Chapter 287
How come after living in Liu's house for a few days, the whole person changes, completely like a different person.If it wasn't for the fact that the young master was still the same as before, giving orders to them in a moody way, Fei Ying couldn't help but wonder if the young master Su had been transferred.

"Stop, stand up for me and don't show such a disgusting stupid look, Boss Zhou, please show us the prefabricated room with a balcony first." Rolling her eyes, Liu Ying scolded angrily .Seeing Su Qigang standing upright knowingly and not being funny anymore, Liu Ying's complexion eased, and then she turned her gaze to Zhou Caiwang and said in a deep voice.

Liu Ying is half a semester away from graduating from the college entrance examination, but her eldest brother and younger brother say that they will stay in the county for a few years to go to school.After careful consideration, Liu Ying decided to buy a better house so that the family would have a place to stay.This neighborhood is a bit out of the way, but it is quieter and the security in the neighborhood is not bad.Anyway, I have a car at home, so I am not afraid that I will not be able to get in the car, and it will be inconvenient to get in and out.

"Okay, please follow me."

Liu Ying scolded Su Qigang unceremoniously, Zhou Caiwang was shocked and his face changed.She took a step back indiscriminately, fearing that Liu Ying would offend Su Qigang, she drew out her gun and went straight to the fight.However, when he saw that Su Qigang was not the slightest bit angry, he actually listened to Liu Ying's instructions, behaved like a rabbit, and obediently stood at attention Su Qigang.Zhou Caiwang was so shocked that his jaw almost fell to the ground, and he blinked, afraid that his eyes might be wrong.

Oh my god, is this really the only son of the Wool King he knew, the lawless Young Master Su in Tengchong?

Seeing Su Qigang's knife-like glare at him with sharp eyes, Zhou Caiwang trembled in fright, and his face turned pale.In an instant, Zhou Caiwang was [-]% sure, absolutely unmistakable, that this person was the murderous Young Master Su.

Lowering his head and shrinking his neck, Zhou Caiwang put away his careful thoughts, and seriously led the crowd to one of the high-rise residences.The decoration in the lobby is exquisite but gorgeous, and one can tell that the neighborhood must be sold at a high price.Sitting in the elevator all the way up to the 23rd floor on the top floor, Liu Dasheng and his wife Li Meijuan saw the luxurious and jaw-dropping house, and their hearts tightened for a while.

Li Meijuan leaned close to Liu Ying's ear, and whispered, "Yingying, this house is definitely not cheap, let's not buy such an expensive one, just find a house with ordinary decoration."

"Yes, Yingying."

Liu Dasheng frowned uncomfortably when he saw the luxuriously decorated house, which was not much different from the one on TV.Hearing Li Meijuan's words, Liu Dasheng couldn't help but agree.This house is not only beautiful, but also not small in size, at least two hundred square meters.According to Boss Zhou's introduction this time, there is an open-air balcony outside, which adds up to about [-] pings.

More than 300 ping square meters, how much is that worth, Liu Dasheng's scalp tingles when he thinks about it.

Grandma Li was born as a landlady anyway, and used to even have maids to serve her.Seeing such a beautiful big house, he was taken aback for a moment, and then looked around with his usual expression.Seeing the panic-stricken Li Meijuan and Liu Dasheng, Grandma Li shook her head.Now Yingying's status is not that of a poor little village girl, except that she is short of money, she is still a half-god.

In the past, the economy did not allow it, and living in a small building in the countryside was already wronged Yingying.Now that I have moved out, if I don't find a decent house with a high status, it's really not good.Before Liu Ying could answer, Grandma Li spoke up first, reprimanding her.

"Juanzi, Dasheng, you have to change your narrow old thinking. What is Yingying's status now, how can she be wronged and live in that kind of low-end house again. Yingying, don't bother with your parents, they are just brains I still can’t turn the corner, but after a long time, I’ll just get used to it.”

"Mom?" Liu Dasheng and Li Meijuan were taken aback by Grandma Li's sudden reprimand, and looked at each other in astonishment.

"Grandma?" Liu Ying didn't expect Grandma Li to be so open-minded. After thinking about it, she soon figured out why grandma could accept it so quickly.Although grandma had an unsatisfactory life for the rest of her life, she still kept her vision of being a wealthy family in her bones.

"Mom, think about it for yourself, don't embarrass Yingying." Grandma Li looked at Li Meijuan who was dumbfounded, and gave Li Meijuan an angry look.

"Miss Liu, I don't know if you like this house or not. If you don't think it's suitable, you can go to another house to have a look." Liu Ying of the Lord.Zhou Caiwang also understood what the grandparents and grandchildren just said, and couldn't help but wonder about the identity of Liu Ying's family.

Liu Dasheng and his wife looked like grandma Liu entering the big garden, they were stunned, and they knew they were people who had never seen the world.On the contrary, it's the old and the young, which is impressive.He was calm and self-possessed, and was not intimidated by the luxurious decoration of the house at all, especially the words of this rosy-faced old woman shocked Zhou Caiwang even more.

An unpopular house?


After listening to Grandma Li's words, Zhou Caiwang was even more curious about Liu Ying's identity.

Liu Ying took a careful look at the house. The house is big enough, but the decoration is a bit tacky.The top floor also has an open-air balcony, which is good, but the floor is too high.In case of a power outage in the elevator, asking grandma to climb up to more than [-] floors would kill the old man.Shaking her head, Liu Ying thought of something, her eyes lit up.

"This house is nice, but the floor is too high, so it's inconvenient for the elderly to live in the house. By the way, Boss Zhou, didn't you just say that there are still unsold villas in the community that have been renovated, please take us to have a look."

"No problem, Ms. Liu, I'll take everyone to see it now." In the small county town, there are not many people who are rich and spend big money. Zhou Caiwang developed this high-end community, but he didn't make much money. I lost a lot for not selling a set.Hearing Liu Ying's intention to buy a villa, Zhou Caiwang's face suddenly showed joy, and the smile on his face deepened a little.

Twenty or thirty villas can be sold for one set.If someone starts, maybe someone will follow suit, and maybe they will also come to buy a set.It is not impossible that rich people like comparisons most.

Buy a villa?Li Meijuan and Liu Dasheng looked at each other, and after listening to Grandma Li's words, the two finally changed their minds.But when Liu Ying suddenly heard that she wanted to buy a villa, the couple was frightened again.He followed everyone downstairs with light footsteps, got on the sightseeing car, and everyone came to the villa area.Seeing the beautiful and dazzling villas, and the small gardens with red flowers and willows, Li Meijuan's eyes became straight.

Beauty, it is so beautiful, if you can live in such a beautiful villa, a short life of two years is worth it.

"Miss Liu, to tell you the truth, I spent all my money on this group of villas, and the price is much higher than that of ordinary houses. Until now, this villa has not been sold because the price is too expensive. Originally, there was no discount. Yes, but since Ms. Liu was brought by Young Master Su, I will make an exception and give you a 800% discount. After the discount, it only costs [-] million. Ms. Liu thinks about it, everything in it is complete. If you like it, Ms. Liu You can move in today."

(End of this chapter)

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