Chapter 229 The Poison King Appears (2)
Liu Ying didn't expect Haifeng to understand human nature so well, he could understand the master's mind with just one sentence.Grasping the reins tightly in her hand, the breeze blowing towards her made Liu Ying feel very comfortable.I couldn't help but close my eyes and quietly enjoy the fun of riding a horse.It's really interesting, it's much more enjoyable than riding in a car, no wonder those rich people like to spend a lot of money to play this game.

Zhou Liehong looked back at Liu Ying, seeing her riding a horse and catching up, the worry in his heart relaxed.It's no wonder that Zhou Liehong was worried. It wouldn't be a new thing if a country bumpkin who had never seen a banknote even knew how to ride a horse.I caught a glimpse of Liu Ying just holding the reins, ordering the horse to follow automatically and consciously without patting the horse, and dared to close her eyes without even looking at it.Zhou Liehong was shocked by this superb riding technique, and couldn't help joking.

"Miss Liu, I really didn't expect you to be able to ride a horse, and your skills are so good. It is obviously the first time you have ridden Gale, but it seems that you are its owner, and you don't lose your temper at all. As far as I know, this Haifeng's temper is not very good, and sometimes even the groom who feeds it will be kicked by it. Unexpectedly, in Miss Liu's hands, it is as obedient as a rabbit."

It turned out that it was called Gale, and when she opened her eyes, Zhou Liehong's words made Liu Ying stunned, and she patted Zheng Huan's Gale running under her in confusion.Bad temper, will you?She didn't feel it at all, but felt that Haifeng was very obedient and understanding of human nature.Liu Ying patted the wind to signal it to slow down, and felt that the speed was about the same as that of Zhou Liehong.Liu Ying cast a glance at Zhou Liehong who looked puzzled, and she didn't hide the truth.

"I don't know. Actually, it's my first time riding a horse. However, I feel that Haifeng is not impatient at all. On the contrary, he is very obedient. He runs steadily and understands people's words."

First time riding?To be so scary, after listening to Liu Ying's words, three black lines were drawn on Zhou Liehong's forehead.Weirdly glanced at the running steady Gale, Zhou Liehong looked at Liu Ying thoughtfully, frowning in thought.Haifeng is a stallion, could it be that this horse also reads people and knows that the rider is a beautiful woman, so he softened his temper and let Liu Ying ride obediently.

No way, horses will be like this?With his sword eyebrows slightly raised, Zhou Liehong pursed his lips in shock.Being repeatedly hit by Liu Ying, Zhou Liehong really couldn't bring himself to talk nonsense with Liu Ying, so he hurried on and focused on his journey.If he continued talking to Liu Ying, Zhou Liehong was afraid that he would vomit blood and die in anger.

There was nothing to say along the way, everyone tacitly focused on the road, and before we knew it, it was almost noon.The horse ran slowly into the deep mountain, and the surrounding was completely silent, not even the chirping of birds could be heard.It is very common for insects and birds to sing in the mountains, but if it is too quiet, it will appear abrupt.There must be something different when things go wrong, and this weird scene made everyone's hearts hang in their throats.Slowing down and observing the surroundings vigilantly, Liu Ying also felt that something was wrong.Let go of your mind and sense the changes around you.

When she saw what was happening around her, Liu Ying immediately withdrew her consciousness.Thinking of the disgusting scene she saw, Liu Ying felt her scalp go numb, and couldn't help shivering.His face turned pale for a moment, he glanced at Zhou Liehong, and urgently reminded: "Be careful, we are surrounded by poisonous snakes. There are two bottles of Qingling Pill here, Zhou Liehong, let someone hand out the Qingling Pill. One If you are unfortunate enough to be bitten by a poisonous snake, you will be fine, hurry up, or it will be too late."

