Chapter 273
"Thank you, I'll be down in a moment."

Hearing Li Meijuan's steps going downstairs, Luo Cheng straightened his clothes, washed up briefly, and prepared to go downstairs for breakfast.The moment he opened the room, he happened to see Xiao Jin coming out of the opposite door.Luo Cheng thought of what happened last night, and his face suddenly sank.It's all the fault of this damned little yellow hair, it's fine to make him make a fool of himself in front of Yingying, and make Yingying feel sad.Slightly squinting his eyes full of ruthlessness like a lone wolf, Luo Cheng put this account on Xiao Jin's head.

He will pay close attention to this little boy who suddenly appeared, and will never let Xiao Jin have a chance to get close to Yingying.

"Morning." Catching the flash of light in Luo Cheng's eyes, Xiao Jin raised his eyebrows jokingly.Thinking of the gift Luo Cheng gave last night, Xiao Jin couldn't help but smile, and greeted Luo Cheng in a good mood.

Knowing people, knowing the face but not knowing the heart, I really can't tell, Luo Cheng puts on a paralyzed face every day.He also learns how to play romance with others, which really fell through everyone's glasses.If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, or someone told him, Xiao Jin couldn't believe it would be true, it was too explosive.

"Hmph, who is smiling with you?" Seeing Xiao Jin's smiling face, Luo Cheng felt angry for no reason.With a cold snort, he left the dazed Xiao Jin and strode down the second floor.

"What's wrong." Looking at the back of Luo Cheng leaving in a hurry, Xiao Jin pursed his lips and shook his head inexplicably.

"I'll help you." When I went downstairs, I happened to see Liu Ying who was helping everyone with leftover lean meat porridge. Luo Cheng stepped forward and took the spoon in Liu Ying's hand without any refusal. He lowered his head and filled the empty bowl on the table with meat. Porridge.He looked at Liu Ying without any trace in his eyes, and saw that Liu Ying's face was as usual, and there was no sign of anger.Luo Cheng was worried all night, and finally heaved a sigh of relief.

"Thank you."

Luo Cheng's scrutiny naturally couldn't escape Liu Ying's eyes, so he turned his eyes away and stopped thinking about these messy things.Concentrate on putting the bowl on the table and set it up, and teach my eldest brother and Liu Tao to practice in the morning.Although she didn't sweat much, it made Liu Ying feel comfortable and in good spirits.Greeting everyone to sit down and drink porridge, Liu Ying grinned when she saw Su Qigang walking down the stairs slowly.

Su Qigang is really hardworking, he eavesdropped so late yesterday and went to bed early, so he got up early to peek at her teaching his eldest brother and the others to practice.He was full of energy and showed no physical discomfort at all.

"Hey, what kind of meat porridge is this? Why is it so fragrant, it makes people move their index fingers." Without Liu Ying asking, Su Qigang sat down automatically and consciously, and picked up a bowl of meat porridge in front of him.Putting it between his nose and sniffing it, Su Qigang showed a look of surprise on his face.Before Liu Ying could answer, Su Qigang couldn't wait to pick up the spoon and drink it.

"It's delicious, sweet and not greasy. It's hard for Liu Tao to praise it. It's really better than the food in many hotels." Smacking his mouth, Su Qigang's eyes lit up, and he couldn't stop nodding in praise.

"It's not as good as what Mr. Su said. It's just cutting some fresh pheasant meat and adding no seasoning. Compared with the things in big hotels, there is no comparison." Su Qigang stopped the matter and said loudly Praise, Li Meijuan, who came out of the kitchen, retorted with some embarrassment.Li Meijuan also sat down and drank porridge with everyone after bringing the homemade pickles in her hand to the table.

"No, it's delicious." Luo Cheng took a sip of the porridge and replied seriously.

"Brother Luo, as long as he likes it, drink a few more bowls, and there will be plenty in the pot." Hearing everyone's praise for the porridge is good, Liu Dasheng felt that his face was even more proud.He patted Luo Cheng's shoulder happily, and exhorted with a smile on his face.

