279 Chapter 1 Recurrence of old disease ([-])
Don't doubt it, it's not surprising at all. Under Liu Ying's escort, it would be a ghost if something happened.

Su Qigang drove the car to the maximum speed. Although he thought he had good driving skills, he was faced with unfamiliar road conditions and roadblocks that appeared from time to time.Su Qigang himself found it incredible that he was able to go all the way without incident and continue to maintain this speed.Looking up and casually seeing Liu Ying with a playful face, Su Qigang's mind moved, and he suddenly understood.

It seems that he was so lucky that nothing happened along the way, and Liu Ying must have been helping secretly.

Although I was a little curious about how Liu Ying did it, but now is the critical moment, even if Su Qigang was distracted, he continued to drive his car wholeheartedly. Ten minutes later, seeing the small town in front of him, Su Qigang's tense nerves finally relaxed.There is no so-called parking space in the city in the small town, as long as it does not hinder other people's roads, you can park anywhere.Just as Su Qi randomly found an empty seat, he stopped by the side of the road.

"Master, where are we going now, do you want my subordinates to come over and help find it?" Su Qigang identified Liu Ying as his master, even though he knew that Liu Ying was much younger than him.Opening his mouth to call Liu Ying as his teacher, Su Qigang didn't feel awkward at all, and called Liu Ying very smoothly.On the contrary, it was Liu Ying who suddenly heard Su Qigang's words, and rolled her eyes speechlessly.

Apparently, she didn't seem to agree to accept him as an apprentice, this Su Qigang really knows how to beat snakes and sticks.

"No, follow me." Straight out of the car, Liu Ying glanced at Su Qigang who was trying to please her, and the corner of her mouth twitched.Letting go of his consciousness, covered the town, and soon Liu Ying found Sun Qide who was hiding in a family's house in the town.Through his spiritual sense, he saw Sun Qide hiding in the room walking back and forth, taking out his flashlight from time to time to have a look.The corners of her mouth were slightly curved, and Liu Ying's eyes showed a glint of unknown meaning.

It turns out that this Sun Qide is really a thief, knowing that Su Qigang sent someone to track him down.It is wise not to choose to stay in a few small hotels in the town, the most dangerous place is the safest place.So I found a place in the town and borrowed it from someone else's house.Even if you don't want to rent out your own room, money can turn ghosts around, and if you are driven by money, it will naturally not be a problem.

"Wait for me." A flash of surprise flashed in Su Qigang's eyes, seeing that Liu Ying had a clear goal and walked ahead first.Su Qi just locked the car and hurriedly chased after him.

"The door is locked." Su Qigang frowned, and was about to pull out his gun and smash the lock open.

Standing downstairs, looking at the locked door, Liu Ying grabbed Su Qigang and walked in directly through the wall.The two men in charge of guarding the gate saw Liu Ying and Su Qigang coming in through the wall, and their whole bodies trembled in fright.Clenching the gun tightly in his hand, he wanted to shoot Liu Ying, but Liu Ying waved his hand easily, and the four strong men fell to the ground without a sound.

Su Qi was so shocked by Liu Ying's magical wall-penetrating technique that his jaw hadn't closed yet, and seeing Liu Ying's invisible and terrifying method of killing people, his eyes nearly popped out of their sockets.With his heart beating violently, Su Qigang stared stupidly at Liu Ying with sparkling eyes, and threw himself to the ground in admiration.Now Su Qigang was sure that the various methods Liu Ying possessed could never be as simple as supernatural powers.

Most of the normal supernatural powers are proficient in one kind of supernatural power, and more than two kinds of supernatural powers are rare species.Liu Ying revealed no less than five things along the way, and it is conceivable that things are getting more and more interesting.Su Qigang was so excited as if he had discovered a new continent, he couldn't help himself.

Liu Ying ignored Su Qigang's scorching gaze, and used the same method all the way to eliminate the guards around him.He went up to the third floor unimpeded, and used the same method to pass through the wall and enter the room where Sun Qide was.Seeing Sun Qide who was still walking back and forth anxiously without realizing it, Liu Ying grinned, and suddenly broke the silence in front of her eyes: "Sun Qide, you don't have to wait for Shorty Xiao's call, I'm already here."

"It's you?"

Startled by Liu Ying's abrupt voice, Sun Qide raised his head suddenly, and met Liu Ying's cold eyes.Even the well-informed Sun Qide was suffocated by the strong hostility in Liu Ying's eyes, and widened his eyes when he recognized the two who appeared suddenly.Sun Qide's face was ashamed, especially when he saw Su Qigang with a cold face beside Liu Ying, Sun Qide was so frightened that the phone in his hand fell to the ground.

"Eldest young master, I never thought I would be defeated by you. It seems that the heavens really don't want me to avenge Xueyun." Sun Qide murmured decadently with his shoulders slumped and his eyes glazed over.

"No, Mr. Sun, you are wrong. You were not defeated by me, but by my master. As for whether God will open his eyes, I think Mr. Sun should know it well. At the beginning, it was Sun Xueyun who asked for her own death. Please ask the killer to kill my master first. When my master is forced to do so, he fights back and kills Sun Xueyun. The whole story is her own fault, and she has no one to blame."

After listening to Sun Qide's still unrepentant words, Su Qigang smiled jokingly, and told what Sun Qide had been unwilling to admit.


Hearing Su Qigang's incomprehensible words, Sun Qide was taken aback for a moment, wondering when this Young Master Su whom he had grown up with since he was a child worshiped a master.Following Su Qigang's gaze, Sun Qide's face changed drastically when he realized that the so-called master Su Qigang said was the murderer of his precious daughter.A look of shock appeared in his eyes, was it her?
This, how is this possible, Sun Qide knows the ability of the young master better than anyone else.This beautiful woman who looks like a vase in front of her is actually the master of the young master, how is this possible.However, if it was an accident that Xue'er and the assassin he invited were killed by this girl named Liu Ying, then the dwarf Xiao Xiao he invited this time should not be an accident.

Since the Eldest Young Master said that this cheap girl killed her, then she did it. Sun Qide knows best that the proud Eldest Young Master is the one who disdains to lie the most.And now that things have come to this, there is no need for the young master to lie to him.It was really her, staring at the sweetly smiling Liu Ying, Sun Qide gasped, he never thought that he would be mistaken and mistake the wolf for an white sheep.

If he had known that Liu Ying was so powerful, he would not have been so stupid and just invited the dwarf to laugh as a killer.No, he was not reconciled to being defeated like this, his face sank, and Sun Qide almost gritted his silver teeth.Thinking of something, Sun Qide looked at Liu Ying and suddenly curled his lips into a sinister smile. This was originally the worst plan, but unexpectedly it actually came into use.Taking out a black remote control from his pocket, Sun Qide broke his heart and laughed maniacally: "Hmph, so what if you fail, if you want the old man's life, use yours as a cushion."

After finishing speaking, Sun Qide pressed the red button without hesitation.

"No, that's the control button of the bomb." Su Qi just recognized what was in Sun Qide's hand at a glance, his face turned pale with fright, and he exclaimed.It was too late to stop him, so he could only watch Sun Qide press the button.

(End of this chapter)

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