Chapter 270
"Do not."

The thousand catty pendant was forged with Shi Jingzhong's heart and blood, and if the thousand catty pendant was damaged, Shi Jingzhong, as the master, would not be immune to the disaster.With a pop, he spat out a big mouthful of black blood.With a scream, cold sweat broke out on Shi Jingzhong's forehead, knowing that Liu Ying must have discovered him.That's why he was able to counterattack the moment he made a move, and Shi Jingzhong wanted to turn around and run away the first time he regained consciousness.

Looking up, he just met Liu Ying with a half-smile, without a trace of warmth and eyes that seemed to have no murderous intent, Shi Jingzhong shivered in fright.Backed away again and again, looked at Liu Ying in panic, and screamed in a daze: "You, what do you want?"

"What do you think?" Liang Liang's face changed drastically in anger, and he hit the shivering Shi Jingzhong in shock.Liu Ying rolled her eyes, with an evil look on her face, she asked back with a smile.Dare to sneak attack her, really tired of life.With Xiao Jin's reminder, Liu Ying only now knew that this damn ghost cultivator had been spying on her secretly for how long before she knew it.

They have all come to the door, and Liu Ying has obtained the inheritance of Daoist Yuan Cheng, so naturally she can't figure out what this ghost Xiu is up to.

Wanting to take her home, it's like an old birthday star hangs himself, and his life is tired and crooked.With a cold snort, Liu Ying narrowed her eyes slightly, and the cold and murderous look disappeared in a flash.It's true that Lunwei Guixiu is pitiful, but he absolutely shouldn't, never should, and set her up.Therefore, no matter what excuses or reasons this ghost cultivator has, she will never let him die.Let him have the opportunity to harm others again, or wait for the opportunity to murder her secretly.

"No, don't kill me, spare my life, I am willing to serve you as a slave." In order to survive, Shi Jingzhong abandoned his last dignity, knelt down in front of Liu Ying with a heavy plop, and kowtowed for mercy.

Serving as a slave?Xiao Jin looked at Shi Jingzhong disdainfully, but he was just a useless ghost cultivator, why was he qualified to be the master's servant.

"To be a slave, to be a servant, hmph, this idea sounds good, but what a pity? I don't need it. So, you can go to die." He emphasized his tone, and one sentence knocked the expectant Shi Jing into the bottom of the valley.With an evil smile, before Shi Jingzhong could react, Liu Ying didn't even blink.Stimulating the soul mirror, a ray of spiritual light shot out, instantly sinking into the eyebrows in the stone scene.

Shi Jingzhong didn't even have time to scream, so he fell straight on the ground.Immediately, it turned into a black smoke, and the soul flew away, and there was no existence in the stone scene in the world.

"It's really useless. With this little ability, I'm ashamed to be the master's servant, and I'm not afraid of being ashamed if I say it." Xiao Jin looked at the dissipated stone scene, curled his lips contemptuously.Facing Liu Ying's playful gaze, Xiao Jin immediately turned his back on him. He smirked twice and flattered him, saying: "Master, don't look at Xiao Jin like this, Xiao Jin will be frightened if he is timid."

"Pretend, you guys are afraid, who are you fooling?" Seeing Xiao Jin pretending to be holding his chest, he made a small appearance of being afraid.The amusing Liu Ying burst out laughing, unable to put on a bad face anymore.Rolling her eyes angrily, she no longer looked at Xiao Jin playing tricks, Liu Ying curiously wanted to see what was hidden in the cave, so that the ghost cultivator would not be dissipated immediately, but keep his soul and continue to practice.

When I walked to the end of the cave, I saw a small tree that was as thick as an adult's arm growing straight in the crevice of the stone.Liu Ying was stunned, her eyes were wide open, her jaw almost couldn't close.