"Okay." Luo Cheng spoke concisely and nodded in agreement.He kept his word, and under everyone's astonished gazes, Luo Cheng downed three big bowls of meat porridge in one go.Everyone saw that Luo Cheng's drinking was about to see the bottom of the pot, and then they came back to their senses, took a few mouthfuls indiscriminately, rushed ahead of Luo Cheng, and rushed to pour the little porridge left into their own bowls.

Luo Cheng was such a villain, and Liu Dasheng just said a few polite words to him, but he took it seriously, and took the opportunity to drink half a pot of meat porridge to the bottom.After finally grabbing half a bowl of meat porridge, Su Qigang stole a sad look at Luo Cheng.Seeing that Luo Cheng was indifferent, he ignored him directly.The corner of Su Qigang's mouth twitched, and the top of his head was about to emit blue smoke.

The villain bit the spoon bitterly, Su Qigang cursed again and again in his heart.Seeing Luo Cheng raised his head and glanced at the porridge in his bowl, Su Qigang mistook Luo Cheng for not eating enough and wanted to trick him.Su Qigang quickly held the bowl tightly in his hand, put the spoon on the table, raised his head and drank the whole bowl of meat porridge into his stomach in one breath.Looking at the smooth bottom of the bowl, Su Qigang proudly cast a provocative look at Luo Cheng.

Liu Ying drank the sweet and delicious lean meat slowly, watching the interaction between Luo Cheng and Su Qigang out of the corner of her eyes.Seeing Su Qigang's naive demonstration, three black lines appeared on Liu Ying's forehead.Isn't it just a bowl of lean meat, as for it?Luckily, Su Qigang is still the only son of the Wool King, an upright son of a rich family, if he wants anything, won't he feel like he's losing his status by arguing with Luo Cheng for a bowl of porridge?

Liu Ying never knew that sometimes men would make such naive behaviors.

Seeing that Luo Cheng listened to his words, Liu Dasheng didn't think there was anything wrong after drinking three bowls.The soldier trains every day, and his appetite is naturally bigger than ordinary people. Fearing that Luo Cheng is not full, Liu Dasheng even asks Luo Cheng if he is full.When Liu Dasheng said this, he made Mr. Liu very angry.Half of the pot of porridge went into Luo Cheng's stomach, and he asked Luo Cheng if he was full.He only drank a bowl, why didn't the brat ask him if he was full.

Frowning and glaring at Liu Dasheng, Mr. Liu saw that Liu Dasheng didn't even look at him, the corners of his mouth twitched, and his eyes almost went straight with anger.

A good breakfast, eat some happy and some sad.Some people ate with joy, while others were full of anger.

After eating and drinking enough, Liu Hai and Liu Tao hurried back to the room, ready to start practicing mental techniques.Fearing that someone would break in suddenly and interrupt their training, they carefully locked the door behind them.Liu Ying could understand the feelings of her eldest brother and Liu Tao, so she didn't stop her.Mother and grandma were busy with the tableware, and it was not her turn to intervene. With nothing to do, Liu Ying went back to the room and lay on the bed happily eating fruit.Needless to say Xiao Jin, wherever Liu Ying went, he would follow.

As soon as Liu Ying and Xiao Jin walked away, Su Qigang couldn't sit still immediately, and then slid up.

And Luo Cheng, being dragged by Liu Dasheng to learn the scriptures, asked Luo Cheng how to raise the pigs well.It is not easy to get sick, and it can be slaughtered as soon as possible.Seeing Xiao Jin and Su Qigang follow up the stairs in a sneaky manner, how could he have the heart to teach Liu Dasheng these things, so he perfunctorily talked to Liu Dasheng, and hurriedly chased after him.In broad daylight, Liu Ying didn't do anything shady in the room, so Liu Ying didn't close the door.As soon as Su Qi knocked on the door, he walked in consciously.

The sharp eyes saw a large plate of distinctive fruits that Liu Ying was holding in her arms, her eyes lit up, and she went up to grab an apple in her hand.Regardless of whether it was dry or not, I just took a big bite with my mouth open, and it was juicy and delicious.Su Qigang had never eaten such a refreshing, crunchy and sweet apple, and couldn't help nodding in praise. "It's delicious. I didn't expect that apart from the delicious food, even the fruits in your family are so different."

(End of this chapter)

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