to kill themselves and trouble her, Liu Ying didn't mind twitching her fingers and solved them as well.Liu raised her eyebrows slightly, Liu Ying curled her lips in a smile that was not a smile, and her piercing gaze showed a gleam of brilliance.With a flash of his body, he was in the same place as when he came, coming and going without a trace, like a ghost disappearing without a sound.

Not long after Liu Ying disappeared, Su Qigang arrived in a hurry with a group of people, but after searching for a long time, he couldn't find Sun Xueyun.Su Qigang's face turned cold all of a sudden, and he ordered in a hurry: "Feiying, you must find this bitch. If Liu Ying is injured in the slightest, you can get it back from Sun Xueyun. By the way, there is also Mrs. Sun." By the way, you send someone to monitor and see if Elder Sun has any news about Sun Xueyun."

Su Qigang was overjoyed by the medicine Liu Ying sent, the simplicity is even rarer than the elixir, even if he hadn't tried it himself, Su Qigang knew that the medicine was extraordinary.Sure enough, he bet right this time, Liu Ying was indeed his savior.When he received a tip and learned that Sun Xueyun secretly bought explosives to kill Liu Ying, Su Qigang was frightened and brought him over to find out Sun Xueyun himself.Unexpectedly, it was still a step too late, Sun Xueyun was already solved by Liu Ying one step ahead.

Right now, Su Qigang can ignore whoever is dead, but Su Qigang will never allow Liu Ying to make any mistakes.His life is now on Liu Ying's body, no matter what, he must do his best to keep Liu Ying safe and sound.

"Yes, Boss. Don't worry, Boss, the subordinates will definitely find Miss Sun as soon as possible, so that she won't take advantage of it." Feiying nodded and assured with a serious face.

After leaving downtown Tengchong, Liu Ying found an unoccupied place and slipped into the space.As soon as Liu Ying appeared, Xiao Jin immediately rushed over, looking at Liu Ying with lingering fear and worry, and after confirming that Liu Ying was fine, Xiao Jin let out a long breath.Glaring at Liu Ying, Xiao Jin complained angrily.

"Master, it was too easy for you to make this mad woman Sun Xueyun die too quickly. With such a poisonous heart, she should be tortured. It is best to cut her into pieces, so that she wants to die but can't die. She is so painful that she regrets it." come into this world."

Thinking of something, Xiao Jin continued to mutter: "Master, the power of modern weapons is too terrifying, although it is not easy to find. However, Master, you should be careful in the future, and you have to guard against it. The pressure of competition in this society is too great. Crazy The streets are full. The master must be careful when killing Sun Xueyun. Presumably, if Sun Xueyun’s parents knew that the master killed her, they would definitely not have to trouble the master. Cutting the grass and rooting out the troubles forever, in fact, the master just killed them. Why leave any more hidden dangers."

"It's still hacking, how did you learn the tricks of torturing people. Forget it, she is just an unimportant clown, so there is no need to waste too much time on her. As for Sun Xueyun's family, one person does things and the other takes care of it. There is no need to make things too extreme. Sun Xueyun’s family members are all mortals. If she kills her family members, it will hurt the peace of heaven and violate the way of cultivation. However, Xiao Jin can rest assured that if they really come, I will also Don’t be afraid of them. Tat for tat, if they dare to do something, the meaning will be different, even if you kill them, it’s self-defense and won’t create demons.”

The sharp eyes narrowed, and a faint murderous look disappeared in a flash.Stick to your heart and just do what you think is right. Liu Ying is not a bloodthirsty person, and only when she is in a hurry will she become ruthless and want to kill.If Sun Xueyun hadn't acted so terribly this time, and really wanted to take her life, maybe Liu Ying would have let Sun Xueyun go, and just taught her a ruthless lesson as a warning.

However, there is no if, things have happened, and there is no way back.If Sun Xueyun dared to appoint someone to plant a bomb to kill her, she must have the determination to die.Although she is not bloodthirsty, she is not merciful, she is merciful to the enemy, and she will send the right cheek after hitting the left cheek.

"By the way, Xiaojin, let me tell you the truth. Let's delay the matter of crossing the catastrophe. There are still more than a dozen kinds of elixir needed for alchemy, and they are all important medicines. I want to go to Xingzi Run around and see if you can find it all. The ratio of the time of the star is the same as that in the space. Xiaojin, you stay in the space obediently. The master must find all the elixir needed as soon as possible. You go to the stars to cross the thunder tribulation."

Xiao Jin's straightforward concern warmed Liu Ying's heart. Thinking of her deliberate concealment from Xiao Jin these past few days, Liu Ying felt her face turn red.Comparing her heart with her heart, Liu Ying felt that it was related to Xiaojin herself, and it was really inappropriate to hide it from Xiaojin.Lowering her head with a guilty conscience, Liu Ying thought for a moment, and then felt that she should tell the whole story, so that Xiao Jin could have a clear idea in her heart, so that she would not have to wait anxiously every day.

"Go, I thought what the master wanted to say, but it turned out to be this matter. In fact, Xiao Jin had guessed it a long time ago. With the master's quick temper, if the pill is so easy to refine, it would have been refined a long time ago. You don't have to hide outside every day and dare not come in. Master , although the master has good intentions and does not want to disappoint Xiao Jin. But Xiao Jin is not a child, and knows that some things cannot be rushed. Moreover, Xiao Jin believes that what the master promised Xiao Jin will definitely be done. Xiao Jin does not mind at all, and does not complain about the master's kindness So, master, don't be embarrassed."

(End of this chapter)

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