Oh my god, what did she see? It was a rare soul-cultivating wood.It has grown to be as thick as an arm, how long does it take to grow to such a size, at least it should be thousands of years.Sniffing lightly, as the Yin Qi slowly dissipated, Liu Ying could clearly smell the thick aura in the air.Sure enough, she guessed correctly, there is indeed a good spiritual vein in the ground, which is why this soul-cultivating tree can grow.

Good things should not be missed, the soul-nourishing wood is a good thing to nourish the soul and the sea of ​​consciousness, unless it is a fool to let it go for nothing.Taking out the flying sword, Liu Ying carefully dug out the soul-cultivating wood and transplanted it into the space so that it could continue to grow.This kind of thing is hard to come by, and it is not a pity to get it. Seeing that the soul-cultivating wood is still full of energy after being moved to the space, Liu Ying finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Master, what's the use of this tree root that doesn't even grow leaves?"

Xiao Jin saw Liu Ying nervously handling the soul-cultivating wood and transplanting it into the space with her own hands, so she couldn't help asking curiously.From Xiaojin's point of view, there was really no use for this broken tree root, it was black and didn't even have a leaf.If he hadn't sensed the existence of vitality in the tree, Xiao Jin couldn't help suspecting that it was a dead tree.

"Go aside, what do you know? This is a rare soul-cultivating wood that has been seen for thousands of years. It is very rare. If you can gather all the elixir and refine the soul-cultivating pill, it will be an existence against the sky. For damaged Your soul is a great tonic. You also know that the master has been reborn, and the soul must have been damaged. If you can cultivate the soul nourishing pill, it will not only make the soul more solid, but also make the spiritual consciousness grow exponentially .Besides, this soul-nourishing wood also has a heaven-defying effect, that is, nourishing the soul."

Glancing at Xiao Jin, Liu Ying explained angrily, took a breath, and continued: "Not only the souls of monks, but also the souls of ordinary people. With the help of this soul-nourishing tree, the souls can also be kept. Falling into the pool of reincarnation. It only takes time to reshape the physical body, of course, this time may be a little longer."

Heaven-defying baby, if her soul can be condensed again and return to its original appearance.Then, even if she dies halfway in the future, as long as her soul is not destroyed, she can possess the soul-cultivating wood and get a new life.In this way, it was equivalent to having an extra means of saving her life, and she lost her life for nothing.You said, can she not be excited about such a good thing?

Thinking of Shi Jingzhong, Liu Ying frowned, somewhat wondering why Shi Jingzhong was so eager to take her home even at the risk of risk.Hiding in this cave, practicing with peace of mind, and slowly condensing out the physical body, isn't it good? Why insist on something that should belong to others.You can still live if you do evil by the sky, but you can't live when you do evil by yourself, and you will not be able to live if you die.

Having won the treasure that defies the sky, Liu Ying is not greedy to dig out the hidden spiritual stones in the ground.After thousands of years, no matter how good the lower level of spirit stones are, they should be sucked up by the soul-nourishing wood.The mountains and rivers are beautiful, and those who benefit from good mountains and rivers are all the family members.It's better to pay attention, let it continue to nourish the flowers and trees in the mountains and trees, and benefit the future generations of Liujia Village.

Leaving the cave, Liu Ying and Xiao Jin both returned to the room again.It was already the middle of the night, and when she found that no one had broken into the barrier she had set up, Liu Ying nodded reassuringly and returned to the space again.Looking at the well-grown soul-cultivating wood in the space, Liu Ying's smiling mouth almost turned up behind her ears.

Chatted with Xiaolu about the Soul Cultivation Wood, and asked Xiaolu to help take care of it.Thinking of the little apprentice she left in Zhiwu Country, Liu Ying calculated the time.Looking at Xiao Jin with a guilty conscience, he hurried back to the bamboo house to see how the little apprentice was doing.Naturally, Xiao Jin did not fall behind, and followed closely behind, looking excited to see what kind of apprentice Liu Ying accepted.

(End of this chapter)

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