"What, a group of poisonous snakes? Not good, it must be the poisonous king who drove the poisonous snakes to attack secretly. Come, immediately distribute the antidote, one for each person, be quick." Zhou Liehong's martial arts is weak, although he can also detect the abnormality, he can't detect it. Find out what the hidden dangers are.Pull up all spirits, and patrol the surroundings vigilantly.Suddenly hearing Liu Ying say that there were venomous snakes, Zhou Liehong's expression changed drastically, he quickly took the Qingling Pill that Liu Ying handed over, and hurriedly ordered to pass the Qingling Pill to the guard beside him.

When the guards heard Liu Ying say that there were snakes attacking around them, they all showed panicked expressions.Although I don't understand how Liu Ying found out, since even the crown prince believed what she said.The guards naturally didn't dare to doubt it, they took the Qingling Pill handed over and swallowed it without hesitation.Feeling a clear stream pouring into my heart, my whole body was shaken.Everyone was shocked at first, and then realized that this elixir must be a good thing.There were still a few pills left in the jade bottle, and everyone knew they were good things, so they didn't dare to keep them rashly, and returned them back to Liu Ying.

At this moment, bursts of hissing sounds suddenly came from the ears, and they continued to sound from all directions.This terrifying sound made everyone feel terrified, and the horses seemed to sense the breath of the snakes, and they all became restless, shaking their hooves, neighing and roaring incessantly.The gust of wind under Liu Ying also swayed, and she spun around in a panic, snorting heavily, as if urging Liu Ying to leave quickly.

Liu Ying has spent most of the day with Haifeng, and she has a good impression of Haifeng, fearing that the poisonous snake will bite him.Liu Ying took out a Qingling Pill and put it in her hand, put the Qingling Pill in her hand to Haifeng's mouth, and signaled Haifeng to eat the pill.Haifeng really knew human nature, sniffed the elixir in Liu Ying's hand, was shocked, and stretched out his tongue to roll the Qingling elixir into his mouth.Not much, the restless Gale slowly calmed down, obediently no longer raised its head and neighed like other horses.

The hissing sound was getting closer and closer. Although everyone had taken the antidote pill, they were still afraid of poisonous snakes in their bones.Especially when facing not one snake, but a group of them.Think about it, if it were you, would your legs be weak from fear if you were surrounded by snakes in the deep mountains.Forming a circle, everyone looked around nervously.

"Look, there are a lot of poisonous snakes." Someone who broke the silence before him screamed loudly.

"Damn it, Gui Jianchou, the poisonous king of Xishan, really deserves his reputation. He can control so many poisonous snakes to attack us. Be careful, everyone, don't be surrounded by snakes. It is the best policy to protect His Highness to break through. Your Highness, be careful, seize the opportunity to follow Ms. Liu got out of trouble as soon as possible." The leader was Lieutenant Lin Zhengxin, who got off his horse and guarded Zhou Liehong. Seeing all kinds of poisonous snakes everywhere, large goose bumps appeared on Lin Zhengxin's arms.Although he was a little timid in his heart, he was still loyal and did not retreat in the slightest. He opened his throat and shouted anxiously.

"Okay, Captain Lin, be careful and lead everyone to follow as soon as possible."

Seeing more and more snakes around, Zhou Liehong didn't dare to delay any longer.With the help of Lin Zhengxin and other soldiers, they quickly made a way out. Zhou Liehong gave Liu Ying a wink and signaled Liu Ying to follow.With a sudden slap on the horse's back, he rushed out first.Liu Ying was also a little petrified when she saw the densely packed snakes swimming around.

Tian Tian has been with Xiao Jin for a long time, and Liu Ying doesn't have much feeling for Xiao Jin.In addition, Xiao Jin has always loved to play tricks, and he can act coquettishly to please Liu Ying, so Liu Ying doesn't feel like a cold poisonous snake at all.

Looking at the group of snakes with different colors and different appearances and spitting red snakes fiercely at everyone, Liu Ying felt that they were very different.There is only disgust and horror, without the slightest bit of amiability, or even liking.In addition, it is difficult for girls to feel happy about these cold-blooded animals, and Liu Ying is no exception.If it weren't for the fact that there were too many people watching, Liu Ying could hardly hold back, and wanted to set a fire to burn all these disgusting poisonous snakes.

(End of this chapter)

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