Chapter 243 Xiaojin Crossing the Tribulation (2)
All the protagonists in the novel said that they had to go into the flower building to have a look before they could wear it, but Liu Ying didn't think so.If it weren't for being forced to be helpless and forced by life, how many people in this flower building would willingly sell themselves to be used as playthings, and play with them at will.It's a pity for the girls in these flower houses, so why should she come up to see people make jokes.

Although I know that everyone has difficulties, Liu Ying will not act as a savior, let alone a virgin, and will not act passionately to save them all.Everyone has their own way of life, life has too much helplessness, if everyone is waiting for her to rescue, then she will not be exhausted.Everyone has their own way to go, and no one can save anyone, they can only fight and change by themselves.

Turn around and leave quietly, leaving only a faint sigh.

Coincidentally, Liu Ying did the right thing in saving Zhou Guyang.Seeing Liu Ying disappear out of thin air with his own eyes, Zhou Guyang was taken aback, thinking of something, his eyes suddenly shone brightly.If it weren't for the fact that Zhou Nanxiao's troubles were too extreme, Zhou Guyang would have put the matter aside and found out about Liu Ying first.After finishing the matter quickly and decisively, Zhou Guyang called Zhou Liehong into the palace.

Zhou Liehong is a very filial person. When Zhou Guyang asked him the reason for everything, Zhou Liehong didn't dare to hide anything, and told everything he knew in detail bit by bit.After Zhou Guyang heard Zhou Liehong's words, his complexion changed drastically. He stood up ecstatically and hurriedly asked where Liu Ying was now, and asked Zhou Liehong to invite him into the palace immediately.

Before waiting for Zhou Liehong's answer, Zhou Guyang pondered carefully and felt that this was a bit inappropriate.Changed his words and added, let Zhou Liehong tell Liu Ying's whereabouts, and he will personally welcome Liu Ying into the palace.

Zhou Guyang's eager look startled Zhou Liehong, and he was puzzled that his father, who had always been stable, would behave in such a gaffe.It was unprecedented to personally go out of the palace to welcome Liu Ying into the palace. What is Liu Ying's background deserves so much attention from my father.Zhou Liehong asked to know the reason, but in the middle of speaking, he was severely interrupted by Zhou Guyang.He warned him not to ask any more questions, and at the same time implied that Zhou Liehong was the biggest secret of the Zhiwu Kingdom, and only the heir to the throne was entitled to know it.Word of mouth, when he succeeds in the future, the emperor will pass it on to him personally.

It is actually the top secret, and only those who are on the throne are eligible to know.Zhou Liehong was very curious about what kind of secret this was, and why this secret was related to Liu Ying.Thinking of Liu Ying's all kinds of superb methods, the uncanny workmanship is just like the legendary gods.Wait, fairy?These two words gave Zhou Liehong a flash of inspiration, and he suddenly understood.That's right, why didn't he think of this, he was really smart, and he was confused for a while.Lin Zhengxin and the others believed that Liu Ying was a goddess, so why didn't he think about this possibility carefully.

With such a terrifying method, throwing a medicine at will can bring people back to life, what is it if it is not a fairy?
There have been many legends about immortals in Wuxing Continent. It is said that a long time ago, some common people saw immortals flying in the sky.What's more, Zhou Liehong once read some secret histories, which recorded many deeds about immortals saving people.At first, Zhou Lie only took it as a strange talk, but he didn't expect that these recorded things might be true.

Taking a deep breath and suppressing the shock in his heart, Zhou Liehong knew that the matter was of great importance, and he didn't dare to delay telling Zhou Guyang about the latest discovery.Hearing that Liu Ying is now staying at the Xingyuan Inn and has not left the capital, Zhou Guyang is overjoyed.Immediately ordered to go down and ordered people to prepare for leaving the palace. Half an hour later, accompanied by Zhou Liehong, Zhou Guyang finally arrived at the door of Xingyuan Inn as he wished.

It is the troubled season right now, the king and the prince came to Xingyuan Inn in person.There was a lot of ostentation, hundreds of Ouchi guards lined up and surrounded the entire inn.It can scare the owner of the inn out of his wits.Thinking that something big happened, he walked out of the counter trembling and crawling, knelt down in front of Zhou Guyang with a plop, and stammered tremblingly.

"I have met the emperor. Long live the emperor. Long live the emperor. His Royal Highness is a thousand years old."

The other residents were also frightened and dumbfounded. When they heard the shop owner's cry, they realized that they all knelt down and shouted long live.

"Pingshen, everyone get up and leave, this is none of your business." Zhou Guyang waved his hands impatiently like chasing flies, Zhou Guyang was not in the mood to blame the store owner for his gaffe, and stared straight at the man who was sitting on the stool calmly. Liu Ying continued to eat gracefully as if there was no one else around.

After getting permission, everyone kowtowed respectfully, and ran out of the inn impatiently.After leaving the inn, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.Seeing Liu Ying who was still unmoved in the lobby and continued to eat, everyone's eyes popped out, and they were so scared that they almost had a heart attack.Oh my god, where is this guy from? When he saw the saint coming, he could remain indifferent and concentrate on eating her food.

Freak!Everyone is sure.

Just when everyone guessed that Liu Ying would definitely be beheaded by the emperor's order and showed a regretful expression, they did not expect the plot to take a 360-degree turn.The emperor Zhou Guyang not only did not order Liu Ying who was defiant and despised the imperial power to be captured, but also greeted Liu Ying with a flattering smile.This event, which is rarer than a stone falling from the sky, happened right before our eyes. Everyone's eyes widened, and they were so shocked that they almost forgot to breathe.

God, let's wake them up with a thunderbolt, how is this possible?The supreme king, when did his temper become so good.It's okay to be ignored by a little girl, but you have to smile and say hello to her cautiously.What was even more unacceptable to everyone was that, apart from their emperor, even the prince respectfully greeted the young girl who was eating at the dinner table.

There were gasps one after another, and everyone stared blankly at the unbelievable scene.Peeping at each other, they all curiously guessed in their hearts who is this beautiful woman who can make the emperor bow his head, and who has such abilities.

Liu Ying saw Zhou Guyang with her spiritual sense long before entering the inn, although she was a little surprised that Zhou Guyang came in person.However, Liu Ying is not afraid, no matter how she saved Zhou Guyang's life this time, he can still avenge him and do something to her.What's more, she is a dignified monk who is about to step into the golden core stage, and she still needs to be afraid of the mortal emperor and act according to his face.Watching Zhou Guyang walk into the inn with great pomp and power, flaunting his power and driving away the owner of the inn and all the customers, Liu Ying didn't even bother to raise her eyelids, and continued to concentrate on eating her meal.

The play is over, let her bow down to Zhou Guyang and Prince Zhou Liehong to say hello, don't even think about it.It's not like she's being mean, she's fine, she just wants to make fun of it, and step down from her own stage.

Originally, Liu Ying thought that her behavior would definitely anger Zhou Guyang, but instead of showing any sign of anger or dissatisfaction, Zhou Guyang greeted her with a flattering expression.Frowning, Liu Ying glanced at Zhou Liehong in confusion, wondering what was going on in front of her.Unexpectedly, finding out that Zhou Liehong also had the same attitude as his father, Zhou Guyang, Liu Ying's doubts deepened.Putting down the bowls and chopsticks in her hands, Liu Ying held her head high and said expressionlessly.

(End of this chapter)

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