Chapter 225: Hidden Crisis (2)
After hearing Liu Ying's request, Zhou Liehong's tense mood was immediately relieved.Although he is not a doctor, he has more or less heard of the names of the medicines that Liu Ying reported.These medicines have different effects, some are even highly poisonous, and some are rare and great tonic medicines, and their value is not too high for Zhou Liehong.Jianmei frowned slightly, Zhou Liehong was a little curious about why Liu Ying used these medicines.There are only [-] kinds of medicines that have been used for hundreds of years. It is not difficult for people to go to various pharmacies to find them as long as they spread the word.

The Zhiwu Kingdom has a vast land and abundant resources, not to mention looking for century-old herbal medicines, even thousand-year-old medicines. As long as you have the heart, it is not difficult to pay for it.Thinking of Liu Ying's last mentioned remuneration, a gleam flashed in Zhou Liehong's eyes.It made him want to laugh even in his dreams, what the hell is this? With thick eyebrows raised slightly, Zhou Liehong couldn't help showing a look of anticipation.

"I remember that although some of the drug names have not been heard before, I will send people to do my best to search for them, and I will definitely help you achieve what you want." Zhou Liehong promised with a serious face, suppressing some turbulent thoughts in his heart.

"Okay, I believe you once, I hope you don't disappoint me. Let's go, tell me how to get to the imperial city of Zhiwu Kingdom, and I will take you back."

After getting a satisfactory answer, Liu Ying showed a touch of joy on her face.Fearing that something would happen again, Liu Ying decided to send Zhou Liehong back to the palace first, so that people can protect him.In this case, if there are other killers coming endlessly, it can be dealt with.Liu Ying was also lazy to deal with it. After all, few people would like to kill a few people for fun.

"Go east along this main road, and you can reach it in about a month. However, if you ride a horse, it may be faster, and you can reach it in about ten days. Unfortunately, my black wind is gone, and the guards I brought with me Let these killers kill them all. As far as I know, there is a small town five miles away, and you can go there to buy two horses for the journey. But, it’s just that I don’t have any money with me, so I don’t know Miss Liu?”

Hearing Liu Ying's question, Zhou Liehong's eyes flashed with clarity.Sure enough, this Miss Liu is an outsider, and she is also an idiot who doesn't know much about it.No wonder Liu Ying didn't show any strange look on his face when he said he was the prince of Zhiwu Kingdom, let alone showing respect.Speak casually, as if talking with ordinary friends, very natural, without any concept of superiority or inferiority.

Anyway, this is something that almost the whole mainland knows, and Zhou Liehong didn't intend to hide it, and told Liu Ying directly how to get to Tiancheng, the capital of Zhiwu Kingdom.When it comes to Hei Feng, who is his favorite horse, and the bodyguards who grew up with him, Zhou Liehong's face shows a gloomy look.His face sank, and he continued to tell him everything he knew in detail.When it came to money, Zhou Liehong blushed with embarrassment.

This matter cannot be blamed on Zhou Liehong, as the prince of a country, there is no need to bring his own money around him.They are all done by personal eunuchs or guards.Whether he is buying things or tipping others, he doesn't need to worry about it.

On the road of last month?
Hearing Zhou Liehong's narration, the corners of Liu Ying's mouth twitched unconsciously for half a second.It's really backward, such a long way, there are still people who need to walk, it takes a month, it's really scary.However, Zhou Liehong later said that the proposal of riding a horse made Liu Ying feel itchy and wanted to give it a try.There is no way, Liu Ying can be considered a half urbanite, and she has only seen other people riding horses on TV. In reality, she has never even touched a horse's butt, let alone rode a horse.

I heard people say that horse riding is an activity for nobles and rich people, but I didn't expect that for this backward elementary star, riding a horse is just a basic means of transportation.His eyes flickered, and Liu Ying suddenly became excited.

"I don't have any money either, but I think they should have some."

As soon as her eyes rolled, Liu Ying immediately had an idea.Under Zhou Liehong's astonished gaze, Liu Ying rummaged through the killers without fear for a moment, and found a pile of oddly shaped pieces of silver, and a dozen papers with ghostly symbols written on them.After showing it to Zhou Liehong, Liu Ying realized that it was the legendary bank note.Everything went very smoothly, it would have been more perfect if Zhou Liehong would not stare at her like an alien.

What a fuss, what's so strange about not knowing the bank notes, who told them to write so strangely, even after reading it for a long time, she couldn't see why.Curiously counting the banknotes in her hand, Liu Ying thought to herself a little staggeringly, it seems that the killer industry is really a good job to make quick money.Any killer carries tens of thousands of taels of silver notes.In particular, Wu Jun, the leader of the killer, was found with a huge sum of more than one hundred thousand yuan. Liu Ying was dumbfounded and surprised for half a second.

It is difficult to travel thousands of miles without money.No matter how it came, she collected the bank note and threw it into the storage bag. Liu Ying smiled happily.Thinking of buying a BMW in the small town soon, Liu Ying's eyes sparkled with excitement.

"Miss Liu, since we already have the money, let's hurry up while it's still early. If it's late, it's easy to encounter wild beasts like wolves in the barren mountains. And I heard that there are often wild animals in the mountains. Bandit haunts, it would be bad if we encounter them.”

Looking at Liu Ying, who had a face full of money fans and narrowed his smiling eyes.Zhou Liehong not only did not find Liu Ying's money-greedy appearance disgusting and abominable, but he found Liu Ying's money-greedy appearance so straightforwardly very cute.Compared with those who are obviously greedy for wealth, but pretend to be indifferent, they are much more sincere.

However, Zhou Liehong couldn't figure out how Liu Ying was so high in martial arts and so greedy for money.It's unbelievable that he can't read, and it's so outrageous that he hasn't even seen a mainland banknote.

You know, in the Wuxing Continent, martial arts are respected, and the worship of the strong has reached its peak.Although there is still some wind that men are superior to women, but as long as the woman is strong enough to compete with men, she can also be respected by everyone.Therefore, in Wuxing Continent, it is normal for women to go to school like boys.Unless the family is poor and really can't get rid of it, otherwise, ordinary girls also have the right to learn knowledge online.Shaking his head and withdrawing his strange gaze, Zhou Liehong suggested with a slight smile.

And bandits?Hearing Zhou Liehong's words, the corners of Liu Ying's mouth couldn't help twitching again.It was really messy enough, even the bandits were dispatched, curled her lips, Liu Ying felt extremely speechless.Sure enough, modern society has its advantages, at least, the society is stable, and she has never heard of bandits in Huaxia Kingdom when she grows up.

Except, of course, for the blatant robbers in the city.

Because of Zhou Liehong's presence, Liu Ying didn't dare to sacrifice the flying sword and use it directly.But let her walk the five-mile mountain road step by step, my God, kill her.Even if I'm not tired, I feel dizzy just thinking about it.Raising her eyebrows and rolling her eyeballs, a flash of inspiration flashed, and Liu Ying suddenly had an idea.That's right, why didn't she think of this, lightness kung fu can be used here.Although she doesn't use the so-called lightness kungfu, it's fine if it's similar, as long as she flies a little lower, and occasionally learns to step on branches like them to make use of her strength.

(End of this chapter)

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