Chapter 289 Kicking to the iron plate (2)
"Su Qigang, what do you mean?"

"Master, I have never given gifts to others, and I don't know what to give to this new house. Hehe, so, so I just want to send a check to Master. Whatever Master wants to buy, just buy it yourself " Scratching his fiery red hair, Su Qigang explained with embarrassment, his face red.

From childhood to adulthood, with Su Qigang's identity, others have always given him gifts, and there has never been a time when he wants to give others things in reverse.As for chasing girls, Su Qigang really never gave any woman a gift.Most of the women who are sent to the door are either stuck to the door by himself, or Feiying forced his virginity, so he doesn't need to spend any thought at all.He just needs to wait to wear the packaging and eat people directly.

Get a check to buy?Liu Ying looked at Su Qigang in astonishment. She had seen people who were awesome, but she had never seen someone as awesome as Su Qigang.Comparing Su Qigang with Luo Cheng, Liu Ying suddenly found that it was a good gift for Luo Cheng to give him a ring.

Stared at by Liu Ying's strange gaze, Su Qigang couldn't help but blushed.Fearing that Liu Ying would return the check, Su Qigang took a deep breath and said hastily, "This money is nothing, Master just accept it."

5000 million is nothing, Liu Ying glared at Su Qigang, it was really what the rich man said, he didn't take money seriously.However, Liu Ying thought for a moment about Su Qigang's father, Su Zhenhua, and there are mountains as high as mountains.Just for the sake of the emperor green material, 30 billion eyes without blinking, compared with this mere 5000 million, it's really nothing.The wool king is not joking, just sell a few pieces of wool and you will get back your money.After thinking about this, Liu Ying accepted the 5000 million check without being polite to Su Qigang.


"You're welcome, as long as the master is willing to accept me as an apprentice, no matter how much money you have, the apprentice is willing to honor the master." With a smile on his face, Su Qigang hinted sternly.He has already taken the first step, and now he called Master, Liu Ying did not refute, and went deep into the grassroots step by step.Su Qigang is confident that it won't be long before Liu Ying will soften his heart and admit him as an apprentice.

Eyebrows raised slightly, Su Qigang felt that the future was bright.

"You know how to count. Come on, let's talk about it after accepting apprentices. Don't act like a good boy. Seeing that you have helped a lot this time, I can give you a chance. If you can pass the test, I will accept you." This apprentice."

Catching the seriousness in Su Qigang's eyes, Liu Ying thought about Su Qigang's performance recently.Except for the occasional smiley face in front of her, Su Qigang can still be trusted when it comes to business.If you really want to recruit disciples, compared with Princess Huayang, Su Qigang is obviously much more reliable than Princess Huayang in all aspects.Apart from the fact that Linggen is better than Princess Huayang, the most important thing is that although Su Qigang is a bit cautious, at least he won't pretend to be in front of her.Take her as one of his own and show his true side.

Her face darkened, Liu Ying thought to herself, maybe she should think about it.Su Qigang is not bad, with a single spiritual root of the fire element, if he endures the loneliness of training, he is definitely a good seed.It would be a pity to see him fend for himself, or be snatched away.After thinking about it a few times in her mind, Liu Ying already had the answer in her heart.

However, thinking about it this way, Liu Ying didn't want to let Su Qigang get his wish so soon.It's too easy to get, and it's often not cherished for too long. She still has to grind Su Qigang well to let him know how rare this opportunity is.

"Really, thank you, Master. You can test it, Master." Liu Ying suddenly let go, making Su Qigang overjoyed.

No pains, no gains, finally a little hope.

"Big sister."

"Sister, I also want to worship my sister as my teacher."

When Liu Hai and Liu Tao heard that Liu Ying agreed to consider taking Su Qigang as his apprentice, the brothers couldn't help but red-eyed.Although Liu Ying also taught them martial arts, she did not recognize them as formal apprentices.

"Brother, Taozi, you don't have spiritual roots, you can't learn my skills except martial arts." Glancing at the burning eyes of elder brother and Liu Tao, Liu Ying shook her head and explained with a little regret in her tone.

"Spirit root?" Liu Tao was taken aback for a moment, and suddenly remembered what Liu Ying had mentioned to him before, and the expectations that had risen in that moment disappeared in an instant.By the way, my sister told him that without spiritual roots, there would be no fairy fate, so she couldn't teach him.However, my sister said that she would consider taking Brother Su as an apprentice. Does that mean that Brother Su has spiritual roots and can practice spells like her sister.

His gaze flickered, and Liu Tao looked at Su Qigang enviously.

"Big sister, what is a spiritual root? Why don't Taozi and I have one, but brother Su does." Liu Hai asked the answer that Luo Cheng, Feiying and others most wanted to know.

What is a spiritual root, why do you have to have a spiritual root to worship Liu Ying as a teacher.

"Brother, me?" Liu Ying was at a loss for words when asked by her brother, and she really didn't know how to explain what a spirit root was.Looking at Su Qigang inadvertently, Liu Ying winked and signaled Su Qigang to perform for everyone to see how he is different from everyone else.

Su Qigang received the wink from Liu Ying, without saying a word, not afraid of scaring people, he performed his most proud unique skill in public.As soon as the thought moved, the whole body was immediately surrounded by a layer of scorching flames.In just a split second, with the appearance of this layer of flames, the surrounding air continuously soared in an instant.It's obviously winter, and it's so cold that people can breathe out cold smoke.

However, at this moment, everyone felt that there were beads of sweat all over their bodies.

It's hot, it's so hot, there's no need to doubt it, I'm 100% sure that the layer of flames surrounding Su Qigang is absolutely real, not a trick.Except for Liu Ying and Fei Ying who knew Su Qigang's ability, everyone else was shocked by Su Qigang's show.Luo Cheng is a colonel in the army, and the elders in the family are all political veterans, and they have heard of the country's secret dragon group for a long time.He even worked together with the members of the dragon group, and he could tell at a glance what Su Qigang's ability was.

"This is the fire ability." Luo Cheng stated with his brows furrowed tightly.Looking at Liu Ying thoughtfully, Luo Cheng was a little curious. Since Su Qigang possessed supernatural powers, he was willing to worship Yingying as his teacher.Well, does this mean that Yingying is also a supernatural being?Thinking of Liu Ying's terrifying skills, even if Liu Ying didn't say anything, Luo Cheng would suspect that Liu Ying could never be an ordinary person.

It's messed up, if Yingying is a supernatural being and the country finds out, they will definitely try their best to win her into the dragon group.If Yingying refuses to enter the dragon group, as a supernatural person, the country is for the sake of safety.They will definitely send someone to monitor Yingying secretly to prevent Yingying from making dangerous actions.As long as there is a change, the dragon group will definitely kill to avoid future troubles.

The dragon group has great power. Although he is a colonel, he doesn't have to order any member of the dragon group.Not to mention the leaders of the dragon group, the real power holders of the country, even grandpa, have no right to interfere in the affairs of the dragon group.

(End of this chapter)

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